I just started college

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Edited By Wolverine

So this week was my first week of college. Right now I'm commuting so I'm still living at home. What I like about college is how much more free time I have. It's weird though because I'm still living in my town and majority of the people I went to high school with went away for college. My two best friends are still here though so it isn't to strange. One of them graduated with me but is taking a semester off to work and the other is a senior in high school. The hard thing about college for me so far is managing my time. I get tempted to play video games for hours upon hours because I have so much free time. Does anyone have any advice on how to manage time during college? Also does anyone have any general advice about college? Thanks

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#1  Edited By Wolverine

So this week was my first week of college. Right now I'm commuting so I'm still living at home. What I like about college is how much more free time I have. It's weird though because I'm still living in my town and majority of the people I went to high school with went away for college. My two best friends are still here though so it isn't to strange. One of them graduated with me but is taking a semester off to work and the other is a senior in high school. The hard thing about college for me so far is managing my time. I get tempted to play video games for hours upon hours because I have so much free time. Does anyone have any advice on how to manage time during college? Also does anyone have any general advice about college? Thanks

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#2  Edited By Wildfire570

All I can say is procrastination is a big NONO! Sometimes the video games have to wait, but once your done with the tasks and out of the way, then you can have fun playing video games. Also as a commuter myself its best to get there early (maybe about 20-30 mins early) for the best parking spot, trust me its worth it!

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#3  Edited By Wolverine
@Wildfire570 said:
" All I can say is procrastination is a big NONO! Sometimes the video games have to wait, but once your done with the tasks and out of the way, then you can have fun playing video games. Also as a commuter myself its best to get there early (maybe about 20-30 mins early) for the best parking spot, trust me its worth it! "
Awesome, thanks for the feedback! So what your saying is pretty much to get my homework done as soon as possible right? Would you say overall college is much more difficult then high school?
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#4  Edited By Torrim
@Wildfire570 said:
" All I can say is procrastination is a big NONO! Sometimes the video games have to wait, but once your done with the tasks and out of the way, then you can have fun playing video games. Also as a commuter myself its best to get there early (maybe about 20-30 mins early) for the best parking spot, trust me its worth it! "
Haha, I can't stress enough how getting a good parking spot will reduce your stress and help you be on time.  It's always been a problem for every college I've been two.  After I got my associates I moved away so I never had to worry about parking again, but it was certainly stressful my first two years. 
College does offer more free time because it spends less time with bullshit mickey mouse classwork.  Don't be too worried if it feels like you're not fulfilling the "hours and hours" of studying each day that everyone works it up to be.  However, I found free time completely vanishing around mid-terms and finals, which is where those who balance it all out have the advantage. 
I never did fully beat procrastination, but I earned cum laude despite it.
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#5  Edited By csl316

I worked during college so I sorta gave up games for a while (until Metal Gear Solid 3 came out, that set me straight).
My best advice is to PAY ATTENTION DURING CLASS!!  A lot of people screw around in class, then get overwhelmed by homework or a project because they don't know what's what.  I  never read my textbooks, but took endless notes during each class (though I don't condone not reading textbooks).  This actually freed up a lot of my time afterwards since I knew how to quickly handle whatever was required.  Less cramming for tests, less panicking and bs'ing papers.  A more pleasant college experience in the long run.
When I was in a classroom, I focused completely on my education.  I took it seriously through undergrad and grad school, and I got my money's worth.  When I was out with my friends, I didn't freak out over tests or upcoming projects because of my focus during school time. 
That's really the best advice I can give.  Oh, and I agree with Wildfire.  Procrastination is the devil.
 And as a final note, if giving presentations makes you nervous, just make sure you're prepared.  If you know what you're talking about, public speaking is pretty damn easy.

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#6  Edited By Wolverine
@Torrim said:
" @Wildfire570 said:
" All I can say is procrastination is a big NONO! Sometimes the video games have to wait, but once your done with the tasks and out of the way, then you can have fun playing video games. Also as a commuter myself its best to get there early (maybe about 20-30 mins early) for the best parking spot, trust me its worth it! "
Haha, I can't stress enough how getting a good parking spot will reduce your stress and help you be on time.  It's always been a problem for every college I've been two.  After I got my associates I moved away so I never had to worry about parking again, but it was certainly stressful my first two years. 
College does offer more free time because it spends less time with bullshit mickey mouse classwork.  Don't be too worried if it feels like you're not fulfilling the "hours and hours" of studying each day that everyone works it up to be.  However, I found free time completely vanishing around mid-terms and finals, which is where those who balance it all out have the advantage. 
I never did fully beat procrastination, but I earned cum laude despite it. "
At my school there is this huge parking lot that always has a bunch of free parking spots which is where I always park. The only down side about that parking lot is that it's a hike from the campus so it takes me about ten minutes of walking to get to my class. :( 
I've been a bit worried because so far it hasn't been taking me hours and hours to get my work done. Thanks for the advice. :)
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#7  Edited By EVHKwick

Buy a planner and use it. I had to add a ten page section to a research proposal the night before because I forgot it had to be included.  
If you're commuting, this will be easier, but stay away from the cafeteria. Not only is most college food awful (and awful for you), but extremely overpriced. I could've eaten at McDonalds every day with a seven-dollar meal budget, and I would've saved a ton of money. 
Finally, attend class. Seriously.

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#8  Edited By csl316
@Wolverine said:
" @Torrim said:
" @Wildfire570 said:
" All I can say is procrastination is a big NONO! Sometimes the video games have to wait, but once your done with the tasks and out of the way, then you can have fun playing video games. Also as a commuter myself its best to get there early (maybe about 20-30 mins early) for the best parking spot, trust me its worth it! "
Haha, I can't stress enough how getting a good parking spot will reduce your stress and help you be on time.  It's always been a problem for every college I've been two.  After I got my associates I moved away so I never had to worry about parking again, but it was certainly stressful my first two years. 
College does offer more free time because it spends less time with bullshit mickey mouse classwork.  Don't be too worried if it feels like you're not fulfilling the "hours and hours" of studying each day that everyone works it up to be.  However, I found free time completely vanishing around mid-terms and finals, which is where those who balance it all out have the advantage. 
I never did fully beat procrastination, but I earned cum laude despite it. "
At my school there is this huge parking lot that always has a bunch of free parking spots which is where I always park. The only down side about that parking lot is that it's a hike from the campus so it takes me about ten minutes of walking to get to my class. :(  I've been a bit worried because so far it hasn't been taking me hours and hours to get my work done. Thanks for the advice. :) "
I remember on a syllabus, it would say "Expect to spend around 8-15 hours studying and doing homework each week for this class."  And it was more like... a half hour to 5 hours at most.  College isn't that bad, really.  They recommended doing four classes, but i always managed six with little trouble.
Although during midterms and finals, all bets are off.
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#9  Edited By HandsomeDead

Don't make friends and commit your time to study. Trust me.

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#10  Edited By HS21

Get on top of all of your readings. Shit can pile up and catch you by surprise for sure. Speaking of which...I should do that before Civ 5 comes out. God help my grades.

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#11  Edited By Wolverine
@HandsomeDead said:
" Don't make friends and commit your time to study. Trust me. "
Why can't I meet friends and also spend a lot of time studying. Can't I have a balance?
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#12  Edited By HandsomeDead
@Wolverine said:
" @HandsomeDead said:
" Don't make friends and commit your time to study. Trust me. "
Why can't I meet friends and also spend a lot of time studying. Can't I have a balance? "
You can, but don't be one of those people who goes to College and treats it like a holiday camp then comes out the other side with a 2.2 and no prospects.
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#13  Edited By HS21
@HandsomeDead said:
" @Wolverine said:
" @HandsomeDead said:
" Don't make friends and commit your time to study. Trust me. "
Why can't I meet friends and also spend a lot of time studying. Can't I have a balance? "
You can, but don't be one of those people who goes to College and treats it like a holiday camp then comes out the other side with a 2.2 and no prospects. "
Stop talking to my mother!
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#14  Edited By Vinchenzo
@HandsomeDead said:
" Don't make friends and commit your time to study. Trust me. "
Dude... I'll trust you. Even though you're not talking to me. 
Hey I have something nobody recommended yet, and that's to use RateMyProfessor.com. It honestly helps. You can't always get all of the best selections each semester, but you can try the most important one and then center your schedule around that. On that topic, always sign-up for classes as soon as your school allows to get the classes you want. My classes this semester are American civilization, psychology, sociology, and math. This is a big mistake. Try to mix serious classes with your electives or fun classes. What I mean is take psychology or math, in my case, and then mix in art or whatever. I go to a community college so I know it's a bit different, but just don't cram all the hard classes into a single semester!
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#15  Edited By PerryVandell
@Wolverine said:
" @Wildfire570 said:
" All I can say is procrastination is a big NONO! Sometimes the video games have to wait, but once your done with the tasks and out of the way, then you can have fun playing video games. Also as a commuter myself its best to get there early (maybe about 20-30 mins early) for the best parking spot, trust me its worth it! "
Awesome, thanks for the feedback! So what your saying is pretty much to get my homework done as soon as possible right? Would you say overall college is much more difficult then high school? "
Well it really depends on the classes you take and what school you go to, but yes, in general college is more challenging that what you would normally find in high school. However, I have found college to be quite a bit more interesting. For example, my history class doesn't so much talk about important days and dates (although it does that too) but also discusses how historians have talked about certain things, and left other things out in order to shape the way history is told in the way the view it. Also, it's good to get stuff done early, because a lot of times assignments take more time than you think they would, and that can screw you over big time if you wait until the last minute.
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#16  Edited By RE_Player1

