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So, I write for an obscure gaming/anime blog called TheHealingTouch ( I figured I'd post one of my movie reviews for you fine folks.

I like horror movies. I love to see blood splatter all over my TV screen (when its done well). I also love The Evil Dead. The Evil Dead is a classic horror film. Some college students are in a cabin, in the woods. But they are not alone.

While exploring, the basement of this creepy cabin, Ash (Bruce Campbell) discovers the book of the dead or the Morturom Demonto (later renamed the Necronomicon). Ash also discovers a tape, that has a recording of the incantations found in the book of the dead. By playing this tape, they unwittingly unleash the demons (who happen to be in the woods). This movie, is very gory and blood comes at you in epic proportions. This film was so violent, it wasn’t picked up by any American distributors, it eventually was distributed by a European company. This movie has some very memorable scenes, such as the “tree rape”, and the end sequence.

Bruce Campbell makes his debut as Ash in this movie. He plays the role well, as Ash comes off as a bit of a coward at times. This is in contrast to Ash’s character later in the series. Sam Raimi does some great camera work. One moment that really stands out is a chase, where you are given a first person perspective of the chaser. The film was made with $325,000. You can’t tell that this film is low budget, since everything looks so good. The setting is creepy enough to send chills down your spine. I highly recommend this film to you (if you can stand the gore).

There you go. Hoped you liked it.