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I promise you sir, I'm buying LIPS for my wife

Nothing will humble a man and de-masculinize him more than walking into a local video game store and asking the clerk for a copy of LIPS. Just walking up to the counter drains any ego one may have left. I know others have done it too, because the first Gamestop I visited had no copies left. "Yeah [smirk], I guess somebody must be buying that game," the employee chirped. "Well, I hope my wife likes it," I replied, hoping everyone in the store heard WIFE. The clerk returned an untrusting look, like he'd heard the line a thousand times before. His co-worker smiled as he typed inventory into the computer next to us.

I guess my ego is a small price to pay for having a happy wife, who enjoys our 360...but she'll have to buy LIPS 2 next time.


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Nothing will humble a man and de-masculinize him more than walking into a local video game store and asking the clerk for a copy of LIPS. Just walking up to the counter drains any ego one may have left. I know others have done it too, because the first Gamestop I visited had no copies left. "Yeah [smirk], I guess somebody must be buying that game," the employee chirped. "Well, I hope my wife likes it," I replied, hoping everyone in the store heard WIFE. The clerk returned an untrusting look, like he'd heard the line a thousand times before. His co-worker smiled as he typed inventory into the computer next to us.

I guess my ego is a small price to pay for having a happy wife, who enjoys our 360...but she'll have to buy LIPS 2 next time.
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Edited By damswedon

if you replace "Wife" with "sister" and "Gamestop" with "Game" you have my story.