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Note to self:

That little box that pops up after writing a blog? Yeah. Don't click through that thinking its nothing. That posts blogs as new topics on the forums, filling an already endless sea with my unnecessary ramblings.


Chillax, people.

If you aren't watching the BLLSL out of protest, this is not a post that will make you feel better. This is not the post you are looking for. Move along.
 I'm stunned whiskey media was able to keep this place going without any sort of subscription offer at all for as long as they did. These are the risks that come with running a company, though, especially during massive expansion like this. It's business 101; in order to feature a service of any kind, there's a cost. I, for one, do not feel like anyone at Giantbomb has dropped the ball due to this membership feature. It allows people to show their support, and be rewarded for it. The free users (such as myself) who can't afford to donate, or don't care to, are missing out on some content, yes. But we aren't missing out on the most basic service GiantBomb provides; games reviewed by people who like to play them. I can't stand how corporate some of the review sites have become, how choppy, calculated, and sterile the reviews seem. When I watch a quick look or a video review, I feel like I'm learning about a game from people like me. People who play a game to have fun, not because of the size of its "Fun Factor." If Giantbomb can keep selling me on that angle, I am a loyalist. A free user loyalist who waves his Duder banner proudly ( which at this point today I suppose is like having a peasant wave a banner for the Lord; not exactly going to make much of an impact). If a day comes where I feel I can donate, I will. For now, I simply show my support for its right to exist.