I start tomorrow :)

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#17  Edited By hondorondo
@HandsomeDead said:
" @Wolverine said:
" @HandsomeDead said:
" Don't make friends and commit your time to study. Trust me. "

Why can't I meet friends and also spend a lot of time studying. Can't I have a balance? "
You can, but don't be one of those people who goes to College and treats it like a holiday camp then comes out the other side with a 2.2 and no prospects. "

Handsomedead is right! Otherwise you wont get rich and famous and all this stuff and that's clearly wha's the most important in life and should be the meaning of everyones life!
Laziness is the devil himself and nobody can be complete without striving for a higher common perfectly logical idea of what makes life good: Money and fame(popularity)!
Games and everything inefficient unproductive shouldn't even be allowed to exist!
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#18  Edited By blackbird415
@Wolverine: I almost got the same problem. I tend to procrastinate till the last minute. I still got two assignments to do and im posting on this forum.
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#19  Edited By raviolisumo

Don't blow anything off ever! I did that all first year and it killed me. Reward yourself with games and stuff when you're finished with everything. Don't trick yourself into "taking a break" for hours.

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#20  Edited By eliminator

I  started college on the 1st of september,I am studieng in Danmark (I'm from Romania).So I moved in a dorm here far from home and I actually love the life here,It's much more calm and organised.It's hard being far away from home and with no one I know,But I made friends rather fast.Good luck to anyone in the same situation as I.
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#21  Edited By iam3green

YAY for college. when i first started college i was surprised on the free time that i had. just wait until your almost done with college. it's when a lot of free time come. i am taking 4 classes and i go for 4 days for like 2 hours. i've done this for about 2 semesters now. don't procrastinate your homework. i do that sometimes and i end up getting behind.

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#22  Edited By TheFreeMan

This thread has scared me and now I'm rushing to go do my homework that's due in two days.

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#23  Edited By Torrim

For those who are worried about social life interfering, the only thing that breaks people down is their inability to choose between responsibility and social life.  First, you have to remember what you're there for.  Second, there's nothing wrong with getting shit-faced on weekends after all is said and done, but when someone chooses to invite you somewhere that's going to seriously fuck up your study schedule, don't go. 
And there's going to be some painful choices that could of led you to hot sex or drunken bliss, but again, what are you there for?

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#24  Edited By Wolverine
@HandsomeDead said:
" @Wolverine said:
" @HandsomeDead said:
" Don't make friends and commit your time to study. Trust me. "
Why can't I meet friends and also spend a lot of time studying. Can't I have a balance? "
You can, but don't be one of those people who goes to College and treats it like a holiday camp then comes out the other side with a 2.2 and no prospects. "
Okay, I see what you mean. Don't take advice from that song I Love College by Asher Roth in which he states "time isn't wasted when your getting wasted" over and over and over again.
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#25  Edited By mesklinite
So the best thing I've found is to find a system that works for you. I found myself working 2 jobs, one on my own free time so I think it might work for you too. 
Work 45-50 minutes then 10 minutes on giant bomb. 5 minutes pee and food break. Repeat. After 4 hours 1 hour of video games. If you're done work, then play till the next day.
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#26  Edited By FunExplosions
@Wolverine: Dude. Do not procrastinate. At all. Do all your work as soon as possible. Try to keep ahead of the current chapter you're in in your class, even. It may sound crazy, but you aren't going to college so you can get Cs, are you? Trust me, study your ass off, and especially make sure you're on top of things for your math/chemistry courses. When you're finally done studying, it makes playing video games or hanging out with friends sooo much better. Seriously, it feels so good to do recreational stuff without a giant monkey on your back.
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#27  Edited By colin_066

Congratulations on entering university it will be a wonderful time , not only because of a lot of free time but you can choose what you want to do for the rest of your life. However like many said DO NOT procrastinate and for sure attend all classes, 90% of the exams are based on lectures rather than readings <- all this is from my own experience as I am entering my 3rd year of university and believe me you'll feel a lot better if you save the games for later

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#28  Edited By CactusJack

Word.  Same thing here.   

