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BBQ: Barl0we's Backlog Quest!

I've been a fan of game bundles for quite some time. Humble Bundles. Indie Royales. Bundles in a Box. You name it, I've probably bought it.

Over some time, that has added up to a lot of games. When Steam added expanded profile options, one of the things I noticed was this...

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Yeah. The one perfect game is the first season of The Walking Dead.

I have a 21% game completion rate, which is kind of embarrasing. To that end, I've started my Backlog Quest. I'm trying to complete games (at least the story mode, if not getting all achievements) to raise my completion rate...Ideally I'd love to have above a 50% rating, but with the amount of games currently in my library, that's going to take some time.

Do any of you have embarassing backlogs? In that case, feel free to join me on my quest. A quest for glory. A quest for not being one of those people who buy games and then never plays them!


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