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Is it really worth it....?

So.... on July 3rd I have what should be a 4 hour flight but because of layovers I have a 12 hour flight to Salt Lake City, Utah (I will be there till August 2nd). And upon getting there I have a 2 and 1/2 hour drive to Bear Lake, Utah. Then upon getting THERE, I have to go straight to work for a construction company for a couple hours then I go home, and go to sleep...... sounds like fun don't it? The best thing about all this is..... July 3rd is my birthday....  
Well, something good came of all this stuff..... My xbox 360 is in Bear Lake, Utah so I decided to blow $40 bucks to buy a decent video game to play when I get there.  So I've been searching all weekend for a game that would be really fun for me and my best friend to play up there. Now, once upon a time I bought Modern Warfare 2 with the mindset that I would hold on to it and then play it when I got to Utah, however a very impatient friend of mine offered me $70 for it if he could have it right then.... So I sold it for a $10 profit, and now that I am actually going to Utah I have begun to look into buying Modern Warfare 2 again for $34. Now I'm a Battlefield: BC fan undoubtedly, however BF:BC2 does not offer split screen multiplayer and it doesn't offer Spec Ops mode, so I ruled that out. However I'm still left wondering..... for one month of gameplay, is Modern Warfare 2 worth the money?  
EDIT: I should add that I do not have an internet connection up there since it is extremely expensive, so yeah offline multiplayer is very important


Ugh...brand new Amp going haywire....

Ok well... I was recently given a brand new amp for my bday, its a Line 6 Spider III 150W Amp, now I know all the stories about the Spider series of amps, and how a lot of people have complaints about them, now I'm pretty happy just to receive something for my birthday, so to be given a brand new amp made me ecstatic, so I've had it for 4 days, and on the second day, while playing, this feedback would come in while I was playing and get increasingly louder and eventually just shut off the amp entirely. Then I would restart the amp and all I would get was solid black boxes, so after a couple of minutes of fiddling with it, it stopped doing such things and I took played all night. Then came day 4 (I hadn't played my guitar at all on day 3) which is today, and as I was just turning on the amp, the feedback came back even faster and in roughly around 2 minutes my amp would just die out. And every time I restarted it I would receive just black boxes..... and with waiting a couple minutes I would restart it and it would be perfect for like 2 minutes before it did the feedback thing all over again... Now I know its not my guitar, which is a ESP LTD Viper Custom, since I've used that guitar with many amps before, and the amp will die out without my guitar even being plugged in....  

So in response to this I went online and checked out support from Line and lo' and behold I found a forum discussing my problem, and there even was a response to the problem from some dude that works at Line 6, can anyone guess what it was? Well.... The dude said that if you see black boxes on your amp, then that means that there is something seriously wrong with it and I will have to take it in to a shop to get it serviced..... Thank god I have a warranty.... 
But still.... that fucking sucks, and I was just getting to learn the solo from Holy Diver..


Parents just gave away my dog....

Basically the title says it all.... My father has been threatening it for a long time because he's sick and tired of my dog shedding, but when I got home today they actually did it, they told me last week that they had found a family interested in my dog but I didn't believe they were being serious.... I've had that dog since I was like 11, every time I've moved and lost all my friends, my dog was always there for me so that I actually had a friend. She was such an amazing animal, she was literally the perfect dog... I'm actually depressed, I can't believe that she's gone.... Holy shit man... this sucks....


