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I played Final Fantasy 14 for well over 600 hours this year. Not only is it my # 1 GOTY it takes the top 3 spots too!

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Y'know What Grinds My Gears?

Y'know what grinds my gears? People who are so cynical of the world around them that they can't even trust other human beings. 
Specifically some of the haters on Giantbomb in regards to Modern Warfare 2, and even more specifically those that have accused Giantbomb of being payed by Activision for talking about Modern Warfare 2 so much. Checking on some of the comments for the latest "I love Monday" video there are a few comments that bring my piss to a boil, to quote AVGN. 

" Are you guys paid by Activision?  That was pretty over-the-top "

 Yes, because there's no reason why they would talk about a game that is by far the most hyped up and anticipated game of the year. A game that has caused publishers to delay their own games just so they don't have to compete with it. 
Why is it that when a reviewer of any importance really likes a game they are immediately accused of lying and being bought out by "Evil Corporations ZOMG?" 
Where does this mentality come from? What parent raises their child to be so misanthropic (look it up),  what happened that made an individual suddenly be all rebelious against, what they percieve to be, the "evil overlords" of the world? I would REALLY like to know. 
What basis does this person have to suspect that Giantbomb is being payed by Activision to advertise a game? The simple fact that this site is run by Jeff Gertsmann already gives it credibility. Don't believe me? Do I REALLY have to bring up the Gamespot Kane and Lynch review?

I wouldn't say they are paid. It's more likely that Activicion will lift the review embargo a little sooner for "friendly" websites, or something like that. "

And THIS. This is why eight year olds shouldn't have access to the internet. Clearly this person knows nothing about how review embargoes work or how basic advertorial bussiness works either. News flash dood, any  site that has deals with a publisher for releaseing early reviews does so many weeks in advance. That's why Gameinformer had their Dragon Age review up long before anyone else. A publisher is not going to let anyone's review go upearly only if the reviewer plays ball. A legit reviewer wouldn't take that bait even if it was offered in the first place. Because of something called INTEGRITY (look it up!) 
That's what it boils down to, these ..."critical" people are so jaded and skeptical that they do not believe that the people around them have integrity, and thus do not believe their fellow man to be anywhere as decent as themselves. These people need to wake up and actually look at others as human beings who have feelings, and emotions and not just as money grubbing pigs.  
I'm Brad Bolton, and that grinds my gears.