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November is a good month!

Not quite sure why but I've always enjoyed the month of November. Can't put my finger on why, it's just that month in the year where I feel the happiest and most mellow. Maybe it's because people are starting to get into the Christmas cheer, what can I say I'm a sucker for that sort of thing.

Or maybe it's the fact as November 1st rolls in your smack in the middle of the greatest season for gaming. This is the time developers release all those A+ games just before Christmas. Which means for me I can blow cash I've been saving all year on 3-4 titles at once then frolic happily in the bliss that is a video game haven.

An as Gears Of War 2, Fable II, Smackdown, Dead Space, Far Cry 2 and Fallout 3 are surrounding us. Haven seems the perfect word of choice.

How am I going to afford to stay in this haven? I have no idea. Will I manage? Who knows. We'll see.

*Andy runs into the distance*

Trick or Treat

 Happy Halloween!

You guys doing anything to get into the halloween spirit? Or is this just another day in your life?

I'm having dinner and watching a scary movie with the family, then think I will sulk away, grab my headphones and play some FEAR. Which I still haven't finished. I think I'm a little over half way at the moment.

Hopefully it can bring me the FEAR (pun intented) I'm looking for tonight. We shall see.

You guys doing anything scary?

*Andy runs off into the distance*


First instance in a long while.

* First instance in a long while where I have caved against my will and bought  something anyway.

* First instance where I've got to choose between good or my natural evil side.

* First instance in a long time where I've got no money for the must have titles being released in the upcoming weeks.

* First instance in a long time where I admit I need to get a job...

* Entering Albion for the first time in 4 years....


So-Long, Lonesome


Gears 2, Leaked, already?

It seems some guy in the Epic head office pressed the wrong red button an now it seems the every torrent website on the internet is flooded with a leaked Gears Of War. Also the rumors appear to be true. So within a few hours thousands of people will be playing Gears Of War 2.

Seriously (V.2) Epic how did you manage to pull this one off?

Waiting for the official wording of this. As of right now, I am officially rather jealous...

So-Long, Lonesome

Why does black seem to attract smudges? (NEW! Laptop)

It's a blessing as well as a curse.

It appears my prayers were infact answered. The morning after posting my last blog about how much a new laptop would come in handy. A nice voucher come in the mail from our insurance money. Just enough to cover the cost of the beauty I'm about to show you. It's in no shape or form a gaming laptop. But it's rather sexy in it's own right.

  • Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T5750
  • (1.83 GHz, 667 MHz, 2 MB Cache)
    Vista Home Premium
  • 4 GB Memory
  • 320 GB Hard Drive
  • This makes my life...
    This makes my life...
    ... So much easier
    ... So much easier

This now give's me NO reason to get out of bed.

In my time of need the big G' in the sky comes to my aid, sweet.

So-Long, Fishsticks


The odyssey of a bed-bound gamer.

It seems I have been struck down with a nasty illness (man flu) these last few days. It's awful, I've pretty much been bed-bound since Wednesday. I just feel so weak, getting out of bed seems a daunting task. So I have been spending unnatural house in bed. The first day wasn't all that bad. Just felt like a normal day off from school. But the second, er, well, I was at the point where as if I watched another episode of Jerry Springer I would have to go through severe rehabilitation (daytime television is a sworn enemy of mine)...

So what did I do? Well anything any other gamer would do in such times of peril. He cracked open a game case, but not any ordinary game case. Oh no, he would crack open a case in which the disc would give him many hours of satisfaction to waste until he was strong enough to once again stop being lazy and get out of his bed...

The case in which he popped open was of course. This One.

20 hours later?
20 hours later?

I did think about playing "that special RPG" but ended up choosing the above due to the fact I also wanted to harrass everyone currently logged into XboxLive.

So what do I think? Fantastic. I've never been a hardcore RPG fan (apart from Pokemon of course) but this is being put to good use. In the last 2 days I have logged a little over 20 hours, and have just started the second disc. It feels like such a waste of my life putting that much time into a video game. But it was that or more Jerry Springer, I regret nothing.

I currently have this rented out through LoveFiLM, but I'm very much considering purchasing this title as you can get it pretty cheap. An for the amount of hours you can put in it's well worth it.

I'm actually getting tired just by typing this, bah, this is aweful. What I woudn't give for my laptop right now...

I best be off, I got to get up early for a doctors appointment tomorrow. Hopefully they will cure me of this man-flu.

So-Long, Lonesome

Is comedy dead?

Ok... seem's like you guys didn't notice the sarcasm in my last Blog.

I do NOT actually intend to buy a DSi.

Sarcasm on the internet is instant fail.

So-Long, Lonesome



OMG! Nintend0 Dualz Skreen iii

Totally pointless, but a little part of me actually want's one.


So-Long, Lonesome.


TNA isn't that bad. Common!

Seriously, it's all that bad. Sure I'll be the first to admit there is a LOT missing in this game. But for a first attempt it's pretty good. An that's what it is, a first (test) attempt.

Overall at the moment the Smackdown series still dominates the wrestling video game genre (even though it's not always worth a purchase to some people). But I'm enjoying the breath of fresh air TNA is giving. The mechanics are technically sound, they have a lot of things Smackdown should, an is aiming for.

Rosters and gameplay modes can be edited but the most important part of a game is the machanics, an this game has that down!

I'm only renting this game at the moment, I dont justify buying it. But it gives a lot of potential towards a great sequal. Which may give Smackdown a run for it's money. Ok maybe not in sales, but in general quality.

Sorry about lack of structure here, there are just random thought's that are flying through my head.

So-Long, Lonesome