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#1  Edited By Actionelly

@TheHBK said:

Sony's was clearly the best. Just keeping the move in a corner and getting a huge harry potter fan base on board. The great games they showed off. Needed more Vita but good stuff.

MS, clearly intent on showing us what innovations and changes they are bringing to the media experience. Good from a business standpoint because they don't just do games and most people buying a 360 today are in it for everything it can do, not just games. They know games sell themselves. Halo 4 looks amazing.

Nitendo just done fucked up. They have a new system, new stuff they can blow the crowd away with. They needed to announce prices, specs, details on how the system works, more tablets?, online gaming. Fuck man, they were all alone to just throw out details. Fucking idiots. Blew a chance to take over and didn't take it. Japan man, that is what I will say. They talked about it, that culture fucks em over.

I agree I think Sony's was the best this year. I was really disappointed with Nintendo, they failed showing off the Wii U and the controllers capabilites. The best part about Nintendo's conference was Shigeru's giant smile. :D They need to let the developers come out on stage more and enough with these suit wearing CEO's. It just looks like all business and no play.

I also agree that Halo 4 looks great and I am also excited about Tomb Raider. Overall though, PS3 had the most interesting games to show and free shit to boot.