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#1  Edited By bunniecorps

(OK so some of you said that there were too many parts. So I deleted all the other parts to make one long review.) 
From the fantastic minds of the creators of Sims comes a new game... Spore! In this game you create an organism that evolves in stages (cell, creature, tribal, civillized, and space). In this game you can see the influence of the creators on how much you can customize your spore creation. Gorilla-bird? Sure, tiger-shark? Bad pun but yes, elephant-camel-girraffe-aligator-jellybean? Yep...wait what! Anyways, you can customize almost anything from your space vessel to your national anthem you can even, with the right tools, customize entire planets. 
Space Stage 
This is the final stage in spore but it is the biggest and the main reason to buy the game in the first place. In this stage you will command your own alien race,making all the desicions for trade routes, alliances, spice production ETC.. The main goal is to collect badges to rank yourself up, but there isn't a real ending the game just goes on forever. This is a problem I have with the game, collecting badges becomes tedious and there's no exiting ending to look forwards to, but some people enjoy collecting so I have no room to talk. Introduced is an alien race called the Grox, they live only to destroy you and other races no matter how many favors you do for them (belive me I've tried). But it's easy if you just stay away from them so they don't pose as a threat. 
Overall thoughts 
Spore is an amazing game and if you are a big fan of the sims you will love it. But as I said before, collecting badges gets tedious and there's no ending to look forewards to. 
Good game go buy it  
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#2  Edited By bunniecorps
@ryanwho: That's what really makes the game worthwhile ... thanks for commenting by the way.
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#3  Edited By bunniecorps

Shugosato Itoi, Brownie Brown and Hal laboratories have come up with a masterpiece. The follow up to earthbound and earthbound zero mother 3 is a cute and witty game with tons of references to earthbound. Now translated it's playable to anyone providing you go to their site. And the best part is it is absolutely free. The story tells of a young boy named Lucas, a thief named duster, a tomboy princess who will kick the crap out of you called Kumatora, and Flint the father of Lucas still searching for his brother Claus. It's amazing music and excellent battle system is sure to win your heart. 

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#4  Edited By bunniecorps

1. Uncharted 
2. Fallout 3 
3.Pinball FX 

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