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The dilemma of supporting free to play

I'm a big believer that in our late capitalist society, what we choose to buy is among the most important choices we make day to day.

Whether its choosing to fill a bottle at home rather than buy a plastic bottle of water, or paying more for that new hoodie cos you know it wasn't made by slaves, every decision is a tiny little vote for the world you want to live in.

This brings me to my small dilemma.

When I enjoy a game that's either free or very cheap, I often like to purchase something in-game to support the developers and this week I've enjoyed Apex Legends enough that I want to pay a little something for it.

However, I hate random drop loot boxes and I can't bring myself to buy them. I consider loot boxes as a poisonous, predatory practice lifted straight out of the gambling industry and I see buying them as a vote FOR them. By buying them I'm helping the business case for having them in games in the first place.

So what to do? I've unfortunately concluded that I won't be sending any money Respawn's way until there's a way to do so that doesn't involve gambling.

Give me a store where I can buy characters, skins, quips, whatever... for straight up money and I'll buy 'em.