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Super Smash Brothers 4 Part 23: Metal Gear

For parts 1-22 click here
The Video Game culture has quite a number of icons, and while Nintendo has created quite a number of them, they certainly dont have a monopoly on awesome characters. as such, it is my distinct pleasure to create a list of third party presence in Super Smash Brothers unlike anything we have seen in the series prior. Every weekday I'll bring you a blog on the third party characters that deserve a place in Nintendos next Civil War. I am completely open to suggestions, and if you feel a deserving character has been left out, tell me why they should make it and I'll potentially make some changes. 

  • No more than four characters per franchise
  • Characters will be known for their video game presence over all other multimedia endeavors
  • Characters must be important and in almost all cases have a distinct personality

Metal Gear
Synopsis: Snake is an elite soldier with the same genetic code as his predecesor, Naked Snake, himself a cold war stealth operative. Snake is often sent out to take care of dangerous missions that involve slipping into an enemy encampment undetected. He has had many encounters with the nuclear weapon Metal Gear
Notable Appearances: Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
SSB4 Likelyhood: 8/10
Alternate Costumes: I suppose the other snakes would essentially control exactly the same, though perhaps Old Snake would be slower...
Liquid Snake
Liquid Snake
Big Boss
Big Boss
Old Snake
Old Snake

Synopsis: Raiden is the main character in Metal Gear Solid 2, taking over for what was thought to be a Solid Snake gone rogue. While orignally mocked for his affeminate appearance, he gained new fans with his cyborg-esque redesign in Guns of the Patriots.
Notable Appearances: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
SSB4 Likelyhood: 1/10
Alternate Costumes: Grey Fox would probably control exactly the same, though the two would have to have some sort of different move.
Grey Fox
Grey Fox



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Edited By AgentJ
For parts 1-22 click here
The Video Game culture has quite a number of icons, and while Nintendo has created quite a number of them, they certainly dont have a monopoly on awesome characters. as such, it is my distinct pleasure to create a list of third party presence in Super Smash Brothers unlike anything we have seen in the series prior. Every weekday I'll bring you a blog on the third party characters that deserve a place in Nintendos next Civil War. I am completely open to suggestions, and if you feel a deserving character has been left out, tell me why they should make it and I'll potentially make some changes. 

  • No more than four characters per franchise
  • Characters will be known for their video game presence over all other multimedia endeavors
  • Characters must be important and in almost all cases have a distinct personality

Metal Gear
Synopsis: Snake is an elite soldier with the same genetic code as his predecesor, Naked Snake, himself a cold war stealth operative. Snake is often sent out to take care of dangerous missions that involve slipping into an enemy encampment undetected. He has had many encounters with the nuclear weapon Metal Gear
Notable Appearances: Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
SSB4 Likelyhood: 8/10
Alternate Costumes: I suppose the other snakes would essentially control exactly the same, though perhaps Old Snake would be slower...
Liquid Snake
Liquid Snake
Big Boss
Big Boss
Old Snake
Old Snake

Synopsis: Raiden is the main character in Metal Gear Solid 2, taking over for what was thought to be a Solid Snake gone rogue. While orignally mocked for his affeminate appearance, he gained new fans with his cyborg-esque redesign in Guns of the Patriots.
Notable Appearances: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
SSB4 Likelyhood: 1/10
Alternate Costumes: Grey Fox would probably control exactly the same, though the two would have to have some sort of different move.
Grey Fox
Grey Fox

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Edited By Tireyo

............................Don't know much about Metal Gear. 

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Edited By AgentJ
Tireyo643 said:

............................Don't know much about Metal Gear. 

Jesus, you have a gamecube/wii right? Go out and buy "MGS: the twin snakes" asap, and come back and tell me how you liked it.
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Edited By Tireyo

...............Can't find memory card. :(

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Edited By Video_Game_King
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Edited By AgentJ

sure. In fact, lets do the whole game lego! Lego Smash Brothers Blocks!

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Edited By TheGreatGuero
AgentJ said:
"Tireyo643 said:

............................Don't know much about Metal Gear. 

Jesus, you have a gamecube/wii right? Go out and buy "MGS: the twin snakes" asap, and come back and tell me how you liked it.
Yeah, that'd be easy enough if it wasn't so ridiculously rare. I've seen that thing selling for over $100 new. I tried buying it like a year or two ago, and I wasn't about to pay that much. I guess I should have bought it earlier, but to be honest, that God awful box art totally discouraged me. Anyway, I did rent it and beat it, and can certainly recommend it.

Okay, as for the characters, I think these are great choices. Maybe I'd go for Liquid Snake as a possible alternate costume instead of original Metal Gear Snake. I don't think the Raiden idea is that far of a stretch, man. I could see it happening. Maybe that's just too much wishful thinking on my part, I don't know. While I really like Ocelot and would like to see him get some recognition, I don't think he'd fit in so well as a fighter. It would however, be cool if he appeared as an assist trophy, and maybe shot a handful of his bullets at the stage that would ricochet off what they hit like in the MGS games. I think that would be pretty darn awesome.
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Edited By AgentJ

Actually, that picture is of Liquid Snake (I knew i needed to have labels). Having Otacon as an assist trophy is a pretty awesome idea! We'll have to incorporate Meryls ass as well.

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Edited By TheGreatGuero
AgentJ said:
"Actually, that picture is of Liquid Snake (I knew i needed to have labels). Having Otacon as an assist trophy is a pretty awesome idea! We'll have to incorporate Meryls ass as well."
Excellent call, dude. I could not agree more. She was a babe.