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Demon's Souls Observations -- the Royal

The Royal is a great class to play for less experienced players. The Soul Arrow ranged attack makes the first level a breeze.
Starting equipment is also crazy stacked in your favor -- almost unbalanced.  You get a Rapier and the Fragrant Ring which automatically restores MP's. On paper it seems like they have the best starting equipment in the game.
As you level up you are free to develop in any direction you see fit -- which is true of all classes -- but with the royal it really works out great. You can build up your spellcasting abilities to focus on range attacks; or you can raise your strength stats to carry better weapon and shield. You also get some great "warrior-wizard" weapons early on, in world 2, that do both Physical and Magic damage. Kris Blade and Hands of God are a good fit for this character.
At level 35, I would say my only complaint is that you don't have any one single attack option that can deliver overwhelming force. Instead you have to be patient and wear down your foes through patience and timing. Of course, this is only my first playthrough so that could be the case with all classes -- this game doesn't give you anything for free! :)