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Game of The Year 2014 Users Choice

So.. the positions on this list are kind of fluid and depend on when you ask me but basically this is the general list of the games I played. I decided to only put one Assassin's Creed game on the list so I went with Rogue over Unity.

List items

  • 115 hours and I enjoyed most of them in spite of the awful inventory system.

  • I'm rating this on my experience playing the game rather than the game itself. Playing through the story on Hard with 2 friends always being underleveled was a refreshing challenge and it got me into the MMO feeling and even made me play and enjoy competitive multiplayer which is something I normally don't care for at all.

  • Really solid gameplay and the nemesis system was awesome. Perhaps a little to easy and short-lived. Would have liked to wrestle with the nemesis system longer.

  • Did this really come out this year? Guess so. I really enjoyed this and I haven't even watched the show since season 4.

  • Really great story and made you care about the characters.

  • A really good game. Can't wait for part 2 to finish it.

  • Not as impactful as Season One but really good.

  • Russian Truck Simulator. The dark souls of driving simulators.

  • I decided to put this one on the list rather than Unity. I still enjoy this franchise but Unity was a bit undercooked and Rogue put a refreshing twist on the Black Flag gameplay and story.

  • This is the game I go to when I want to waste some time. Driving some classic for a while and then building a monster out of it and totally ruin it =)

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