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    Blu-ray's DOUBTFUL future !!!

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    #51  Edited By chapman12


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    #52  Edited By zityz

    Im thinking of getting one, but can the thing play normal dvd as well?

    For the most part, aside from quality and being able to fit a 2 disc special onto one disc, I see no point to all the extra room on it for movies.  It's great for putting TV series on, or movie trilogies as it cuts down on space, but then your paying extra money for the convience.

    I'm thinking that lots of people won't shell out $250+ for a blu ray player when you can buy a DVD player for like $30 brand new.

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    #53  Edited By absinthetic
    Matthew said:
    • People still and will want a physical medium for years to come.  No matter how popular/common it is to download, there will always be that group that wants something to put on a shelf.
    • As many of you have pointed out, we are years until the widespread bandwidth needed to download files the size of a movie are a suitable substitute for movie publishers.
    • Was it Toshiba who came out with the 400GB Blu Ray disk?  There is no real application for a disk that size.  Yet.  A little bit of future readiness there.
    • If and when those who don't have a HD set up convert, there is no real going back.  Wall-e, Dark Knight, Planet Earth, The Godfather, The Fifth Element.  While not the most popular titles, if you see the SD version, then the HD version, please don't say you don't see or hear a difference in quality.
    • Remember where you are posting.  We are posting on a gaming blog.  You may be downloading via iTunes, Torrents, or by some other purely digital means.  You might use RSS, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Windows 7, Closed Betas, etc.  Of course you're going to be ahead of the curve. 
    not to mention the elephant in the room

    DRM and copyright issues that no one has even come close to coming up with an amicable solution to for both the movie studio and the consumer
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    #54  Edited By Gizmo

    Well, i'm getting a PS3 this week, and I plan to buy some Blu-Ray movies along with it, I think Blu Ray is here to stay. How can a upgrade be a bad thing?

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    #55  Edited By daniel_beck_90
    Gizmo said:
    "Well, i'm getting a PS3 this week, and I plan to buy some Blu-Ray movies along with it, I think Blu Ray is here to stay. How can a upgrade be a bad thing?"
      I myself am a fan of blu-ray and consider it the best HD format out there , but the format's future is not clear .
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    #56  Edited By KamasamaK
    zityz said:
    "Im thinking of getting one, but can the thing play normal dvd as well?

    For the most part, aside from quality and being able to fit a 2 disc special onto one disc, I see no point to all the extra room on it for movies.  It's great for putting TV series on, or movie trilogies as it cuts down on space, but then your paying extra money for the convience."
    Every Blu-ray player I know of plays DVDs as well, and upscales them too. The disc space is needed for the high bitrate media, multiple tracks, and special features. Of course you're always paying money for convenience. These things aren't needed, but who really wants to swap discs during a movie and make more room on their shelf for the possibly larger cases needed?
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    #57  Edited By Hexpane

    Is it the future yet?

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    #58  Edited By Phished0ne

    This argument is rediculious, as everyone before me has stated, at any point in time there are people who want something PHYSICAL, a collection of games/movies/books that show people who come over "this is what i've done" like posters on a wall showing people who enter your room your favorte painters, musicians, or movies.

    What about when portable digital book readers came out? following BR doom-sayer's logic, shouldn't things like Kindle  have killed  Books? not gonna happen, because people like to have a book-shelf full of books even if they've only read half of them.

    You cant download  what a BRD gives you, not in terms of video, audio, OR special features,  things like when you bought the Dark Knight on BR you could go into an online screening and watch the movie in a chat-room with Christopher Nolen and ask him questions about it, etc. Stuff like that is cool, and will NEVER be done with downloadables. No commentaries, no extra scenes, no storyboards.

    Its interesting i found this topic right after it was discussed on the Bombcast, but think of it this way, by the time our internet is fast enough to download the size of games or movies now, imagine how much bigger the stuff would be by then. 

