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Things I learned over the weekend - Monday, 25 October 2010

It was a long, 3-day weekend full of friends with very sad news, cousins having weddings and a generally strange vibe to everything. For example...

I may have carpal tunnel syndrome.

On Saturday morning, I woke up and three of my fingers were numb. Actually, it's my pointy finger, my middle finger and my thumb. I assumed I'd slept on it funny (what happens if a clown alleges he or she "slept funny?") and waited for the dull, pins-and-needles sensation to subside.

It totally didn't. It lasted all day Saturday and Sunday, and checking the symptoms with the greatest free doctor in the world (the internet, dummy) I suspect my deadened fingers may be due to the dreaded carpal tunnel syndrome. Obviously I'll get a second opinion from someone who actually knows, but until I do that I have to put up with this annoyance. I probably shouldn't be working/typing this blog, right? It couldn't have come at a worse time, though, with my boss being away for another 5 weeks; I can't really afford to take any time off if I have to.

Luckily, it's in my left, non-dominant hand, so it's not slowing me down too much, although I think I can feel my left index finger stiffening with every keystroke of this blog entry.

In what is probably related news...

Bully seems a nifty title (for what little I played of it).

Picked it up on the cheap and played it for a couple of hours or so. Really enjoying it, so now I'm torn about the possibility of having to force myself not to play games. Y'know, because of the other thing I just mentioned. Gah, so annoying!