Your Gamer Origin Story/History-

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#1  Edited By Ferginator4k

I made this post to see if people would share their gamer origin story, but be aware that i started gaming at the age of 4-5.

My Gamer Origin Story begins in Singapore were i witnessed the End of Arcade gaming and played the HELL out of arcade games like Guantlet, Metal Slug, Bomberman and Marvel VS Capcom.
From there i began geting into adventure games like Kings Quest and obviously at my age "The Old Freddy Fish Adventure games".
Then a friend at Primary school introduced me to Age Of Mythology, my First RTS game and i got my hands on the game and havnt let go to this day.
I was introduced to FPS games through a friend of my parents who was a hardcore PC gamer, who lent me his copy of UT2K4 and i still boot that up from time to time.
From there i began playing Flash games on sites like Newgrounds, before trying my First RPG....
My first RPG was World of Warcraft, which was given to me by a friend and i played that for about 4 years.

Anyway that brings us to the present in which I am going backwards in gaming history to play games i missed, e.g. System Shock 2 and DOOM.

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#2  Edited By optimusprime223

Good idea for a thread.

Well I started gaming about age 8 when my uncle brought a DOS based pc to our house. It had asteroids on it which I played alot, generally without my Dads permission to use the computer!

I was then informed we had a zx spectrum in the house and the first game I played on that was Ghostbusters (and yes it was awesome!). It was about this time I was more into cartoons and tv like Star Trek: TNG and M.A.S.K and Transformers, so gaming wasnt a massive thing until I was given a Mega Drive for christmas when I was 10.

I played that alot, renting some games and playing tons of them such as Street Fighter 2 Turbo and Mortal Kombat. Unfortunatly I then pretty much skipped a console generation and played purely on PC's with games such as Wing Commander (played em all) the original Command and Conquer games and titles like Half Life and Doom, as well as the Lucasarts adventures. That was were much of my gaming was done until I bought a PS2 off my brother in law in 2001.

My obession with games truely began there and I havent looked back since. I owned a ps2, xbox and gamecube and a pc and alternated between each for different games and now I do the same but on the modern consoles, and have added in a psp and DS.

That is my origin story. Mmmm i feel like I should have put in a tale of super powers and great battles or something. Oh well! lol

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#3  Edited By Ferginator4k

 i skipped the PS1/N64 generation also, but due to my age

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#4  Edited By Captain_Fookup

Got an Atari 2600 when I was aboot four years old, been hooked evar since.

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#5  Edited By Black_Raven

I cant remember exactly when i started because I've had some form of gaming system in my house since I was born, the first console I played was my dads Atari 2600 and when I was about 5 I got a PC and played games like doom and duke nukem. I never got a N64 but i got a PlayStation, PS2, Xbox then xbox 360. I only really got into PC gaming a few years ago and now its my primary gaming platform. 

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#6  Edited By Red

Being born in the early-mid 90s in a house with two (much older) brothers, I never got to play many games growing up. I played the odd round of Tekken 2 and Mario Kart at my friends' house, but I was never really into actually playing games. I did watch my brothers play games like Final Fantasy VII, but it wasn't until the Gameboy Advance came around that I actually started to play games. I would spend all my money looking for a good game. I would watch a show every week called "Electric Playground" and afterwards "Reviews on the Run" which was my very first peak into the Video Game industry. They would give me the scoops, and just tell me games I'd like. While I did own mounds and mounds of crap, I managed to play some awesome games--like Fire Emblem and Golden Sun. 

Growing up, I had always been a fan of anime, be it Pokemon or Dragonball Z, I would spend hours plopped in front of the TV. Because of my light familiarity with Japan and my exposure to Final Fantasy as a child, I would generally lead towards Japanese Role Playing Games; I'd decide whether they were good or not by web advertisements, boxart, and overall familiarity. I finally branched out to console and PC games with Ratchet and Clank and Knights of the Old Republic, but I would mostly stay hunched over my GBA. It wasn't until the release of the PSP and my utter disappointment with its game catalogue that I started to visit sites like Gamespot. While I was still as judgemental and fanboyish as before, now I had a weapon.

 I would browse through Gamespot reviews, watching them and recognizing the cast. I'd look for news about upcoming games from my favorite franchises, and I'd read walkthroughs and FAQs when I was stuck. I slowly started to become a passive member of the videogame community. After losing my GBA and replacing it with a DS, I started to edge away from Sony consoles and over to nintendo. It was in the first quarter of 2007 where I had to make a choice. I could choose Sony or Nintendo.

I chose Nintendo and I miraculously managed to get my hands on a Wii; even after getting an old Gamecube for Christmas. I played it, I loved it. I played the Gamecube games I wanted to play when I was over at camp Sony. Everything was great until I heard about a little game called Mass Effect. I loved Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and its sequel, and I was utterly fascinated by Bioware's new IP. While waiting 3 months after its release until I could get my hands on it, I researched everything I could about it. I joined the BioWare forums. I watched and read countless previews and followed the success of Mass Effect. 