1. Go to class: I  cannot stress this enough, as other people on here have.  Take notes, pay attention, be involved.  It's OK to be involved in class in college, not like in highschool.

2. Time Management:  Get a calender, use it.

3. Stay ahead of the assignments: Do the work early and often.  This will help when finals come around, and you'll be able to have free time. 
4. Have fun.

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#29  Edited By septim

My piece of advice is to not fall for the lower level classes. Usually they wind up having way more busy work, tests, and papers. The more advanced classes usually involve more discussion and less work.
In regards to work ethic, just think of college as an investment. The more effort you put in now, the greater the reward. Don't arbitrarily bust your ass or stress yourself out though. Just take it easy, but dignify it.

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@Wildfire570 said:
" All I can say is procrastination is a big NONO!  


That's funny, you almost got me there.
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#32  Edited By nintendoeats

I want to second what everybody here has said...but the fact is that In my first year (im on my second now after a year-long hiatus) I wasted hella time, and did very well. I think that coming to class and paying attention are the most important things. Beyond that, making sure that homework is on on time is just a matter of over-estimating how long things will take.
That said, there were no opportunities to get smashed at my school...but I did have Fallout 3 to contend with.
So yeah, be organized and pay attention. And don't be stupid.

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#33  Edited By nintendoeats

Oh yeah, I know all about commuting...I have to drive for 45 minutes and then take the bus for another 15 at my new school. Its cheaper than staying in the city, but bloody hell is it a PITA.

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#34  Edited By Hitchenson

I just failed college! That's nearly the same thing as you.

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#35  Edited By JoeyRavn

Lucky Americans. I'm starting on tuesday and I'm already behind schedule. That's how tough college can be in Europe. When you don't live to party 24/7, anyway.

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#36  Edited By nintendoeats
@JoeyRavn: Hey at least we aren't paying 40 grand a year like them.
Well, OK, I did in my first year...but that's because I foolishly thought going to an American school was a good idea.
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#37  Edited By evanbrau

Follow the advice given in this thread. If you find yourself with free time don't go home, go to the library and start your course work or do some reading from a little bit ahead in the course schedule if you feel up to it. Also don't just go in to college and then leave immediately, just because you aren't on campus doesn't mean you can't sign up to clubs or things like that. My first year I just treated college as a "clock in/clock out" kind of thing and only hung about with other people who commuted or that I knew from secondary school. Avoid this, friends in the same course as you can turn into a massive help when exam time comes around, it's also good to have friends obviously.

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#38  Edited By gamer_152  Moderator

Don't procrastinate, don't blow off lectures etc. etc.

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#39  Edited By nintendoeats

Don't drink the Kool-Aid.

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#40  Edited By x_XJules

Sleep!! It's really hard to learn and concentrate when you are sleep deprived. 

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#41  Edited By Wolverine

Thanks to everyone who gave advice. I'll make sure to take it to heart.

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#42  Edited By minorinya

College work is more intense - freetime allows for more intense... freetime, whatever that means. I don't know if it's just me telling myself to focus more in college because it's "college", but as there are fewer classes with more (important) information pumped into your brain, you essentially allow yourself to maximize attention potential in class, do work while the class is fresh in your mind, and have more time for whatever you enjoy doing.

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#43  Edited By Blackmoore

First of all, congrats to you for taking the plunge. It'll be lots of fun. Here are my tidbits (as third year engineering student):

  1. Go to all your classes, and actually pay attention and take notes where applicable. Don't be like the fools who go to play DoTA or Starcraft in the third row. Not only are they wasting their time, but it very easily distracts.
  2. Ask your professor before considering any textbook purchases. Even better, talk to somebody who's been through the course. It may save you some good money.
  3. Don't get involved in cheating. There's a lot of it. Cheating is bad. Even things like minor assignments - don't cheat. It's tempting sometimes, but don't do it ever. It only hurts yourself when test time comes.
  4. Try to get ahead and ask lots of questions. These go hand in hand sometimes. Meet your profs and TAs, they'll (usually) be helpful.
  5. Have lots of fun. During this time, there's still time to get involved in whatever you like doing, and have experiences that make for crazy stories down the road.