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Afro's Guide To Sucking Less At Gears of War 3 Multiplayer

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The multiplayer in the past Gears of War games have a reputation of consisting of only hardcore players that roll around decimating the weak with shotguns. I was one of those crazy people who stayed with the game's multiplayer and I won't deny that the shotgun accusations are true. With that said, Gears of War 3 has finally provided the tools necessary for people to be able to even the playing field with something other than a shotgun. I aim to provide some info and strategies to help those who are unfamiliar with the game be better prepared and stay competitive in the multiplayer.


Let's start out by talking about the weapons that you can spawn with.


Now with better chainsawing!
Now with better chainsawing!

Ah yes, the classic Lancer. In Gears 3, the Lancer now has a larger magazine than ever before and can shoot with very little recoil. This gun is great for giving cover fire and forcing the enemy to take cover. The chainsaw has even been slightly tweaked so that once it is fully revved up, the only way to shut off the chainsaw is to either die or let go of the B button. If you manage to chainsaw a guy you can still continue to hold down B and continue to chainsaw any nearby enemies without ever having to turn off the chainsaw. It can get pretty crazy if no one is able to put you down. This is a great weapon for beginners.


Get at me, shotgun lovers.
Get at me, shotgun lovers.

Now this gun is supposed to be the older version of the Lancer and has a knife bayonet attached to the gun instead of a chainsaw. This rifle is the most powerful out of the three you can get, but it is also the one with the most recoil. The gun has been tweaked since the beta and now has even more recoil but when controlled right, it can destroy your enemies with small controlled bursts. This has become my go-to weapon and my #1 choice in countering the guys who still wish to continue their shotgunning habits from the past Gears games. The stopping power on this gun is ridiculous and will stop any charger in their tracks. If you're feeling lucky you can try out the charge ability by holding down B which makes you charge forward with your bayonet out. I suggest this gun for those who wish to fight in a medium to close range.


The Gears 3 version of this may be my favorite.
The Gears 3 version of this may be my favorite.

This gun has seen the most revisions in all of the games. The Hammerburst has come a long way since Gears 1 and in Gears 3 it's actually not too bad. This gun gives you the ability to go into first-person and allows you to be more accurate than any of the other rifles. People who favor fighting from a long distance will get the most mileage out of this semi-automatic gun.


Former destroyer of worlds.
Former destroyer of worlds.

Oh yes, the Gnasher. This is the infamous shotgun that is responsible for nearly all of the kills in the past Gears games. It's versatile, can shoot many times before reloading, and can cause havoc from a medium range. One of the key skills that veteran Gears players have with this shotgun is being able to blindly shoot this thing accurately. You can save a lot of time by shooting this thing from the hip instead of actually aiming the gun, it's how people usually used the gun when in fights with multiple players. The Gnasher retains most of its dangerous capabilities from the past games, but thanks to EPIC’s choice to rebalance the other weapons and introduce some newcomers, the Gnasher will no longer be the only answer to every gunfight.


My new best friend.
My new best friend.

This is a new addition which I completely love. I traded in my Gnasher for this monster mainly because I decided to move away from always fighting with shotguns. This gun can only shoot one round, but that one round is more than enough to get the job the right range. The range on this thing is shit, mainly because it is intended to be used in up close and personal situations. Don't expect to be fighting waves of people with this gun because you also have to worry about the reload time, which is ridiculous. Those of you who like to use ‘hit and run’ tactics and/or camp around corners will probably like this thing a whole lot.


Gear of War 3 is a faster game. People who are new to the series won’t notice it but when compared to the past games, you are able to haul ass now. Here are some tips on how to move efficiently through the warzone in hopes of extending your lifespan.


This may be obvious advice for any competitive game but it goes double for here. Guys can move faster now and they tend to be able to run without making a whole lot of noise. Don’t be surprised to find yourself exploding from the random shotgun blast to the back. Avoid this nuisance by always looking over your shoulder and keep tabs on any nearby enemies. Oh and be sure to be cautious when approaching a corner, there is a good chance that there is a guy waiting to shoot their sawed-off and kill you in one hit.


By pressing the back button and then B, you are able to access the map. This shows the location of every weapon spawn point and also displays the location of your teammates. This is helpful when you want to know were you are, where you might want to go, where the shortcuts are, and just how far you are from allies.

