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sry for the blog post.. top 5 best and worst 2015

I hate videogames. Here are my best and worst of 2015

best games of the year

  1. The witcher 3 - for duping millions of gamers around the world to spend over 100+ hours on a game with terrible controls and generic gameplay, bravo project red...bravo

  2. fallout 4 aka inventory management sim 2015 - I never thought collecting junk and managing all of it in menus could be so exciting.

  3. MGSV - only kojima could get away with creating a metal gear game without a story.

  4. Star Wars Battlefront - only game that managed to play more generic than witcher and still sell.

  5. Mario Maker - thanks for giving the gaming press an outlet to feel special this year, how else were the special snowflakes going to get their lvls played?

Worst games of the year

  1. Rainbow Six Siege - ubisoft makes the most innovative shooter in years and simultaneously kills it by charging 60$ for an unfinished game riddled with microtransactions and uplay

  2. Memetale - Because im a pacifist SJW that would rather play a medicore bullet-hell game with actual character development and good music

  3. Bloodborne - the combat had actual depth and didnt artificially add 30 plus hours to the game through upgrade timers and dare you from software..

  4. Rocket League - pseudo sports games aren't suppose to be fun...or free

  5. Dying Light - thanks for making a parkour game that does first person combat right.. but plz...PLZZZZZ, for the love god, dont ever try to tell a story again.