Something happened at my school today

So it was like 20 minutes after school today, I was walking down the hallway when all of a sudden a teacher tells me I need to go the other way, that's when I look up and see the cops inspecting what looks like to be some kid out cold on the ground, took me awhile to notice the pool of blood all around him. So I'm thinking some kid just did something stupid and got hurt, but as I walk out of the school I hear all these police squad cars coming down the road, however I head into 7/11 and get some food, as I walk back out and around the school making my way home I count 10 police squad cars in total, 1 ambulance, 1 firetruck, and 1 police helicopter. So as I was walking home I ask a couple kids overlooking everything and I asked them what happened, one of them says that what happened was the kids was running from one of the cops and when the cop grabbed him, he tried to resist. Now this from what I hear has happened before, and the last time the cop just tazed the kid, I looked at all the other kids and asked if that was what really happened and they all said they were there and saw it and basically could attest to it. Now usually when the cops at our school restrain a kid they don't hurt the kid this badly and they don't call in that many cops... let alone a firetruck and a police helicopter... so this kid did something, and what those kids and I were betting was that this kid pulled a gun or a knife on the cop.... 
Does anyone on GB go too Hayfield High School in Fairfax, VA? If so you have any clue wtf happened? 
Ok so here's the update: Nothing has come out so far, however everyone has told me to wait for the crime report on monday, apparently the police in our county do a crime report every 3-5 days and so we're all waiting to see what happened, now so far I've talked to 4 kids from my school who have all told me the exact same thing, we're hoping that something comes out soon from the school district but since there has been a lot of violence in these schools in the past, the school district is used to keeping things silent.


Atheism vs. Organized Religion.... What's the point?

You know..... every day there's always something on the news, something at school, something in my day that revolves around the debate with religion and atheism. Whether it be against religion or for religion, and frankly all it ends up being is both sides looking like elitist crazy fanatical freaks. And in all honestly, I'm fucking sick of it all, I'm sick of radical atheists calling religious people insane, close-minded, ignorant... etc, and then radical religious people calling atheists savage, anarchists, misguided... etc.  
I mean to be as offensive as I can be when I say: Your both crazy as hell, you radicals need to leave each other alone, because all you both are hypocrits, you both claim your the only one that knows the "truth" and that the other side is ignorant or insane. And yes this goes for any radical, whether your christian, islamic, atheist, scientologist, wiccan, hell anyone who is radical.  
GB guys I'm sorry this annoys you but I kid you not, every freakin day I have to deal with this kind of crap... I must be a dumbass and make the most fucked up friends ever because whenever something that has to deal with this kind of topic comes out... I always have at least one friend who has to try and make a big deal out of it.... and frankly.... I'm really sick of it, and I've constantly told people to please just leave me alone but that just makes them become even more fanatical and shit gets serious.  
And I've also come to notice that on GB this topic is a very serious topic and a very debated one so most people try to ignore it. And please don't see this as flame bating I'm trying to not do that at all, I'm just trying to inform people of how I don't care what your theory of creationism is, and call me ignorant but I don't see why anyone should care. Because honestly, if you want to hope that there's something else beyond this pretty much meaningless existence on this planet then go ahead, however yes I do agree with everyone else: Don't push your beliefs on me or others. But if you want to go ahead and not believe there is anything out there that science can explain everything: Then great, congrats for you but like the religious guy, don't push your beliefs on others.  
Another thing, just because one person comes out and acts crazy and is an extreme fanatic, doesn't mean he actually speaks for everyone else, such as when terrorist organizations come out and threatens to butcher innocent lives in the name of God (Allah in Arabic), that doesn't mean that everyone in that religion is crazy. The same goes for atheists: like when the ACLU has one of their insanity trips and tries to get anything that references to religion, banned in the US doesn't mean that all Atheists support what they're saying. At the end of the day, it's the specific people who are fucked up, not the whole organization. 
Now i know someone is gonna get on here and try to show proof that religion is bad because it keeps people ignorant and honestly.... That's a bunch of bullshit, there have been countless innovations in the world by religious people such as Georges Lemaitre, William Phillips, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, Nicolaus Copernicus, Blais Pascal, hell the dude who first invented bullet proof vests was a priest. No offense but I'm willing to bet you there are more religious inventors than atheist inventors throughout history. Now that doesn't say that atheists haven't made great leaps in science, they most certainly have, and for that I give credit to all inventors. But it's pretty damn obvious that the argument that religion impedes the advancement in scientific fields... is BS. 
Now I also have to mention this and this may just seem as if I'm taking a one sided stance against Atheism and I apologize if it seems like that because I'm trying to not do that at all.... I have honestly seen more people who have pretty sad lives become happier and be given hope by "finding religion" rather than finding atheism... as a matter of fact.... I've never met anyone who has gone from being depressed and/or having a horrible life be given hope by "finding atheism". And if anyone has though, then please tell me and i will remove that statement but I am honestly telling you the truth. 
All I am trying to say is that.... you know if you disagree with someone on their beliefs and if they haven't done any wrong to you, don't judge them, don't mock them, don't.... just don't belittle them in any way. Because in all honestly, if your making an unprovoked statement towards them... then your just a Grade A douchebag... 
So GB... I'm sorry if someone gets annoyed by this, because the last thing I ever want to do is flame bait and i cannot stress this enough... and if people sees it as such, send me a PM and I will delete the post and will go on with my day. But all in all,  this blog post is my stance on the topic of religion vs atheism...  
PS: If you find any errors in grammar and the likes... send me a PM for that too please so I can correct it.


