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Absolute Destiny Whatever: Kill Witches, Get Mermaids!

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It's been a while since last ADW, but I made up for it from remembering a lot of events and they're all about games. One of them more troublesome than the other two.

How I Got into Card Games Again

The last time I was into any card games up until 2011, I was just collecting them, but I was playing Yugioh just for fun. I have a Ninja deck, but my main deck is a Non-Psychic Madolche deck. Running the Madolches were up my alley because of their cuteness and their playstyle. All of that does tend to annoy some users, however; A well-learned lesson when three-to-five people were on my case when I play Madolche Chateau for the first time in separate games. Funny as it was, I managed to win, even when things got so serious, one of my opponents was blasting Eminem's "Fight Music" through his phone. Silly stuff tends to happen whenever playing the deck, even when going after the September 2013 Banlist update (I ran both Heavy Storm and Solemn Judgement at one until I removed them recently), playing with them is still fun.

Their real artwork. Very cute! <3
Their real artwork. Very cute! <3
Fanart of some of the Madolche monsters. Wanted to share this too because it looks crazy cute.
Fanart of some of the Madolche monsters. Wanted to share this too because it looks crazy cute.

Bermuda Triangle Bonanza

...However, I'm more of a Cardfight Vanguard person. I started out playing a Bermuda Triangle build (Velvet Voice, Raindear to be exact) in January and it turned out to get me hooked into the game, the more I was playing against multiple opponents. Since then, I made an Dark Irregulars deck because I like monsters that want to destroy/take over the world (Amon, Will definitely play his Reversed form next year), Spike Brothers (Seifried) because of the early game rushes (my first purely for fun deck) and two more Bermuda Triangle builds: Coral and Labrador(Both of which I pulled a copy of in the sneak peek. Coral's RR while Labrador's RRR). Even though Labrador was much stronger, the Coral ride chain is fun as hell to play. I even won the mat for Coral after me and a buddy of mine from school entered the Dazzling Divas sneak peek in the previous month. (It was in a raffle because we got beat down HARD in the first battle. My friend also won one that way in the same draft.) I hope this game lasts a very long time. Below is everything I got in high rarities (Vert in RR, Clear in RR and 2 copies of the Promo Card, Charlotte) , the mat and the realization that my laptop's camera is WORSE than my 3DS'.

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The true horror of a bad camera in general. The other Charlotte was glared. :(
The true horror of a bad camera in general. The other Charlotte was glared. :(

"Witches be Like..."

A week or two ago, I found this browser game through one of the sites that I frequent and since I've seen all of the Madoka Magica series, I felt quite ashamed of myself for even playing it. It's because You're playing Charlotte (Ms. Pac-Man) and you have to eat the main cast (Ghosts) when you eat the cheese power-up. 50 levels of mayhem (With the Finale being a Walpurgisnacht shaped stage) and being pissed off enough to get the cheese and eat all the girls (despite them being able to respawn). I recommend it if you like playing Pac-Man games (or if you just want to eat up the cast).

Controls for Pac-Magi as Translated

Arrow Keys: Move Charlotte Up, Down, Left, Right. Z Button: Proceed. X Button: Reset Level. Sweets and Fruits [Dammit, Kyouko!] are the "small dots" of this game. "Big Dot" of the game: Slice of cheese (Turns you into Charlotte's other form to eat the girls up).

Hey Walpurgis, I still got more room for Dessert and Magical Girls to eat!
Hey Walpurgis, I still got more room for Dessert and Magical Girls to eat!

See you next time, everyone! Until then, may the Bermudas be with you! XD (Yeah, that sounds totally cheesy.)

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