Something that's important

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Edited By thefreed

There's something that's been bugging me... and I am not quite sure if it'll leave me alone unless I do something about it.
The thing that has been bugging me is the capitalistic system and this economy.
Whenever someone becomes rich by trying hard and taking actions everyone just stands around and admires him... Saying I am going to be like him.
but the thing that they fail to realize is that... there's only a certain amount of money in the world and it's circling around.
The thing is... for someone to make a profit, someone else has to buy/or give money to him and lose profit.
If someone's a millionaire... there's bound to be a couple dozen guys that's homeless because of him.
Do you get what I am saying?

We all can't be rich... and the rich is basically feeding off of the "have nots". they're looking at them like the enemy.
A country like America is fine for now... but there's other countries that's far worse then us... like Korea and I've seen it.
It's hard to describe but... the economic landscape seems like it's affecting people's minds and not at all in a good way.
Trying so hard to get into a good college and to get a job... taking measly pay but still working.
Trying to provide for your kids... then when it's all said and done and you die, what kind of life is that may I ask you? 
I mean what kind of a freaking hell is this?
The world shouldn't be this way... It's people that made it this way and as people we can change it back.
I've always thought of the world as a blank piece of paper and that people can fill it in in anyway they want to.
After it's colored in... it's hard to change back like a hardened steel, but we can do it if we apply ourselves.
Now some of you might say, nothing can't be perfect... but I am NOT asking for perfect, I am asking for something better. Not many get what they deserve in this world... and the world isn't fair but I just want something better for MYSELF and everyone out there that's desperately trying to survive. Working everyday brain dead without thinking about anything meaningful because there's no time.
 Think of all the people that have suffered... in order for us to come this far... Just for those few that have it all... They couldn't do anything, they were powerless to do so, because in this world MONEY=POWER. They're using us while some of us don't even realize it.

The thing is... the government won't do anything about this, because all the people that have the power to do so ARE the ones that want to make the world this way.
They won't change because every freaking guy thinks they need more money even though they already have enough.
It's not human to miss something so large that's just staring at them straight in the face, they are IGNORING IT! and they are ignoring millions of people that are suffering...
They are using us... they are using human lives to empower themselves.
I do know that the Capitalistic system is the best that we had... compared to the past ideas but we CAN do better.
I mean am I the only one that's getting bugged by this? Living in this world trying to survive every freaking day while taking all the pain... and we die and it's all fucking meaningless.
Yeah this world is strengthening us... and making us colder... because were ADAPTING! but it's all for what...
I've seen it in other countries... and when the time comes and America's people become the same way...
Then it'll be too late... then it'll be too late...

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#1  Edited By thefreed

There's something that's been bugging me... and I am not quite sure if it'll leave me alone unless I do something about it.
The thing that has been bugging me is the capitalistic system and this economy.
Whenever someone becomes rich by trying hard and taking actions everyone just stands around and admires him... Saying I am going to be like him.
but the thing that they fail to realize is that... there's only a certain amount of money in the world and it's circling around.
The thing is... for someone to make a profit, someone else has to buy/or give money to him and lose profit.
If someone's a millionaire... there's bound to be a couple dozen guys that's homeless because of him.
Do you get what I am saying?

We all can't be rich... and the rich is basically feeding off of the "have nots". they're looking at them like the enemy.
A country like America is fine for now... but there's other countries that's far worse then us... like Korea and I've seen it.
It's hard to describe but... the economic landscape seems like it's affecting people's minds and not at all in a good way.
Trying so hard to get into a good college and to get a job... taking measly pay but still working.
Trying to provide for your kids... then when it's all said and done and you die, what kind of life is that may I ask you? 
I mean what kind of a freaking hell is this?
The world shouldn't be this way... It's people that made it this way and as people we can change it back.
I've always thought of the world as a blank piece of paper and that people can fill it in in anyway they want to.
After it's colored in... it's hard to change back like a hardened steel, but we can do it if we apply ourselves.
Now some of you might say, nothing can't be perfect... but I am NOT asking for perfect, I am asking for something better. Not many get what they deserve in this world... and the world isn't fair but I just want something better for MYSELF and everyone out there that's desperately trying to survive. Working everyday brain dead without thinking about anything meaningful because there's no time.
 Think of all the people that have suffered... in order for us to come this far... Just for those few that have it all... They couldn't do anything, they were powerless to do so, because in this world MONEY=POWER. They're using us while some of us don't even realize it.

