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My top 7 Games

 Why a Top 7? Why not?
1- MGS3. To me the best one. Incredible story and the whole james bond look to it makes it my favorite game but i love the other ones too

Box Art (EU)
Box Art (EU)
2-The Crash Bandicoot original trilogy. The classic Crash Bandicoot experience. It was awesome and funny as hell and it still is
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 3-GTA: Vice City. The 80s were awesome and Vice city captures the feel and look of Miami in the 80s perfectly. 
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City UK Box Art
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City UK Box Art

4-Zone of the Enders: the 2nd runner. I love anime and ZOE2 was probably the game that was every thing a good anime game should be.
Front cover of Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner Special Edition (EU) for PlayStation 2
Front cover of Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner Special Edition (EU) for PlayStation 2

5- COD4.  Cod4 was the first real multiplayer experience i ever had and I loved every second of it and still do. I just hate noobs 
Front cover of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (EU) for PlayStation 3
Front cover of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (EU) for PlayStation 3

6-Uncharted 2. Great story, great multiplayer, great gameplay and incredible graphics. Do i really have to say more? 
Region-free Box Art
Region-free Box Art

7-Sonic Adventures 2. Ok I know this is weird but every time I look back at playing this the only thing that i really remeber is how much fun I was having. 
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