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Top 10 Favorite Games of the Generation (X360, PS3, Wii)

This is a list of my 10 favorite games of this console generation (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii) though it includes all X360 games as that is my system of choice this gen. This list is also accurate as of July 30, 2012 and is subject to change at a later date. PLEASE NOTE: This is my personal list, if you don't like it or the games on it... make your own list.

Honorable Mentions include: Mass Effect Trilogy, Vanquish, Minecraft X360, NHL 2K10, Burnout Paradise, Left 4 Dead 2 and Rock Band 3.

List items

  • Fallout 3 is another Bethesda masterpiece with a really enjoyable world to explore. You can get lost in the game for 100's of hours and with the excellent DLC add-ons you get even more to discover.

  • LOOT is Awesome, but, it is even more awesome when it is GUNS! I can find a never before seen gun every single new game and with 4 player co-op you really can't go wrong. I also love the game's art style and the fact it doesn't take itself too seriously. Fun DLC (except Mad Moxxie) help change up the scenery. Oh, also, Clap-Trap.

  • I'll probably never play this again because I am basically done with the Call of Duty series but this game got me hooked on FPS games and FPS multiplayer. I spent over 384 HOURS playing this. Unfortunately the series was never able to capture me like this title did.

  • I've played only 2 characters in Skyrim and each has over 130 hours on it... I have never completed the main quest with either of them. Amazing graphics and another fun to explore Bethesda world means I stay hooked for 100's of hours.

  • Epic battles. Good Teamwork. MINIMAL LAG. Battlefield 3 is fun to play because it has such a different feel from the LONE WOLF mentality of the Call of Duty games. As a bonus the game's dedicated servers make for excellent and EVENLY MATCHED gun battles which removes a major frustration.

  • WHA? Not GTA IV? Nope, I enjoy the Saints Row games and the second game is bigger, better and the most feature packed of them all. There are easily 60+ hours of gameplay here if you want to challenge yourself to do it all. It's a perfect sequel, unlike the streamlined as hell Saints Row: The Third.

  • Oblivion has some problems that border on serious... but I still enjoyed it through multiple characters for probably over 400 hours and that says a lot when a game can overcome its problems and still be enjoyable for that long.

  • It's replayability factor is a little low because of the puzzle like nature of the levels which puts it lower on this list, but Portal 2 is a great can't miss experience. From the mind bending puzzles to the laugh out loud humor every is done excellently. It's also like you are getting 2 games in one with the separate Single Player and Co-Op levels.

  • I'm just going to put it this way... I hadn't been this into a racing game since Gran Turismo 2 in 1999. I 100% completed the career mode and played tons of online races. The sequels were never able to capture the same magic... in fact I haven't even played Forza 4 yet.

  • This is the surprise of the bunch I am sure. If it wasn't for the fact that Fallout 3 also came out in 2008 I think it would have likely been my game of the year. I loved the simplistic and relaxing gameplay in which you couldn't "die", the combo based fighting and I loved the way the Prince and Elika interacted during the course of the game. I kind of wish the PoP series kept going in this direction.