Christmas rolled by, and I played Mass Effect, which I loved. While browsing G4 one January afternoon, I found an intriguing video. It was about Jeff. I heard Jeff was fired from GameSpot, so I watched the video, which plugged I visited this site and found a new home. I listened to bombcasts, and decided I wanted to learn more about the video game industry. Thus, I started my crusade to learn everything I needed to about video games. Hundreds of retrospectives, wikipedia pages and podcasts later, I was no longer a fanboy. I sold my Wii after getting bored with it, and bought a PS3. Over the past year and a half my perspective and feelings towards games has changed completely--all of which I thank this site for.
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#7  Edited By suneku

I started around age 3 or 4. My first taste of video games was Super Mario Bros on the NES. My cousin had decided to give me his NES and all his games... but I think it was because a SNES came out pretty soon after. That's pretty much it, played with all consoles released after the SNES except for a coupld Sega consoles. And... well I'm here now. Can't really remember off the top of my head everything in between now and when I started playing games hah.

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#8  Edited By StarFoxA

I started gaming in like 2003, when my friend showed me his Game Boy Advance and Nintendo 64. That year, I got a GameCube for Christmas.

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#9  Edited By super_machine

I started on the Atari 800 and moved onto the NES and SNES. But, I also played a lot of PC games. I've probably played every PC game worth playing from 1991 to 2003. I lost interest in PC since then.

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#10  Edited By ValkyrieGoddess

I started out by playing Joust on the Atari. I went to a cousins house and he was playing the first Zelda game on the NES. I asked if i could try and he reluctantly gave me the controller.
I've been loving video games ever since.

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#11  Edited By WilliamRLBaker

I've been playing longer then all of you:)
Because my parents actually believed the doctors that video games help children develop which is why my parents got an atari 2600 when i was like...2..

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#12  Edited By Claude

I was 10 years old and my friend got Pong in 1975. My family bought an Atari 2600 in 1978, and I've been playing video games every since.

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#13  Edited By Retrogimp

Street Fighter 2 was my first foray into the gaming world - playing at my big cousins house, and then begging my parents for a SNES and Street Fighter for Christmas. I pretty much became a Nintendo fanboy after that and followed through with the N64 (my favourite era of gaming, aside from now), the Gamecube (although, here I almost lost interest), and after a short hiatus with the PS2, I succumbed to the will of the XBox 360. However, when I begin to earn more money I plan to expand my horizons, and hope to own all platforms.

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#14  Edited By Diamond

I made a blog post about it a few weeks ago

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#15  Edited By AgentJ
Ferginator4k said:
"I made this post to see if people would share their gamer origin story, but be aware that i started gaming at the age of 4-5.My Gamer Origin Story begins in Singapore were i witnessed the End of Arcade gaming and played the HELL out of arcade games like Guantlet, Metal Slug, Bomberman and Marvel VS Capcom.From there i began geting into adventure games like Kings Quest and obviously at my age "The Old Freddy Fish Adventure games".Then a friend at Primary school introduced me to Age Of Mythology, my First RTS game and i got my hands on the game and havnt let go to this day.I was introduced to FPS games through a friend of my parents who was a hardcore PC gamer, who lent me his copy of UT2K4 and i still boot that up from time to time.From there i began playing Flash games on sites like Newgrounds, before trying my First RPG....My first RPG was World of Warcraft, which was given to me by a friend and i played that for about 4 years.Anyway that brings us to the present in which I am going backwards in gaming history to play games i missed, e.g. System Shock 2 and DOOM."
I was so jealous of everyone else in my neighborhood because they had video game consoles. My next door neighbor had an N64 which we played Smash Bros on a lot, and the other closest friend(who was a complete asshole) in my area had a Sega Genesis. I'm not sure how I convinced my parents, but when the Gameboy Color came out i was there within a few days getting it and Pokemon Red. Lol, i was such a noob that when my character woke up in game i couldn't figure out how to get out of the house (there was a little carpet area signifing where the door was, but i didn't realize that). That was pretty much the only game i remember playing back in the day(got the stuff in like 3rd grade or something) and by 4th grade I had caught them all! The last creature i obtained was a vulpix(already had a ninetails from a prior trade).
I eventually got a Gameboy Advance, but what I was really looking forward to was getting my first home console. I obviously had the choice between the Playstation 2 which was already available, and the Gamecube and Xbox, which were coming out at the end of 2001. By this time i was getting Nintendo Power, and realized that a sequel to my beloved Super Smash Bros was coming out for the Gamecube. That kind of destroyed any arguement I may have had going on in my head. (frankly im happy that I made that choice, because the PS2 had fallen out of the running as a console i wanted, and in retrospect the original XBOX had a pretty poor lineup.) The trio of Metroid Prime, F-Zero GX and Soul Calibur 2 turned me into a core gamer, not to mention Tales of Symphonia and Resident Evil 4 later on. And I put SOOOO much time into that Super Smash Bros Melee. I had all of the characters unlocked within 3 days of getting the game, and thats after unlocking Mewtwo by playing in 20 hours of brawls.
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#16  Edited By TheHBK

