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Average score of 9 user reviews

Rent It First 0

Hardcore MK fan since the release of the first Mortal Kombat and have played all of the different platform versions to date.This game brought to the table something that we MK fans had never seen before; a story mode.Obviously, it got a little repetitive before it ended but I was open-minded and just excited to be able to do more than just fight against my friends who either are too good, or just plain pathetic.I also like the fact that, as Sub-Zero, you were able to kill "Scorpion" in the first...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Great Gameplay, Really Dumb Story 0

What amazing graphics (for the time)! But what a dumb story line.Gameplay rating:  ----Graphics 10.0----Handling 8.0----Interaction 10.0----Excitement 6.0----Storyline 5.0Graphics were perfect (although almost nobody can handle the high setting).Handling was good, but was really crappy and fake during the zero-G chapters.Interaction was very good. Almost everything was destructable, even the turtles. The physics were very good.Excitement was, um.... wait..... was it actually exciting? You get th...

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Disappointing as the movie 0

The cinematics in the game are pretty good. And really, it all looked pretty cool. Once you get use to the swinging, it all handles very well. The fighting controls are a little mashy, but we all remember mashing to street fighter and mortal kombat.The difficulty is a little too easy most of the way through. A game like this is suppose to be challenging. Yeah, sure, he may be a super-hero but even he's suppose to break a sweat.In the end, all I see is a game that's suppose to make you excited on...

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Almost converted me to Full-on-RPG's 0

I will admit that I have only played 3 of the Final Fantasy games. 7, 8, and 10.I will also admit that I am a hardcore shooter fan first, and a guitar-freak second.RPG's never quite fit in. And I don't mean the "technical" RPG's, I mean the ones like FF(X), Legends of Dragoon, World of Warcraft, and many more.I just never had time to play for hours on end. But Final Fantasy X almost converted me.I played through the whole game loving every minute of it. Even though I could never figure out how t...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Amazing Platformer/RPG 0

I don't believe that I played anything else for about two months straight. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is highly addictive even today. Yes, it is 2D, but all of the greatest games were!Even though it's 2D, they used cell shading and some graphics to simulate 3D in the scenery. ALUCARD, the main character, DRACULA's hybrid son, must survive Castlevania by slashing, shooting, and blowing up whatever is in his/your path.And just when you thought you were done, just wait til the castle flips ...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Hell-O, and wel-come to THE ORANGE BOX! 0

Ok. I knew that Portal was going to be good but, Wow!I actually had no idea what I was getting myself into. The only reason that I bought The Orange Box was because of the fact that it was 3 in 1. But the only game I really wanted was Portal.When you finally perform your first consecutive free-fall that is infinite, your brain will explode.It's also how you get that big falling achievement.Portal starts off kind of humorous and a little creepy at the same time but then gets fun.Of course, it is ...

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Favorite STAR WARS game to date! 0

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire opens with an intense Snow Speeder battle on Hoth near Echo Base and I could immediately tell that this game was going to be different.You begin shooting at the ridiculously easy probe droids floating around. Then the AT-ST's enter the battle and you think you've seen it all. Nope! Here come the AT-AT's and your blasters just aren't cutting it. Oh... But what's this? If you come in close you notice that you can fire a grappling line onto the legs of the Imperial ...

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EXTREMELY Addictive 0

A lot of anticipation has lead up to this release and only on rare occasion like this does the hype end up to be justified.Picked up the game at midnight with my buddies and, without a doubt, during the first hour of playing did I have to say aloud that the game was justifiably PERFECT.Not only did Infinity Ward introduce some new jaw-dropping features like the earnable online airstrikes, but from the graphics to the engine mechanics, the game has proven to be second-to-none in providing fast-pa...

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Highly Addictive 0

From the start to the finish on campaign, from Horde wave 1 through 50, to the multiplayer system, GEARS OF WAR 2 is a PURE MASTERPIECE.Granted, we ALL wanted SERVERS rather than player hosts, but I will admit that EPIC definitely got rid of a lot of the lag, or atleast the HORRIBLE lag that was in Gears 1.  A game in itself should not be punished for a poor network. The matchmaking system is superb, but host to host game searches still are a tooth grinding experience.The campaign seriously suck...

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