Pay attention or you may end up like her.
Pay attention or you may end up like her.


There is a neat little feature called the Tac-Com, which can be accessed by holding down LB. This gives you a new perspective of the battlefield with an aesthetic that is similar to Arkham Asylum's detective vision. Your teammate's locations will be highlighted and can be seen even through walls while the Tac-Com is active. It is also really useful in finding out where potential objectives are located when playing different game modes. Another neat trick is that you can use the Tac-Com to see right through smoke.


Even though most games may consist of people with no mics, or maybe you just don’t want to talk, always know where your teammates are. You don’t want to find yourself surrounded by the wrong people. It is important that you stick close to another teammate so you can help avoid overwhelming gun fights. This doesn’t mean that you should never venture out by yourself, but if you do plan to go out scouting, make sure you’re at least in short running distance from a teammate.

Stay close!
Stay close!


While aiming the gun, you can point at enemies and click in the left stick to highlight them with a symbol. This can be seen by any ally and it's a great to provide information without having to use a mic. Get used to tagging enemies with this icon and you'll be grateful for it because you may be able to notice that there was a guy stalking you.


There are few spots in the maps where you can entrench yourself and hold off opposition, this becomes even harder when trying to accomplish this alone. You’re better off staying mobile which helps to reduce the chance of being flanked. You are also more likely to find some unsuspecting enemies by staying on the move.

Gotta move!
Gotta move!


Not only can this thing be used for taking cover, it allows you to roll. It’s not hard to figure this out but when used the right way it can be a life saver. One thing players should avoid is running in a straight line, you’re asking to be downed by gunfire faster. When taking fire while running, be sure to roll out of the way and try running in a new direction. Keep rolling in different directions if you still need to shake off that gunfire.


The smoke grenade is no longer a useless thing to have like in past games. The smoke grenade actually provides effective cover when trying to charge into contentious areas. Another cool feature is that the smoke grenade can momentarily stun people who are near enough to the grenade's explosion, but be warned, you can also end up stunning yourself.


In Gears 3, players can now perform a mantle kick. If you see a guy taking cover, you can chose to take cover on the opposite side and then jump over that cover to kick them out of the way. This will then stun the guy and give you enough time to eliminate him/her. This can also work in reverse where you can kick the guy that is going to take cover in front of you.

Like this but your foot is connecting to someone's face instead.
Like this but your foot is connecting to someone's face instead.


Some people may not like the feel of it but I strongly suggest for people to increase the sensitivity of your controller. I chose to max out the sensitivity for every option available and I am now able to turn more easily and even have an easier time of taming the recoil of the Retro Lancer because of it. This may not be for some players but I suggest you try boosting up the sensitivity a tad and see how things go.

Hopefully some of this stuff will help you guys out. Feel free to post some other tips and tricks that can help people become better Gears players. Now go out there and have some fun!

Some nonsensical violent fun!
Some nonsensical violent fun!


If there's one huge negative to playing Gears 3 MP, it's playing by yourself. Unfortunately playing with randoms will most likely result in you getting your kills stolen and not being revived.

So, check out Atomasist's list of Giant Bomb Gears 3 players. Here



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Edited By Edin899

@Afroman269 said:

@Edin899 said:

@Slaker117: I think using the gnasher takes the most skill in the game. The aiming and dodging.

You're actually right, it's why new players could never get into Gears 1 and 2. I was right there with you rolling and shooting. Sure you can keep doing that in knowledgeable Gears 3. You'll get kills but the more knowledgeable people will know how to counter you people.

@Edin899 said:

You can't do anything with your Retro when i'm already 2 feet alway from you. Yes you can spray but a good shotgun player will down you in 1 or 2 shots.

And Epic is pretty smart but sometimes i hate them. The sawed off is so cheap. it gives noobs who have no chance in getting kills a way to get a kill.

You're presuming that you're going to be close to me. I tend to prevent that situation from happening. Also calling people who use sawed-off 'noobs' is childish. There are plenty of ways to counter the gun. I just use it because I will only use my shotgun in extreme situations. I rely on my retro. Also saying to disregard my advice in favor of your strategy in favor of yours is just arrogant. Gears 3 allows multiple strategies to coexist. I prefer to avoid narrow thinking and choose to broaden my abillities by trying out other strategies.