My friend is drunk and is sending me IM messages

So yeah... she is wasted, I can confirm this because she called me like 5 minutes before she started doing this and told me she was drunk and that she really misses me, so I hang up thinking she's just messing with me (because I did like her at one point in time) and decide to call my other friend (oh yeah they both live in Germany) and asked him if she really was drunk, he tells me he just found her lying on the street wasted and helped her to get home and was on his way home himself at that very moment, then he asks me if I want him to go check up on her. Of course I tell him not too because he already did enough as a good friend, just then I get a shit load of messages from her.... and right now she is still sending me messages.... 
I'm gonna be a total fucking asshole and mess with her right now, anybody have any ideas? 
Now they may be messing with me but.... ah hell I'll play along in that case. 


Crap... I need to find more songs to learn...

  Ok well I'm pissed at myself... see for the whole month I had everything planned out.... I was gonna learn the opening and bridge and chorus to Welcome Home by Coheed and Cambria, the opening and first verse of Opium of the People by Slipknot, and as much of the song of Last Resort by Papa Roach as I can. Granted not all of those 3 bands are loved but I really like the guitar in those songs, and learning all those parts was supposed to span over the whole month.... 1 mega monster, a sliced open finger, and 5 hours later.... I'm done with all of that and I find myself trying to learn more of Welcome Home, which I know I shouldn't because I myself cannot hold the beat without a drummer when it comes to most songs and if I move ahead it takes me forever to learn the beat and my friends band (I'm filling in for their guitarist who apparently is being a bitch) same goes with Opium of the People, however with Opium of the People it will take me awhile to finish the solo but I need something to keep me interested as I progress in it. 
So now I'm kinda pissed because I can't think of any intermediate guitar songs that I can play, now I have an extensive music library to draw inspiration from but... that very library is on another computer back in Utah (I'm in DC).  
I need suggestions otherwise my month is gonna suck as much as last months... where I simply played Roses for the Dead by Funeral for a Friend, and Classico by Tenacious D over and over and over again... I'm trying to stick to Hard Rock and a little lighter metal songs (I'm not good yet), but hey I'm open to Punk and even a little country.... at this point in time I think I should actually start thinking outside my metal framed box.


Things you never forget

Well today I was informed that I was moving to Utah.... I've been in Virginia for 5 months, I just moved from South Korea. I was told that I will be finishing off my year here but after that I will be immediately going to Utah.  Now I'm not gonna lie, I'm an asshole and I really don't care about almost.... anything. I know it seems very machoistic but it's true, even my dad calls me an uncarring prick, I have very damn good reasoning to be this way so don't question it. Sooo anyways, usually I wouldn't care at all about moving but, there is this girl, lol I know a lot of you guys are assuming things (High school romances are shit). But I knew this girl ever since the first month of me being in Korea (8th grade) and we've gotten very close. Now I'm gonna be blunt and say: She's the one that got away. Sounds cliche and stupid for a high schooler to say this but me and this girl have helped each other through very very dark and brutal days. However I fucked up big time and any feelings she had for me ended abrubtly well now she's with some other guy who odds are is probably a whole lot better for her, I have had to talk to him and listen to her and her friends talk about him 24/7. Still that doesn't mean that I'm perfectly fine, seeing as well she's is probably the only living human being I actually care about.... Now she has steadily grown distant (I expected it since she is 18 and her bf is 17 and they are both very serious people when in a relationship) and well it's for the best. And as of recently, our friendship has simply turned into a simple "Hi" once every couple of days when we pass each other in the hallways at school.
So I recently decided that for my own sake I'm going to delete all my facebook, and email accounts when I move so that I might actually be able to have a fresh start (not really). That doesn't mean though that I will never be in pain, but I've gone through hell before and I figure I can do it again. One of the few things my friends actually like about me is that I'm always capable of trudging through some of the worst days.... it doesn't mean though that I'm going to actually ever get over this horrific time.


