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My friends and I made a music video. Low budget with no professional help, but hey, it's a thing:

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Game OST of the week - Wind Waker - Ocean

There are many great games out there with fantastic OST's. Each week (when I can remember to) I'll post about one song from an OST that I think deserves attention.

This week I present to you Ocean, from The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker. It's no secret that Wind Waker is my favourite Zelda game. I've played pretty much all the Zelda games, minus the CDi triumphs, and for me none of them capture the sense of adventure as well as Wind Waker.

The music in the game is, as with most Zelda games, fantastic. I believe the audio jump from the N64's Ocarina Of time to this Gamecube title was just as impressive as the brilliant cell shading.

Ocean is the track that plays when you're sailing from island to island. At times this can become monotonous and frustrating, but somehow Ocean manages to keep you going, and converts a potentially boring portion of the game into an ambitious exciting and grand voyage into the unknown. The beat matches the rhythm of the sea, and the odd crashing symbol fits the turning of the waves perfectly. All of this is done whilst keeping the melody extremely close to the Zelda theme, making it feel familiar yet new at the same time.

I actually really enjoyed the sailing sections, it was new and different, the colours were bright and bold and the music adventurous. It's a track that has always stuck in my mind, and that can only be a good thing.

Take a listen, and tell me what you think.