Yes i presume i'm gonna get close to you. Unless you wanne sit in your spawn the whole time clutch your Retro lancer while i get every power weapon and blow you up. You act like you can fortify a spot with just your lancer. It doens't work like that. You gotta move sometime and unless you know where im at at all times my teammate will blow you apart. And thats the thing, if you rush me with your teammates i can take them apart with my shotgun. 1 guy with a shotgun can kill 5 . 1 guy with a retro can't do the same. Not that the Retro is bad i use it alot.

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Edited By Oldirtybearon

@Afroman269: I just played a couple games this morning before work and I took your advice on the Retro lancer. It's got a hell of a kick, but I love the damn thing. Small, controlled bursts, and in a clusterfuck I'd say it's as useful as the Gnasher for spray and pray. You know the kind, filled with smoke and locust rolling around.

I really love the multiplayer in this game, and I generally don't like multiplayer.

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Edited By 234r2we232

Some good information here, thanks. I find a smoke grenade then Retro-charge works well in most situations. Also worth noting for beginners is that one clip from an active-reloaded Snub can easily down an enemy.

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Edited By Afroman269

@Edin899: *sigh* More presumptions. It's clear you didn't even read this blog. I clearly state that people should stay on the move. I don't like to camp. I prefer to work in the medium to close range. There's more room for more strategies in this game than ever before. Gears 1 and 2 only catered to the gnasher players. That's all I have to say on the matter. You can stick with your method, I'll stick to mine.

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Edited By Edin899

@Afroman269: Yes, you have your way i have mine.

But i am trying to say this. People should learn how to use the Gnasher and not rely on the sawed off shotgun. Because the sawed off takes so little skill and you will become a better player using the gnasher.

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Edited By Afroman269

@Edin899: No, what you were saying is that everyone should disregard all of the advice mentioned here in favor of exclusively using the gnasher. That's just being arrogant. Rolling around with the gnasher is one of many strategies.

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Edited By metalmoog

Thanks for the helpful guide Afroman I know writing and formatting articles takes a lot of time and effort.

Hopefully with these tips and some practice, I will indeed suck less!

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Edited By TheGreatGuero

I now actually want to play Gears of War 3. Thanks for the tips, man!

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Edited By Rolyatkcinmai

Amazing guide.

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Edited By Enigma777

@Edin899: It's people like you who ruin Gears MP for the rest of us.

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Edited By Hampe

Great guide. However, the Gnasher still is a great weapon. I played tons of Gears 2, and yes, it was my go to weapon. I'm glad how much better the Lancer has gotten, but I still hate people that chainsaw at bad times. That's the worst playing Gears MP, when teammates hide when they're the only one left, or actually do something stupid like trying to use the lancer when in close combat.

So, learn to be a team player. But also learn to split up, even if you're close to the others. No idea standing like a big chunk of fucktards at the same place, because that shit will get your team into a pinch from the start.

Best part with Gears 3 MP is however dedicated servers. I love how much better the game has become from that.

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Edited By Afroman269

@Hampe: I'm not knocking the Gnasher. Like I mentioned in the blog post, it still retains all of it's qualities from the past games. In fact, it actually shoots from the hip even better than Gears 2. I just wanted to give people alternatives to the gnasher-centric playstyle so they don't get the impression that it's the same old game again.

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Edited By Slayeric

@Afroman269 said:

How do I get over the hurdle of being terrified by people who have been playing this game for years and will literally rape me with a chainsaw.

Picture them naked.

That is the best advice.

Great blog, man. I'll be sure to try these tips whenever I play again. Hopefully a regular community play date will get going.

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Edited By Vinny_Says

good guide, gears 2 multiplayer was not for me, but now I think gears 3 is my online game of much fun!

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Edited By CL60

Shotguns still piss me off sooo badly.

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Edited By Afroman269

@CL60 said:

Shotguns still piss me off sooo badly.

It's part of the game, just be glad that the Lancer isn't a nerf gun like it was in Gears 2.

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Edited By UnrealDP

Ahhhh, i've been playing gears 2 multiplayer for whats felt like forever and now i'm moving onto 3, but i always use the lancer and you saying it's for beginners is making me all self aware! CURSE YOU AFROMAN!

