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being ban for other sites.

I came here because i got ban from my fav game fourm game spot and game trailers. I feel both reasons i was kicked out were so unjust its not funny. I got ban from game trailers from posting a creepypasta. Creepypasta are scary urban legends posted online. One of them is the lavender town syndrom which is a creepy song in pokemon that was said to hurt kids and their gameboys.

At the very bottom of that page the odd person got adds with naked chicks on it. I did not see it while i was there so i got ban for it. I told the mod is was a misunderstanding but he said i did it to troll. To me this was a very offensive due to the fact i maybe had 1 or 2 moderations on my history over years of being there.

I then got ban from gamespot shortly after for having a picture of Mario in my sig. Yes that it! Nothing about it at all was offensive in anyway.

So now im here making a new start. Im not a troll so lets hope they don't come up with some dumb random reason to get rid of me here to.