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Thanks for all your replies!

Seeing as the stories appear to be self-contained and that most participants in this thread have played Crimes & Punishments and enjoyed it, I think I'll try that one out.

Cheers everybody!

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Thought I'd start this topic in order to get some general information on this long-running adventure game series from people who've actually played them.

I've recently entertained the thought of taking the plunge into this series. But before I do so, I'd like to know what people around here think of the individual games in terms of gameplay, plot (keep these spoiler-free!), technical matters (Any notable bugs? What platform do you prefer to play these on? Issues pertaining to running these on various operating systems? etc.), and anything else you think might be of relevance.

The series is currently comprised of the following games:

  1. The Mystery of the Mummy

  2. The Case of the Silver Earring

  3. The Awakened

  4. Sherlock Holmes Versus Arsène Lupin

  5. Sherlock Holmes Versus Jack the Ripper

  6. The Testament of Sherlock Holmes

  7. Crimes & Punishments

  8. The Devil's Daughter

Also, I'm curious as to whether these games feature an overarching plot or if each game has its own self-contained storyline.

Alright, the floor is yours!