    There will always be a market for people who want the disc, either for the physical disc itself, or for the bonus special features that come on the disc.  There will be a time when the buying of physical media slows, and in some cases it has started already, but there will never be a time when physical media dies out completely...hmm..well maybe in like 10 or 12 years, when everyone gets stuff beamed direcly into their brain, but not any-time soon.
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    #59  Edited By LiquidPrince
    Rivix said:
    "I think a quarter of The Dark Knight sales were from Blu Ray. Its well on its way to becoming half and majority. "
    It sold more then the DVD version. It sold 1.7 million in the first week on Blu-ray.

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    #60  Edited By pause422

    Wow The Dark Knight sold some copies, who would of guessed. The Watchmen will sell copies too. That hardly means any different for the platform. I own a few things Blu-Ray, but when people can get that same quality in other forms, its not even a competition. Don't even say you can't download what the quality thats on a blu-ray, because you can. There's a reason people having really moved up to the platform in general. As everyone said a while ago in this thread: The battle between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray ended yes, and Blu-Ray was victorious. However that means nothing when the platform that won isn't one the majority even care about in the first place.

    Also some of you making arguments are just doing it because the PS3 is a Blu-Ray player and for that reason alone. No one is insulting the PS3 here, this has nothing to do with it. The Blu-Ray platform is just a failure. Plain and simple.

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    #61  Edited By LiquidPrince
    pause422 said:
    "Wow The Dark Knight sold some copies, who would of guessed. The Watchmen will sell copies too. That hardly means any different for the platform. I own a few things Blu-Ray, but when people can get that same quality in other forms, its not even a competition. Don't even say you can't download what the quality thats on a blu-ray, because you can. There's a reason people having really moved up to the platform in general. As everyone said a while ago in this thread: The battle between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray ended yes, and Blu-Ray was victorious. However that means nothing when the platform that won isn't one the majority even care about in the first place.

    Also some of you making arguments are just doing it because the PS3 is a Blu-Ray player and for that reason alone. No one is insulting the PS3 here, this has nothing to do with it. The Blu-Ray platform is just a failure. Plain and simple."

    Yeah, you can download something that's the quality of Blu-ray... If it's a Blu-ray rip... There is no streaming service that can now, or anytime in the future, be able to have release movies at Blu-ray's quality.

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    #62  Edited By Kohe321

    Hd is the future, whether or not blu-ray is the format in which it is (mainly) delivered or not is not yet certain.

    HD is awesome.

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    #63  Edited By pause422


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    #64  Edited By LiquidPrince
    pause422 said:
    Uh yes. No streaming service can deliver up to 50 MB/s of data, and that's where most Blu-ra discs are at.

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    #65  Edited By Hexpane
    pause422 said:
      Don't even say you can't download what the quality thats on a blu-ray, because you can.  
    So you downloaded 1080p + 7.1 uncompressed lossless audio?  and how long did that take you, and where did you get it from?
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    #66  Edited By Mercator

    I personally dont give a shit about quality. I could watch an entire movie in a stamp sized youtube format.

    I have an HD TV, and a Blu Ray player and buy nealy all new movies on DVD. The only Blu Rays I have are Planet Earth and Band of Brothers, and thats simply because it has more features than the DVD version I have had for years.

    I simple dont care. I grew up with VHS tapes, and to me they look fine.

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    #67  Edited By LiquidPrince
    Mercator said:
    "I simple dont care. I grew up with VHS tapes, and to me they look fine."

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    #68  Edited By WizardHowl

    While I have a similar feeling, I am going to disagree.

    I know lots of people who OWN an Xbox 360 yet bought an HDTV and ended up buying a PS3, of which they don't even play, for the sole purpose of a BD player.

    If the economy really starts to take a turn down, further than it is already, I can see BD slipping behind and digital downloads picking up speed. However if the market stays the same, or slightly starts increasing over the next 2 years BD will become super popular around 2011.

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