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Primm primminy primm primminy primm primm

My first and only iPhone game i have bought on release day was Secret of Mana at Christmas time. A classic and amazing SNES title that, for me, even now, i have many memories of playing in my youth. The free roaming combat, battle timing required when surrounded or when faced with 'that' boss that you forgot to upgrade your gear sufficiently at the shop, going back to fight baddies to obtain the level required to combat said difficulties, and so on. Classic RPG stuff. All these memories came flooding back, even when only partaking in a 20 minute session this evening. I am still in the early stages, just acquired Primm, and with Popoi also in tow, my adventure now starts to really begin all over again. The RPG ports for iPhone are pretty damn good too, and, at the moment at least, are more exciting than any of the new RPG's on the market (sorry, FF XIII fans, i just didn't get along with it).