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My Favorite Games of the Decade (2010 - 2019)

10. Soma (2015)

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I played Amnesia under the pretense that it's one of the scariest games ever. It certainly lived up to the talk for me and left a big enough impression that I kept tabs on whatever Frictional Games made next. Awkwardly enough Frictional Games next game wasn't Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs (developed by The Chinese Room), but rather Soma. I played Soma expecting another super scary game, which it certainly is, but Soma left a lasting impression with it's narrative. By the end of the game I was more annoyed by monsters rather than scared given that I wanted to see how the story played out. Granted there's a set-piece near the end of the game that is absolutely incredible on how suffocating the situation is and how frayed your nerves get, but at the end of it all the story/narrative steals the show. And I'm literally talking about the ending.

9. Asura's Wrath (2012)

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I like to tell people that Asura's Wrath is one of my favorite Animes. The game literally sets itself up as such with having episode structures with "next-on" previews and "previously-on" recaps. Besides having the structure of an Anime, it's also the most bat-shit insane dad game. It starts off with your group of god-like friends betraying/murdering you and stealing your daughter. you come back to life and fight an ally-turned-enemy who keeps growing larger to try and kill you until he's actually off the planet and fucking larger than the planet and he tries to squish you with a finger. Naturally you grow 6 more hands and punch his finger until you make him disintegrate. NATURALLY your arms fall off from all of this and you fight your brother in law with your legs and he cuts you in half for breaking his mask. NATURALLY YOU COME BACK TO LIFE AGAIN BECAUSE YOU'RE SO ANGRY! Okay, I could go on, but let me just say that the game just keeps getting more awesome and the soundtrack is incredible. youturnintoademonatonepointandyourbrotherinlawhasachangeofheartandpunchesyoubackintoyournormalkindofcyborgdeadtwicehumanform.

8. Picross 3D: Round 2 (2015)

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You ever replay a puzzle game that you already completed on the hardest difficulty just because you enjoyed it so much? Yeah that was a first for me too. I'm still hoping and praying that a Round 3 gets made. I've played three Picross games on Switch, which are the standard style Picross puzzles, because of this game. They only tickle an itch, Round 3 would scratch that itch in the most euphoric way.

7. The Witcher 2: Assassin's of Kings (2011)

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I don't care about how much you think Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the best game ever, The Witcher 2: Assassin's of Kings means more to me. This was the game that started my love for the series (books, games, and soon to be Netflix series!). While being rough around the edges, especially with combat, Witcher 2 far and above made up for it with deep and interesting characters (especially the antagonist), an intriguing story where choices actually effect what you see in game, amazing dwarfs, and boobs. This is a game that isn't afraid to be for adults, including their fetishes... like dressing up as a chicken.

6. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011)

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I had no affinity to The Elder Scrolls series and/or Bethesda games before Skyrim. Hell, the only reason I decided to check it out was because of the fervor I was noticing in the gaming community around the release of a new Elder Scrolls. I jumped in on day one and loved every broken minute of this game. I'm a stickler for atmosphere in games and some of my favorite feelings to experience is wondering around in an open world with only the sounds of nature... and now there's a dragon trying to kill me. I loved it when I found out how broken sneaking would become. You could just tumble around the world not making a sound, shoot people in the face with an arrow and watch the other bandits sit back down thinking it must have just been the wind. All jokes aside, experiencing the world of Skyrim for my first time was one of my favorite experiences in gaming.

5. PS4 Exclusive Single Player Games

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Sony killed it in recent years with exclusive single player games. There were more than just the four I'm listing and most, if not all, were well reviewed or lauded as the best games of their respective year. For those reasons it doesn't feel right for me to just list one when I enjoyed all of these games.

Horizon: Zero Dawn (2017) - I was sold the very first time this game was shown. I couldn't have told you that robot dinosaurs and badass redheaded females were my thing, but they're kind of my thing. It looked fantastic from the first day it was shown and it had a lot of hype to live up to. Which I'd say it was better than anyone could have expected. The game is a masterpiece in audio/visual design but it also stood tall for having an interesting story to tell. One that hopefully will have a second part to tell.

God of War (2018) - The idea of a new God of War game didn't sound appealing to most people, including me. The God of War game we got was nothing of what we expected, which turned out to be a fantastic move. Now old and full of beard, Kratos is just looking to chop down trees and make sure Boy...err, Atreus doesn't grow up to be a murderous rampaging monster who has a sex mini-game in all of his games. What use to be a game about killing became a game about a bond between father and son and learning who each other are. Doesn't hurt this is also one of the most gorgeous games ever and recalling your axe is one of the coolest fucking moves ever.

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The Last Guardian (2016) - The same way a smell or song can recall a memory, The Last Guardian plays so much like Fumito Ueda's previous games Ico and Shadow of the Colossus that I felt like I was back at home living with my mom, playing PS2 games on a 27'' CRT that I thought was a huge TV at the time. That is to say that the game controlled like an early PS2 game, eyyyy!!!

Nier: Automata (2017) - The game that caught everyone with their pants down. This was suppose to be just some niche JRPG that some people enjoy but mostly gets overlooked, but what we got was so memorable that word of mouth spread like fire and eventually everyone was crying about androids/robots and existentialism. Nier: Automata would be on most peoples list with its story and side-quests alone, but holy shit does it have one of the most amazing soundtracks ever. Live, cry, become as gods.

4. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

It's been difficult to get across to my friends that Breath of the Wild isn't just a good Zelda game. Hell it's barely a Zelda game! Breath of the Wild is just one of the best games ever made. The amount of detail in everything you see, every where you can go; the amount of ideas that were thrown into this game in a very "fuck it let's do it" manner, it's just so god damn incredible. One of the best stories I had heard about someone playing Breath of the Wild for the first time is when they paraglided off a cliff and the land below had wild horses running the direction this persons Link was travelling. As he got closer to the ground he was right with the horses and landed on one of them. It seemed so scripted that he didn't think anything about it until talking with friends and realizing none of them had that happen to them. The



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Look forward to reading the rest of this if you're still interested in finishing it!