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Tribute To The Time Ryan & Jeff Referenced Guitar Hero: Ween

It's time to flash back to March 18, 2008. A brand new podcast from our friends Jeff & Ryan is taking the Internet by storm. Still the early days of the true Giant Bombcast, one topic of discussion is the rumored Guitar Hero: Beatles (which I doubt is actually in the works at this point, by the way.)

Seeing as how Ween is my all time favorite band, and I've always stood behind the concept that their eclectic discography makes them perhaps the only band that could foster a truly great single-artist rhythm game, it seemed as if Ryan Davis had read my mind when he jokingly/off-handedly suggested the idea.

Now normally, whenever someone mentions Ween, conversation quickly degenerates into "they're goofy and I like their hilarious poop-joke songs" or "did they do that Pushing Daisies song, or whatever? What idiots." But clearly their body of work runs deeper than this, so I was elated that Jeff'n'Ryan kept this brainstorm session 100% ace, touching upon crucial aspects of the Ween experience like "their crazy lo-fi shit" and "weird 20 minute versions of songs", "the country album", and "we can play our instruments!" Ryan singles out "Roses Are Free", which happens to be one of the most sublimely-crafted pop songs of all time, and one that stands out as being a true "Ween original", not drawing sole influence from any existing genre or motif.

Then of course, Jeff hits it out of the park by suggesting the packaged microphone should be a Scotchgard-powered mask, nodding back to The Pod-era Ween, even though today Ween claims they never actually did that.

Take notes, people, because this is clearly the right way to reference the idea of Guitar Hero: Ween. And if everyone starts doing it, we might even see the game in store shelves by 2010!

The original audio: