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Old Football Games, PS3, Mafia 2 and Thrash Metal


Those of you that follow me on Twitter, Myspace, and Facebook, or you read my bulletins on Facebook you know I took a bit of a break from reviewing. Had to tend to some offline stuff. I will be back though. The set date is September 17th, but I may release it earlier, it all depends on how busy I get in the next week or so.

So I thought I would make a blog for this week. This week I want to talk about just random things.

If you remember I had the Madden blog about the music in it, since then I been doing some thinking about that game series. Now back when the Madden games were on the Sega Genesis (John Madden's Football) the Gameboy and other game systems, they were really fun. Personally I think the best era for football games was the 8-bit to 64-bit era. I mean Tecmo Bowl is a kickass game. How can you not like that game. Also the NFL Blitz games on the Arcade, Nintendo 64 and Playstation, those games were a blast to play. Back in the day, me and my cousin use to play those games for hours.

Even the Madden games back in the early to mid 2000's were fun. Now I know they are better every year, graphics are more realistic and so on, but why do people get so damn excited for them? I mean I like Football, I think its a great sport, and exciting. Hell I am a Seattle Seahawks fan, the last few years we have been in a rough spot, but hopefully this year we will have a good year. I just don't see the excitement in the Madden games anymore. Then again, people standing for hours in front of Wal-Mart, or Best Buy or a game store waiting to get any game, I just don't see the point in doing that. I usually wait a few months or longer after a game is out and get it. Sometimes I will wait until the price goes down. There really hasn't been a game I needed that bad....well maybe Manhunt and Manhunt 2, but those games are just awesome in my opinion (not gonna sound fanboy here)

Same goes with game systems as well. I won't stand or camp out at a store for a game system. Hell I got my PS3 last year, came with 2 games and a BluRay movie of The Dark Night, for 300 dollars. It was that deal that Wal-Mart had. For one, people were robbed, stabbed, shot, and so on standing out there at Wal-Mart, and another reason is, I wasn't going to pay 600 to 700 dollars for a damn game system.

^ bet he is looking for a PS3 lol

Now I want to talk about the Mafia game series. As Mafia 2 is coming out or is out. I remember when I got the first Mafia game for the PS2. It was a good game, but what really pissed me off was on certain TVs, the night driving missions, I couldn't see for **** I don't know what the deal with that was, but it really got on my nerves. Also, I remember how frustrating the first game was, 3 to 5 shots, and your dead, very realistic like. The new game looks good. I may download the Mafia 2 demo when I get a chance.

Lately I been listening to alot of bands I never really listened to very much, or I haven't listened to in a while. my MP3 player has quite a few different musicians, ranging from Megadeth to AC/DC, Scorpions to Exodus, Deicide to Strapping Young Lad, and so on. the 3 bands I been listening to alot of lately is Exodus, Scorpions and Strapping Young Lad, all 3 bands are kickass. I would love to see a new Strapping Young Lad album, but sounds like that won't be happening anytime soon. I do want to share a kickass song with you though.

Strapping Young Lad - Velvet Kevorkian/All Hail The New Flesh (Live):

I also found 2 new bands last night. Dublin Death Patrol and Tenet. Both great bands. Dublin Death Patrol is a thrash metal band formed in 2006, by Testament singer Chuck Billy and former Exodus singer Steve Souza. That I know of they have only released 1 album called DDP 4 Life, and its a great album, has a great cover of the UFO song "Lights Out" I like the whole double vocals in the songs, good stuff.

Tenet is another band that Steve Souza does vocals, and Gene Hoglan (was in such kickass bands such as Strapping Young Lad and Zimmer's Hole) is behind the drum, they only have 1 album too, hopefully more will come from both of these bands.

Dublin Death Patrol - Lights Out (UFO Cover):

Well thats it for this blog. I am currently working on a new review. Like I said at the beginning of the blog I will be returning September 17th, and possibly sooner then that. The review will be Deer Avenger for the PC, a game that wasn't well recieved but holds a special place in my heart. Take care, and have a good weekend.