Keeping up to date

Before I say anything I would like to apologize for all my misbehaviors on the Giantbomb network, it was simply out of irrationality and anger for events that occur in my life. And it is very clear that I should of kept professional and made sure that my personal emotions staysedout of my judgement and my text. So I apologize officially.
Well honestly I've never accepted what my father has always told me, what countless others have told me and what all the signs have shown. It's been something I've ran from for a long period of time. I don't know why it's just odd to have everything tell you something you just dread and fear the most.....  It's a long story but it's something I figured hell I might as well admit too it with a bunch of strangers than with the wolves that have been dying for dinner..... 
I guess it should start with when I was 6; I lived in Fort Meade, Maryland. Toddler age still so I didn't have a care in the world, and I had a really cool friend named Aaron Hong. Aaron Hong was the son of South Korean parents (I don't know much else and I don't feel like speculating). When your young nothing tends to matter... except for when you move, at a young age you always feel the repercussions of moving... and well I moved and I lost my friend.
Fast forward about.... 7 years and travel all over the world. I'm 13 and I live in Seoul, South Korea. It's January and I'm going to another day of school, of course faces mean everything when your 13 because all of the emotions that are pumping through your brain. Anyways, as I go to my first class I sit down and in walks a face... well not just any face, it's the face of Jennifer Richards, she half Asian, half American. Beautiful girl in my eyes, very beautiful and I always ended up looking at her eyes... idk why but I always did. Another minute later another girl walked in the room her name was Katilyn Roysden, she wasn't a very attractive young girl (least I thought at the time) she was also a tiny bit emo. I knew Kate slightly through a tiny relationship in another class and we didn't really like each other. Then another girl walked in the room, her name was Cory (I forgot the next part in her name), now me and Cory despised each other even though we didn't say it, she was a bitter girl and very much a goth. Unbeknownst to me was the fact that she was actually a lesbian who had deep feelings for Kate. At one point I would have a very embaressing encounter with these feelings. Over the summer though I would get to know Kate and Jennifer a lot more. And I ended up developing deep feelings for Jennifer.
The next year in school, early on I ended up dating Kate (forsaking my deep feelings for Jennifer and deciding to try something) although I never told anyone, when I first started dating Kate, I didn't like her. But 2 weeks in and I cared for her deeply, that's why 3 months later when we finally broke up I hardened every bit of feeling in me so that I may not ever actually feel any emotion for the rest of my life. Or so that's what I appeared to feel... In truth I only felt pain as I began to face what my life really was like: My father held a deep dislike for me and decided that it was time that he actually begin to show it (He would later admit to it amongst all my suspicions), my friends all used me because I was someone who could get stuff done, my family didn't care about me, and all of those who claimed to truly care I put under a test to see if they would help me in a time of crises and every single one of them failed (I don't feel like going into detail the experiment but maybe in a later update), the girl I had actually claimed to love backstabbed me and destroyed any bit of reputation I had made for myself, it turned out to be just a taste for what was to come. I saw everything crumble and leave me standing alone, so I spent the rest of year in pure hatred, and depression (I would once again later find out that it ran in my family to have depression and constant suicidal thoughts).  But I was always there for Jennifer, always putting aside my problems in order to help her and make sure that she was ok. That summer Kate moved away, and so did Cory.  But that year I was said to of completely changed into an uncaring, unfeeling, and horrible person.
(I'll update later  my comp needs to charge)

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