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4.7 stars

Average score of 3 user reviews

It's like Diablo, but funny. 0

Let's face it, most RPGs take themselves way too seriously. Whether it's chasing down Satan, saving a kingdom, stopping evil corporations, or trying to battle against an invading force, with the exceptions of maybe a few nods in mission titles or dialog, most RPGs have no sense of humor.  DeathSpank decided that the world has had its share of serious RPGs. It's time to giggle while you save the world. From the opening cutscene explaining how DeathSpank's story involves "Steel and death and bacon...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Your Story 0

I'll be honest, when I first started playing this game, I nearly sent it back. The beginning dares you to put it down and do something else.   But then, some part of me decided to give it a legitimate chance. So, I put it back in my PS3 and gave it an hour. Then, I gave it another hour. And then... well, I didn't put it down until it was finished.   The story inches it's feelers onto you and pulls you in without you even realizing it. You somehow find yourself playing just to see the next seen...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Explosives Test 0

When you first boot up Just Cause 2, you're ready for whatever the game throws at you. Let's face it, if you picked it up in the first place, you already know the story is trash. But you're really looking forward to blowing the snot out of everything you see.  What you don't know is that is all you are going to do. Need to free your comrade? Blow stuff up. Need to capture a base? Blow stuff up. Need to do, well, everything else? You get the picture. Also, you need to collect boxes full of stuff...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.