The thing is... the government won't do anything about this, because all the people that have the power to do so ARE the ones that want to make the world this way.
They won't change because every freaking guy thinks they need more money even though they already have enough.
It's not human to miss something so large that's just staring at them straight in the face, they are IGNORING IT! and they are ignoring millions of people that are suffering...
They are using us... they are using human lives to empower themselves.
I do know that the Capitalistic system is the best that we had... compared to the past ideas but we CAN do better.
I mean am I the only one that's getting bugged by this? Living in this world trying to survive every freaking day while taking all the pain... and we die and it's all fucking meaningless.
Yeah this world is strengthening us... and making us colder... because were ADAPTING! but it's all for what...
I've seen it in other countries... and when the time comes and America's people become the same way...
Then it'll be too late... then it'll be too late...

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#2  Edited By QubeHeadedT

If money didn't exist, people would still try and get ahead and one guy would have 12 million goats while another guy just had a hoof... Most people would probably argue that "It's human nature" to step on eachother to get to the top... I think that's just an excuse the guy with all the goats made up to save his conscience. 

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#3  Edited By thefreed
@QubeHeadedT:  Well when I wrote this blog I was going through certain phases of beliefs. Now I've become more well-rounded... able to see this issue in multiple points of view. And what I think now is that
I think if we were to let the government in power... over us and the rest of us within these "imaginary borders", Then they should be able to take care of every single citizen whether in food, clothes or shelter. The people keep suffering because of the governments mishaps and refusing to fix it because it's to their benefit.
Sadly most people have been too conditioned by all this.

"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution."
-Aldous Huxley
There is propaganda everywhere yet some people don't realize this. they're brainwashed by this society since infant. They're "boxed" in and their brains with it's thoughts are trapped. A man who's proud of his intellect more than another man will find that his only likening to his bigger cage.
Everyone is born a genius, but society degeniuses them.
-Buckminster Fuller
 I am a holder of many beliefs and sometimes they conflict.
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#4  Edited By zanzibarbreeze

As a big capitalist I disagree with these views.

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#5  Edited By thefreed
@ZanzibarBreeze:  I agree with the workings of capitalism, but I just think we should create a system where we share more money with the poor. The matters of the slimming diamond social structure is not something we should avoid.
Hardship on yourself is something that brings more compassion. You have to be mindful of the suffering that this social rule is bringing and the magnitude of it's scale.
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#6  Edited By zanzibarbreeze
@thefreed: So you're talking about socialism?
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#7  Edited By thefreed

Not exactly... I have my own thoughts on the workings of the system.

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#8  Edited By moelarrycurly
@S_M_S said:
" @thefreed said:
" @ZanzibarBreeze:  I agree with the workings of capitalism, but I just think we should create a system where we share more money with the poor. "
Why? So your system would reward uneducated and lazy people, while punishing the hard working? That's just stupid. Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid. "
Uneducated =/= lazy.
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#9  Edited By karneh

I always wondered: Who was the guy who first started currency and said "Okay I got 70 trillion ktltkytklz and I'm going to distribute it. But remember, NO ONE CAN MAKE MORE OR ELSE ILL CHOP YOUR %!*#! OFF CAPICHE?" and from then on, that's all the money in the world. What stops countries from just pumping out their own currency without anything to back it?

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#10  Edited By Shadow

Stay the fuck out of my Rapture

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#11  Edited By Shadow
@S_M_S said:
" @thefreed said:
" @ZanzibarBreeze:  I agree with the workings of capitalism, but I just think we should create a system where we share more money with the poor. "
Why? So your system would reward uneducated and lazy people, while punishing the hard working? That's just stupid. Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid. "
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#12  Edited By thefreed
@S_M_S:  I am surprised you would say that. I would think there would be atleast a bit of people who get the money because of their social class communities. And you should know that the boundaries of the poor and the rich are very "fine" it's rare that a person from a poor family drives his way to tremendous riches.
They say that friendships are one of the surest ways of success.
There is also a very fine line between the people who have a lot of outside help and the people who don't get a chance.
There is a certain social constraint that confines behavior... and even thought to be similar to some archetypes.

