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#1  Edited By alexmint

Logic Artists just release the Event Editing Tool for Expeditions: Conquistador. It allows modders to add to the existing game events and even create new ones, with their own variety of choices and consequences. You can download it here:

And there is a quick introductory video on youtube for getting started.

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#2  Edited By alexmint

Hi all, I'm Alex and I work at Logic Artists, we are happy to see you are interested in the game, I just was reading your discussion and thought I might just pitch in a bit of info for you.

@veektarius, just wanted to let you all know there is a game website:

It is true that some users have experienced some strange bugs, especially on Steam. The steam-only bugs should be sorted in a patch that we are testing internally right now (and will be on Steam shortly after that today or tomorrow), and we have a full first-week patch that should be out on all distribution platforms by the end of the weekend, we also have a developers forum located here:

and we would be honored if you joined us there, perhaps the bugs you have discovered are unique or unreported, and we would love to hear about them.

Regarding those pesky camp attacks, some users have not prioritized tinkering, which not only gives technological boosts to the party, but also allows you to convert rope, wood, and metals into traps and barricades. I like caltrops personally, they slow the enemies advance and usually gives me the chance to divide them and flank, or take an extra round of ranged attacks before the melee exchange.