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Backwards in gaming.

Hm, I forgot i even started this dumb blog. Wow its already been a year since then. Well since i originally started this things have gotten a bit weirder. I got absolutely sucked into Warhammer 40k so much that I've read almost every book available and also read the rulebooks for more info. I haven't slipped any further back into old school games. except for my quest to find some good arcade fun in my town. I have to say that i have had some interesting experiences with 40k that i haven;t been able to have with a video game. I learned to paint! And when you consider I'm color blind and lack any real talent this is fantastic. Its one thing for a game to help you with math or critical thinking but its another thing entirely when you learn a skill from scratch. Have any of you learned an actual skill from a game? Any game. Console, Computer, tabletop, anything.



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Edited By AngryForrestt

Hm, I forgot i even started this dumb blog. Wow its already been a year since then. Well since i originally started this things have gotten a bit weirder. I got absolutely sucked into Warhammer 40k so much that I've read almost every book available and also read the rulebooks for more info. I haven't slipped any further back into old school games. except for my quest to find some good arcade fun in my town. I have to say that i have had some interesting experiences with 40k that i haven;t been able to have with a video game. I learned to paint! And when you consider I'm color blind and lack any real talent this is fantastic. Its one thing for a game to help you with math or critical thinking but its another thing entirely when you learn a skill from scratch. Have any of you learned an actual skill from a game? Any game. Console, Computer, tabletop, anything.

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Edited By AngryForrestt

Oops. I thought this would pop up in my old blog of the same name but apparently not. Sorry!

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Edited By imsh_pl
@AngryForrestt: I tried getting into tabletops once but I didn't really have the patience for painting... funds were also pretty scarce. But from what I learned the universe is amazing and extremely interesting. Out of curiosity: which race do you play?
On topic: Board games, card games, tabletops and RPGs had a great influence on my english when I was younger (elementary). Video games helped as well, but I'd say without MtG and the various board games I've played I wouldn't know english nearly as well as I do now.
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Edited By AngryForrestt

@imsh_pl: That's a great example. I hope more people respond with replies this good. Thanks.