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Top 5 Games of 2012

I don't feel like I can make a top ten list for 2012, as I either didn't play or didn't finish a lot of games. So here it is, the list that no one was waiting for: My Top 5 Games for 2012.

List items

  • Tell Tale's "The Walking Dead" is a roller coaster ride. It has ups and downs (but mostly downs) loop de loops, and will probably leave you feeling like you have to throw up at some points. But what a roller coaster ride it is. While not featuring the best gameplay mechanics or the most stunning (but still appealing) visuals, "The Walking Dead" triumphs in one category that many games fail to, it's story. No game has ever left me feeling as emotional as this one did, and I felt engaged from beginning to end. The things that happen to Lee and Clementine over the course of this 5 episode adventure are both exciting and tragic, and are always complimented with superb writing and character interactions. I've never felt like my choices have impacted the outcome of a game quite like "The Walking Dead" did, and it made me feel like I was conducting the story and watching it unfold before my eyes. A fantastic achievement by Tell Tale, "The Walking Dead" is deserving of everyone's attention.

  • Sleeping Dogs, AKA Grand Theft Auto: Hong Kong. But is it? Well, pretty much. But Sleeping Dogs hammered home what GTA has never really been able to, hand to hand combat. The combat in this game felt seamless and natural, and was very fun to pull off and brutal in it's execution. Add into the mix an engaging if somewhat unoriginal story line and gorgeous visuals, and Sleeping Dogs is a must play.

  • I broke my wrist in late October, which as it happens, is a really shitty time to break your wrist if you're a gamer. Finding myself unable to play this year's most anticipated games, I went to my local EB Games and picked up a game that I COULD play with one hand. That game was Rhythm Heaven Fever, a game I quite possibly would never have played if not for my incident. RHF was an absolute delight to play. The mini games are oozing with charm and keeping in time to the rhythm is both engaging and satisfying. The games art style is absolutely fantastic and a delight to watch in action. This game surprised me in a good way and gave me a great reason to dust off my Wii.

  • I really liked Mass Effect 1. I fucking loved Mass Effect 2. So, like many others, I had super high expectations for Mass Effect 3. Those expectations, for the most part, were met. While the ending in Mass Effect 3 left me and many others flustered, this is still a hell of a game. The combat in the Mass Effect franchise has never been better, nor have the visuals. Although many of my decisions from previous games didn't really feel like they translated into this one, there were still moments in ME 3 that left me saying "Damn, that was fucking crazy". Maybe not the best end to this generation's arguably greatest trilogy, but still a great game, start to almost finish.

  • Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit was more of a blast to watch then to play. Although it's a perfectly fine platform-er, Hell Yeah!'s charm lies within it's visual style, writing, and myriad of references. The premise of the game is enacting revenge on the monsters who have gotten hold of Prince Ash's pics of him playing with his rubber ducky, so that already lays the foundation for a ridiculous game. The mini-games that take place when you kill a monster or hilarious and extremely clever, and alone are worth playing this game for.