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So, I've Been Playing Final Fantasy III...

Well, I've been working on Final Fantasy III as part of my mission to finish all of the Final Fantasy games released in the US. And let me say, I am not really enjoying it at all. It's mostly due to the fact that I seem to always need to grind before every dungeon. I don't know if I'm just bad at this game or what, but every new dungeon I go into, the new monsters just destroy me and I have to work on the first room of the dungeon over and over to get strong enough to even make it to the boss. I'm not really a big fan of games where you have to grind so I don't know. I'm about 7 hours into the game, but I probably spent like 2 or 3 of those grinding. I'm deciding whether or not to put this game down for now and move on to FF IV for the PSP or what.  
In other news, I am also working on Folklore for the PS3. It's a pretty interesting game, but the gameplay gets kind of repetitive because you have to do the same level twice, once with each character to get the whole story. I think I'm on Chapter 5 with Ellen and Chapter 4 with Keats. It's a pretty decent game though, but sometimes can be hard motivating myself through a level I just played for a second time.  
Well that's all for now. 


I'm on a Final Fantasy mission

I have decided to play every Final Fantasy game that was released in North America. I will be replaying any of the ones that I have not played in the past 5 years. This will be a long journey, but I feel it will also be a rewarding one. And when I am finished, I will probably start doing other series as well, maybe Dragon Warrior or Zelda and other game series. So here is the list of games that I have finished, and what I am working on: 

  • Final Fantasy 1 (PSP) 
  • Final Fantasy 2 (PSP)
  • Crisis Core (PSP)
  • Final Fantasy 6 (PS1)
  • Final Fantasy 12 (PS2)
  • Final Fantasy 13 (PS3)
  • Final Fantasy 3 (NDS) In Progress
I have finished 7,8,9,10, and 10-2, but it's been a while so I will be redoing those ones. I'm going to update my blog often, so if you are interested in following this journey, stay tuned.

Replaying Classic Games

So, this weekend I went back and played a classic game I hadn't played since childhood. The Legend of Zelda. So I put my Legend of Zelda cart in my NES and my previous save games were gone. Damn, my battery had probably died. So just to test it out, I made a new save game and died and saved and then turned my NES off. The save game wasn't there anymore. So, I ended up changing the battery and 10 minutes later I was on my way to saving the princess.
Now, the Legend of Zelda is over 20 years old. And you know what, the game is still absolutely fantastic. And where the combat part of the game isn't really hard, figuring out where to go and what to do can be difficult because there is really no narrative story aside from trying to save the princess. Having the internet at your disposal really cuts down on the time it takes to complete this game, as I didn't want to spend a week playing it, I was able to finish it in a few hours with the help of an online guide when I got stuck.
Even though this game is great, there were a few things that could have been better. The music for one, while the tracks are really good and stick in your head forever, I think there are only actually like 3 different songs. I also don't like how when you finish the game, your game save automatically becomes the second quest save file and the save file that had every item and full heart containers is gone. 
But regardless, I had a lot of fun with it, and started Link to the Past last night, since I don't currently have a Zelda 2 cart.