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Edited By SpudBug

This guide helped me out a lot.

Retro Lancer with very slow burst fire is a destroyer, even at long range.

I usually use Sawed Off and Retro lancer now. Getting pretty good at hitting with the torque bow too.

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@Edin899 said:


95% of you will suck at gears and keep sucking because you don't want to learn how to use the gnasher.

Dodge and roll with it while firing. And get used to shooting from the hip.

You will tear apart teams of up to 5 people by yourself!

This is pretty much true from what I've seen, and it speaks to a larger problem in the game itself.  
The game just isn't meant to be played the way people play it in multiplayer. I mean, think about it. Think about the skills you learn in the singleplayer campaign, and think about how ineffective those skills are when applied to the mutliplayer arena. Gears of War is built to be a slower, methodically-paced cover shooter, but the multiplayer morphs into this frantic, roll-heavy contest of shotguns. I mean, think about how painfully slow the default movement speed is, how slow you turn on a 90-degree plane.  
I tire of the multiplayer quickly because you have to manipulate the controls in an awkward fashion, a fashion that the game doesn't always reinforce positively (sometimes the controls straight-up don't work the way you need them to), and it makes the barrier of entry unnecessarily high because very few--if any--of the tactics you pick up while learning the game are worthy foundations for tactics you'll need to stay afloat in a game of deathmatch. And moreover, the map design and general weapon balance almost completely negates any other strategy than to camp with your whole team at the map's most powerful weapon spawn, which is more often than not an area of high ground where said team has a near-unassailable angle on the incoming enemy group.  
The Gears multiplayer has always been more frustrating than not to me. Shit just isn't consistent half the time. And when it is, the real flaws make their way out.
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Edited By Edin899

@Enigma777 said:

@Edin899: It's people like you who ruin Gears MP for the rest of us.

O i'm sorry. I can't help it that i played gears of war 1 to death and learned the skills to kill you with my shotgun.

If i wanne play the game like that i will. It is the most effective way to get kills.

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Edited By Edin899

@CL60 said:

Shotguns still piss me off sooo badly.

learn to use them. Imagine how boring gears would be if people all stand behind cover and just shoot out with the lancer.

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Nice post, very helpful. I really need to get Gears of War.

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Edited By natetodamax

Another tip (not sure if it's been mentioned): You can use the Tac Com (Left Bumper) to see through smoke. Sometimes I'll throw down a smoke grenade near enemies and then use my Tac Com to see if they move or run through the smoke.

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Edited By SpudBug

I don't understand shotgun complainers.

I think they probably have never felt the rush of charging into a fortified area and splattering the enemy's body into a paste on the wall with the shotgun.

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Edited By tunaburn

the sawed off needs to be removed. its not fun and it ruins the game. i have had many times where it comes down to 1 vs 1 and the other player is camping with his sawed off. now what do i do? i cant approach him or im instant killed. i cant get an angle to kill him because hes hiding around a corner. if theres no boomshot available then you cant beat that and its an automatic draw. or even worse is when there is 2 of them camping together like that and you cant do anything about it..... broken weapon

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Edited By Afroman269

@natetodamax said:

Another tip (not sure if it's been mentioned): You can use the Tac Com (Left Bumper) to see through smoke. Sometimes I'll throw down a smoke grenade near enemies and then use my Tac Com to see if they move or run through the smoke.

Really? Is the enemy highlighted or something or can you just see through the smoke? Even I didn't know notice, I'll go try it out. Thanks.

@tunaburn: Each map has an medium to long range weapon that you can use to counter it. You could use a digger, boomshot, scorcher, frag, incendiary, hell even a smoke grenade. People like to call the weapon broken because no one likes a gun that kills you with one shot. All you have to do is not get close to the guy. I don't see what's so hard about it.

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Edited By tunaburn

@Afroman269: i literally just posted whats wrong with it. 2 guys camp around a corner. you have no way possible to get over there and try to win. its instant death. no aiming required. i guarantee they nerf that sawed off like crazy fairly soon. The only people defending it are the ones using it. Even if you miss your shot (how the fuck do you miss.....) you can just roadie run around until you reload and do it again. unless they have a lancer out you will be fine. they should not let you reload that gun while running.....

