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Update 101

So I haven't been too active here the past few weeks, month, months.... and there is a perfectly good reason for this I assure you. I replaced my 360 finally and picked up Tales of Vesperia on a whim as I did it. The game has devoured my life and I love it to death. The graphics are beautiful! It's like playing an animated film. The cast, characterization, story and everything are totally top notch. I simply can't put it down. At nearly 60 hours I'm 2/3 of the way through an am loving every minute of it. I've played all of the Tales games and have to say this one is hands down the best in the series, and one of the best JRPG's ever made. I fully expect my play time to go up another 20-40 hours before I am done playing through it. Then the cycle will repeat again in the games New Game + mode. If you have a 360 and a thirst for this sort of thing, you have no excuse to not have this in your library.

I've also been playing the Warhammer Online beta. In a word, I am dissappointed. The game is buggier and much more restrictrive now than it was in preview weekend, and taking away the freedom takes away the fun. At least it does for me. In these online worlds that perport allowing you to go where ever and do whatever and be whatever I want to do just that. Not go where ever, be whatever, and do whatever so long as I stay on my limited side of the sandbox.

I also finally picked up Call of Duty 4 last night and beat it in a single sitting as my Xbox Live Profile can attest to. I gotta say that is one hell of a game and I am sorry I waited this long to pick it up. I waited, because after hearing that the single player is only 4 hours long I thought "no 4 hour game is worth $65." After all that is $13.75 per hour of entertainment. Oh how I was wrong! After beating the game I walked away nothing short of totally satisfied.