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4.3 stars

Average score of 3 user reviews

Devil May Cry... Frustrating 0

Gameplay - 2/5 Dante can equip 2 devil arms and 2 guns at any given time and you can switch between them instantly, in mid-combo if you want to. The devil arms are all unique and interesting, with the exception of the throwaway guitar one, and lead to a huge variety of possible combos. The guns, on the other hand, are all fairly generic and do negligible damage to enemies, even when upgraded. As you may have heard the game is extremely difficult, but not because of aggressive enemies or creative...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

WarCraft III... Immersive 0

Graphics - 5.0Six years later, I can safely say that the graphics of this game have aged incredibly well. The character models are detailed, the environments are lush, and the spell effects set the standards for all fantasy-themed games to follow. At the same time, none of the effects obscure the action; you can always tell which way the battle is going at a glance and make tactical decisions accordingly. As another plus, the game is surprisingly well-optimized, meaning that anyone with a reason...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

StarCraft... Masterpiece 0

In 1998, Blizzard released one of the most revolutionary RTS games of all time: StarCraft. The highly anticipated game was a spin-off of Blizzard’s successful WarCraft franchise, and it meets all the standards set by its noble lineage with flying colors. StarCraft changed the way developers made their games forever, setting an example for quality that even today’s games have trouble aspiring to. With its innovative gameplay, fantastic graphics, and compelling storyline, StarCraft is an instant c...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.