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Edited By natetodamax
@Afroman269 It highlights the enemy through the smoke. It's really useful because smoke gives people a false sense of security, so often they leave cover and then you can see them using the Tac Com.
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Edited By Afroman269

@tunaburn: Oh so now it's two people? What happened to when you said it was 1 vs 1? Whenever I get killed by the weapon it's because I rushed into enemy territory without bothering to check if there was a guy sitting around that corner. It's called being cautious. I'm sorry that you don't know what to do when confronted with a guy with that gun.

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Edited By Afroman269

@natetodamax: That's awesome, I'll go try it out and add that bit of info to the guide.

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Edited By tunaburn

@Afroman269: youre being stupid. if hes camping around a corner. you cant shoot him with your lancer. you cant approach him at all with your shotgun because the sawed off will instant kill you. youre forced to just run away. that should never happen with a starting weapon. not all maps and rounds have a power weapon that will work. the digger will not make him move. its so easy to dodge. sometimes its a torque bow. that wont make him move. he will step to the side and then go right back. its a broken gun. the majority of people agree.

you didnt even know about tac-com. you are obviously not very advanced with the game. i maxed ranked in both gears games before and have put in a ton of time in this one and played the beta non stop. that gun is unbalanced and will be nerfed.

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Edited By Afroman269

@tunaburn: Name calling, huh. Ya I'm done talking to you. All I'm going to say is that there is room to walk around the outer edge when approaching corners. I'm just wasting my time trying to convince you this because you are obviously going to refuse to move from your stance. With that, I'm done, you can keep complaining about that weapon, I'll continue to counter that gun.

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Edited By tunaburn


this is a starting weapon... come on now. i know he ran up to them but no starting weapon should be able to even do this. they werent even that close together.

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Edited By Afroman269

@tunaburn: Notice how nobody saw him coming. If they did, they could have shot him down in an instant with rifles. Look how close he had to get up to them. Are you done now? Actually, don't answer that question. Something tells me that you're not.

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Edited By tunaburn

@Afroman269: your only response always is "if they killed him first he wouldnt of done that" no starting weapons should get an instant triple kill. they were not that close to him. they said melee distance for kills. 2 of those guys were not melee distance. they were in fact far enough that i doubt the gnasher would of killed them. looks like downing range to me. its broken. you know it but want to defend your lame using of that gun. my kill death is 1.6 by the way. i bet since i actually use guns that require skill i am better than you enough to still have a high K/D. I am done. you can defend your op crap. it will be nerfed. then youll be fucked. peace out.

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Edited By Afroman269

@tunaburn: Finally, you're done. I loved the assumptions you made by the way and sprinkling in some insults to boost self-esteem. My K/D is 2.0. Most kills done with Hammerburst and Retro. Only time I use my sawed-off is when I'm in close range. I purposefully chose the gun over the gnasher because my intention is to use the gun less. Twas fun talking to you.

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Edited By thespartandon

Nice guide :) You covered most of the important stuff.

dunno, if this has been mentioned however (I can't be bothered sifting through all the other posts) but NEVER aim with the 'Sawn-Off'. Always fire from the Hip, aiming takes too much time when your in some dudes face and aiming down your sights encourages you to fire from a longer range. Which isn't how your supposed to use the Sawn-Off.

If you miss your shot with the Sawn-Off then roll back and switch to your Retro, then take down your enemy.

Also, though it's considered 'cheap', learning to mash the 'B' button can be the difference between life and death. Being a melee whore has saved me numerous times and at the end of the day, it's still a kill.

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Edited By SpudBug

@tunaburn said:

@Afroman269: your only response always is "if they killed him first he wouldnt of done that" no starting weapons should get an instant triple kill. they were not that close to him. they said melee distance for kills. 2 of those guys were not melee distance. they were in fact far enough that i doubt the gnasher would of killed them. looks like downing range to me. its broken. you know it but want to defend your lame using of that gun. my kill death is 1.6 by the way. i bet since i actually use guns that require skill i am better than you enough to still have a high K/D. I am done. you can defend your op crap. it will be nerfed. then youll be fucked. peace out.

I think before everyone goes on misguided rants about how OP the SOS is they should try using it for a few matches. See if it's instant-win for them.