Started when I would visit my cousins house who had and NES, and loved to play the simpsons game, Bart vs the World I think. then I got an SNES for Christmas 1992, it was awesome.  Had two controllers and Super Mario World.  Got Ninja Turtles 4, classic, and Donkey Kong Country.  Super Mario Kart.  It was such a great system.  Got the N64 and played goldeneye and WWF Wrestlemania 2000 and that was pretty much it for that system.  All I needed.  Then had a dreamcast, (crazy taxi and sonic adventure, unreal tournament, chu chu rocket), then a PS2 (MGS2, Soul Reaver 2, GTA), Gamecube (Zelda, rouge Squadron), Xbox (Halo, KOTOR), Xbox 360 (Halo 3, Gears, Cod4) and a PS3 (Killzone 2) and a wii (Super Mario galaxy)

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#17  Edited By sketch

There was a NES in the house before I was born, but I was bought a Mega Drive when I was 4 (I could read well at that point, but please don't look too much into it). I just caught the end of that generation, and i'm immensely glad I did. I  inadvertantly was bought games which are apparently now considered classics.

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#18  Edited By The_Dude

         We had, had NES, and SNES before when I was little and I played the Mario games and what not but never got really into games then. I think I was just to young to really appreciate or understand what was going on. However, I got a little bit older and games had still yet to hit me, until one fateful night. My dad came home from work with a CD in his hand, he handed it to me and I carefuly deciphered the words on it, they said "Duke Nukem 3D".

      My dad explained to me that it was a computer game that his friend said we should try. He helped me install it, and showed me how to launch it from the command prompt. I was immediatly  sucked into the game world, It was like nothing I had ever seen before. I spent that summer finding other games I had missed out on, I found and played, Doom, and quake, amongest some other random games. I could tell that I had missed out, but I was glad that my dad opened me up to this world of video games.

And I have been hooked ever since.

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#19  Edited By Video_Game_King

I've been playing for as long as I can remember. Hell, I still have memories of my older brother getting to the final level in the SNES Aladdin. I thought it was a dungeon, but much later on, I discovered it was the palace (under Jafar's rule).

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#20  Edited By maxszy

I don't have a specific age but I started with a NES. I played a lot of games like Double Dragon, Skate or Die, Mario, etc. I never went to Arcade's though but that is mainly because i'm 21 now and was born in '87 so I kind of missed that.

I remember when I got my SNES though and that was amazing. Donkey Kong, oh DK. I played so much of that. I then went on to the N64 and it really started there. First game I ever played was Shadow of the Empire. Bought the N64 pretty much when it came out, didn't have the money for any games though so I rented Shadow of the Empire. Played that a lot, got the gold cartridge Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye of course, Mario 64, Waverace (oh that was good!) and many, many more. Blue cartridge of Tony Hawk of all things.

After that though it took a turn and I somehow discovered PC gaming. Not quite sure how it happened, but it did. PC gaming lasted me years. Though I did have a Dreamcast and I played a lot of Jet Grind Radio, Crazy Taxi, Ecco the dolphin and so forth. I didn't do it that often. I also ended having a Gamecube though but a PC was still dominant. So pretty much till I got a 360 in 2007, PC gaming was everything to me. I wont even begin to name them all but I played lots and lots of games on PC. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is a personal favorite, as well as Homeworld. Original Need for Speed was great too. As well as Hot Pursuit. Played No One Lives Forever a ton when that came out in 2001 I think it was. Settlers III was a big name to. Mainly quest of the Amazons. Also ended up doing LOTS of Lan Parties starting in around 7th-8th grade lasting through high schoo. But anyway... untill I got a 360 a couple years ago it was PC.

I think what got me away from PC gaming is the damn hardware requirements. They just started spiking so much and I just couldn't afford to keep up. Though the big thing abscent for me as some of you may of realized, is a PS2. I never had one, I missed it. I was PC gaming at the time. So perhaps this price drop to $99 will give me a chance to get a great PS2 library and a console for a couple hundred bucks and play games that I should have played long ago.

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#21  Edited By REDRUN

I use to pull up a crate to play a pinball machine at a local bar when I was 4 years old. I usually had Pepsi, on the rocks there as my usual.