On the subject of Sonic Booms and Psycho Crushers...

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Edited By Johnny_Reckless

Okay, so all of the talk about Street Fighter IV got me hooked, and being a poor college student, I searched for a few games to trade towards a PS3 copy of the game.  However, before I get into that, some backstory.

I, like most of us, played me some Street Fighter back in the day, most extensively my Game Boy copy of Street Fighter 2 (which was fairly impressive considering the system it was on).  Not being able to afford a home console during the 16-bit era, I was forced to only play other friend's consoles, and I read every magazine strategy guide that I could get my hands on for the load of SF releases over the years.  There was just something about the characters, the simple yet completely nuanced gameplay, and the great graphics that spoke to me.  I was even a big fan as a young child of the Jean-Claude Van Damme Street Fighter movie, which looking back may be one of the totally best and totally worst movies ever made (there are so many things wrong with it that it becomes endearing, kinda like a dog with three legs, one eye and no tail. I mean, how can you really hate something that has so many limitations?)  So needless to say Street Fighter is a part of my childhood.  However, when I got totally into gaming during the Playstation era, I grew away from the SF series, and when I returned to it, the AI always made me mad.  Somewhere in my transition to the world of 3D gaming, I lost my love of fighting in the streets.

Now, a little bit older and no doubt very little wiser, I chose to return to the series that has both caused me great amounts of love and great amounts of fury.  Realizing that three games would give me an extra 10 at Gamestop, I looked through my collection, and chose the following three: Army of Two, COD 4, and MK vs DCU, and got me a copy for 8 bucks.  To tell you the truth, I will never miss those games now that I have played the Messiah of Fighting Games.  Yes, I have said it, Street  Fighter IV is the best fighting game I have ever played.  I have never played another fighting game that has connected with me more than Street Fighter 4.  Between the amazing art style, the instantly familiar and yet totally fresh feeling gameplay, and the soundtrack that really shines ("Indestructible" will never get out of my head ), this game is the total package.  This is what the sequel to a classic series should be.  I picked up the controller, chose Zangief, and was immediately throwing spinning piledrivers, lariats, and flying powerbombs with familiar ease.  Yes, I get my ass removed, shined up, packaged, and handed back to me by nearly everyone online, but after years of leaving my Street Fighting aside, I'm slowly getting back into practice.  I was one of the people that loved MK vs DCU, but this game has made me wanna ask, MK who?  Okay, seriously though, I still love me some MK vs DCU and will continue to play it with my buddy who will never fail to represent the fatality, but for me "HADOKEN!" will forever mean more than "FINISH HIM!" ever will.

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#1  Edited By Johnny_Reckless

Okay, so all of the talk about Street Fighter IV got me hooked, and being a poor college student, I searched for a few games to trade towards a PS3 copy of the game.  However, before I get into that, some backstory.

I, like most of us, played me some Street Fighter back in the day, most extensively my Game Boy copy of Street Fighter 2 (which was fairly impressive considering the system it was on).  Not being able to afford a home console during the 16-bit era, I was forced to only play other friend's consoles, and I read every magazine strategy guide that I could get my hands on for the load of SF releases over the years.  There was just something about the characters, the simple yet completely nuanced gameplay, and the great graphics that spoke to me.  I was even a big fan as a young child of the Jean-Claude Van Damme Street Fighter movie, which looking back may be one of the totally best and totally worst movies ever made (there are so many things wrong with it that it becomes endearing, kinda like a dog with three legs, one eye and no tail. I mean, how can you really hate something that has so many limitations?)  So needless to say Street Fighter is a part of my childhood.  However, when I got totally into gaming during the Playstation era, I grew away from the SF series, and when I returned to it, the AI always made me mad.  Somewhere in my transition to the world of 3D gaming, I lost my love of fighting in the streets.

Now, a little bit older and no doubt very little wiser, I chose to return to the series that has both caused me great amounts of love and great amounts of fury.  Realizing that three games would give me an extra 10 at Gamestop, I looked through my collection, and chose the following three: Army of Two, COD 4, and MK vs DCU, and got me a copy for 8 bucks.  To tell you the truth, I will never miss those games now that I have played the Messiah of Fighting Games.  Yes, I have said it, Street  Fighter IV is the best fighting game I have ever played.  I have never played another fighting game that has connected with me more than Street Fighter 4.  Between the amazing art style, the instantly familiar and yet totally fresh feeling gameplay, and the soundtrack that really shines ("Indestructible" will never get out of my head ), this game is the total package.  This is what the sequel to a classic series should be.  I picked up the controller, chose Zangief, and was immediately throwing spinning piledrivers, lariats, and flying powerbombs with familiar ease.  Yes, I get my ass removed, shined up, packaged, and handed back to me by nearly everyone online, but after years of leaving my Street Fighting aside, I'm slowly getting back into practice.  I was one of the people that loved MK vs DCU, but this game has made me wanna ask, MK who?  Okay, seriously though, I still love me some MK vs DCU and will continue to play it with my buddy who will never fail to represent the fatality, but for me "HADOKEN!" will forever mean more than "FINISH HIM!" ever will.

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#2  Edited By kush

Just posting to unlock this from the forums.

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#3  Edited By sgt_match

I haven't played any sf4 yet... so I will wait to prove you wrong.  The characters in Street Fighter are mere stereotypes and in past games spamming E. Honda's fast attack always allowed me to kick ass.  No game will reward you for juggling combos like MK.  So in the meantime, I can only call you a douchebag.