When they can't just charge into someone shooting a retro lancer at them and see that that the SOS is more about catching people off guard and flanking/moving around where people expect you to be, they probably wouldn't write these stupid sounding rants.

Seriously, try it. I think this goes for anyone whining about anything being OP in any game. Try it, play it, see if you become unstoppable. Until then, stop complaining.

A starting weapon should get an instant triple kill if its designed to be extremely high damage at extremely close range and have only one shot and the longest reload cycle in the game, and you're rolling up on 3 players who aren't doing much of anything but standing around very close to each other.

Basically, you're doing it wrong.

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Edited By cookiemonster

Great read. Thanks for the tips.

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Edited By Undeadpool

@Afroman269: This is almost a joke question, but what can one do when one's team is utter shit? I was playing in Horde and had someone refuse to revive TWO teammates (I was watching on Ghost Cam) who were within rolling distance. They were killed followed QUICKLY by him, but if he'd revived even one of them they probably could've gotten it done. I exited the game posthaste. But I guess what I'm asking is is there a way to effectively "solo" if you find yourself stuck with a shite team?

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Edited By SpudBug

not much, really. Teamwork is pretty important. Best thing to do if your team sucks is just try to mark as many enemies as you can and stick with them to get cleanup kills.

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Edited By CL60

@tunaburn said:


this is a starting weapon... come on now. i know he ran up to them but no starting weapon should be able to even do this. they werent even that close together.

I got a triple kill with it yesterday too, with a random blindfire.

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Edited By Slayeric

@tunaburn: The guys that got killed in that video were SO close to each other! What are you talking about with this "not even that close together" nonsense? That kind of kill is absolutely a fluke.

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Edited By Afroman269

@Undeadpool said:

@Afroman269: This is almost a joke question, but what can one do when one's team is utter shit? I was playing in Horde and had someone refuse to revive TWO teammates (I was watching on Ghost Cam) who were within rolling distance. They were killed followed QUICKLY by him, but if he'd revived even one of them they probably could've gotten it done. I exited the game posthaste. But I guess what I'm asking is is there a way to effectively "solo" if you find yourself stuck with a shite team?

In all honesty, you have to be really fucking good at the game to carry the team yourself. I don't like to brag but I'm fairly good at the game myself but even then, you will just end up being overwhelmed. If you have a bad team, just leave the game and go search for a new one. Just stick to quick matches because there's no penalty for leaving.

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Edited By skunk

@Afroman269: nice guide dude, some good info in here!

1 more tip: Keep an eye on the Life Counter! Seems super obvious but i've lost soo many matches that we should have won because a couple guys were being careless with they're lives when we only had a handful left. If you're getting down to your last 5 lives, maybe think about being a little more cautious and regroup with your team.

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Edited By EchoEcho

Nice guide; I'm going to try to put some of this into practice. Maybe it's because I never touched versus multiplayer in the previous Gears games and most of my time is spent in Bad Company 2 Vietnam, but I have been getting my ass handed to me in Gears 3. I rock a positive K/D ratio in every shooter that I play, but I'm sitting with a depressingly embarrassing 0.5 right now in Gears 3.

I really want to like the competitive multiplayer in this game, because it's a refreshing change of pace from the other shooters that I play regularly, but I actually flat-out rage quit the other night, and I never do that shit. It seems like I can't go five seconds without somebody jumping out of nowhere and shotgunning me to death before I have a chance to react. On top of that, I seem to constantly get stuck with teammates who are more interested in using me as bait while I'm DBNO than trying to revive me, or at least hold off the bastard who's running up to execute me while I self-revive, even when I'm literally one step away. Talk about frustrating.

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Edited By Afroman269
@EchoEcho Ya for some reason playing with randoms is worse than it has been in previous games. People steal your kills left and right and don't bother to revive you. Try finding some friends to play it or just play some quick matches. If your team is shit you can leave and find a new one.
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Edited By Drazat
@Afroman269 Thanks for the great guide I have never really played gears online before so this will help.
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Edited By tunaburn

@Undeadpool: you used to be able to solo fairly well. but now with the sawed off shotgun it is not possible.

@OtakuGamer: yes that spread on that sawed off is retarded. i have died from it when i was basically behind them. that first clip from that video is ridiculous. Or at 10:42... come on now