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Hope and Despair (trailer impressions)

The new Resident Evil 6 trailer leaves me with a sliver of hope. The voice acting is spot (Leon + Nolan = true?) on and the gameplay seems very varied with different playable characters and, of course, co-op makes its expected comeback.

Whilst RE4 or 5 were good games (especially 4) the trailer for RE6 makes the game feel very ambitious.

I look forward to it.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (I can't even type it with a straight face) just makes me cringe.

I fuck'n loved Vanquish and I enjoyed Bayonetta to some extent, so I thought that Platinum would be a good fit for this more technical fighter action style of game, but the trailer confounds me. The music jumps back and forth between boring and bad and the asinine retardation called editing near the end is painful to watch.

The trailer makes my skin crawl. It does not entice me to pry open my wallet for this game.

Yeah and the voice acting sucks too.

Links: RE6