You need to have money to make money. 
The groans of tens and hundreds support the luxuries of one.
People are able to endure quite a few things for the sake of the money before them.
The rich take advantage of that characteristic, forcing others to service them for the rest of their lives, allowing them to live in comfort.
King's do not become kings by themselves.
If the poor rise up, declaring that they do not want any money, kings will be overthrown.
However, the poor seek money so that they may become kings themselves.
Which in turn only strengthens the position of the current king.
It's in this foolishness that we have created a hierarchical society in which one man is not equal to another man.  
At first we banded together giving someone a higher position because things run more smoothly when there's authority over a team.
But overtime we have forgotten that we are individuals, and that we should know our "true" rights.
Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance
 -George Orwell
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#13  Edited By thefreed
@Shadow:  What I am saying is we need to do a lot more... that it will inevitably change the face of society.
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#14  Edited By Shadow

 @thefreed said:

"Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance -George Orwell "

A hierarchical society (not sure if that's even spelled right) means that not only are people poor, they stay poor because of the family they were born into no matter how hard they work.  America has no such laws preventing people coming from a lower class family from becoming successful.  Capitalism means that the harder you work to rise up in the world, the more you accomplish that goal.  If you're content with being on the bottom of society, that's fine too but don't expect rich people to pay your way to a comfortable living.  And you're right.  Rich people paying poor people for being poor would change the face of society.  It would obliterate ambition and unemployment rates would skyrocket, leading society into another depression because the government would be so far in debt (even more than they are now) and unable to get out of it that the economy would deteriorate.
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#15  Edited By thefreed
@Shadow: Those things can be easily prevented by different rules to make this happen. I know my ideas seem a bit far-fetched to some of you but if you were one of the people who were in lower tier societies you'll grow to understand. This world isn't fair and nobody said it was but we could at least make it a better place to live since we only live once.
Like I said we came together to strengthen ourselves and back then in those primitive tribes, the leader would be mindful and try to take care of all it's members.
We are born within some "imaginary" line and then we have to serve it's government even by giving up our lives for them (the army etc.). We have to serve these guys that we've never even met or gotten a hand shake. They use us as if we were some resources... but in the first place why should we have to live this way? We get brainwashed by propaganda and social conditioning from the first day of our lives, thinking we are part of this "team" but who agreed to become this team in the first place?
My country is the world, my religion is to do good (by Thomas Paine), People using authority and power to assert that they own some piece of land as if they are some gangs shouldn't be fair, and this is how things are right now. 

What at first was plunder assumed the softer name of revenue.
There's many different perspectives to view the world... alas you must choose for yourself which one is right and you must be prepared to admit the wrongs of your thinking when you happen to come across it, as that moment when you are wrong is when your presented with a chance to better yourself.
These whole concepts may seem so foreign to you, but when you actually think about it, it's many things in this world that doesn't make sense intrinsically.
We are at a time in our world when the countries no longer need to go to war to sufficiently support ourselves. We've definitely made many advancements what says to us that we cannot do something if we apply and dedicate ourselves to an idea?
We have given up our rights willingly in the process of taking all these distortions... and evolutions.
This is an excerpt from one of Thomas Paine's books there's quiet a bit of interesting ideas in here.
  None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. 
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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#16  Edited By anarchyzombie9
No Caption Provided
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#17  Edited By Jeust
@thefreed: Awesome posts!  
I agree with you, but i dare to perfect Aldous Huxley's opinion, and say that we're not going to be brainwashed by drugs, but by technology.
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#18  Edited By thefreed
@Jeust: To tell you the truth I smoke marijuana. I have done E in the past but now I am thinking of just staying with pot and try iboga when I get the chance. I also believe that some drugs should be legal, except for crack and heroine and stuffs... Well I am not really sure but leaving most of these substances illegal is harming the society more in the first place. (If anyone disagrees with me I'll provide reasons)
If it was truly such a bad thing people well become wise through the years and all of us well become much better informed. Suppressing something will not make it disappear, it'll only fight back stronger. You can't really do things with violence as if you use violence to destroy then you might become destroyed yourself. I believe that if I work to keep on dropping a droplet of water in a pond and if that droplet was true then it'll eventually ripple out... and maybe it can spark something even if I can't do it.
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#19  Edited By Jeust
I agree. :) 
I for once think all drugs should be legal, as is alcohol and tobacco. Why not the other ones?  
People should be free to experiment what they like. Because without freedom, we're just puppets, of hidden hands. 
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#20  Edited By CyborgNixon

I'll get my tiny violin out.