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Games That Should Be Made. Right now. Immediately.

Ever played a game you got so sucked into you just wanted more? As the credits roll, you think to yourself "Holy shit this game was awesome. I bet the Developers are already working on a sequel", only to have the years go by without anything happening. It can be several reasons to this. Maybe the game didn't sell so well? Maybe the company behind it had its own trouble, and doesn't exist anymore? Maybe you're just insane who thought that piece of shit was actually good? Well, sitting here at work with nothing better to do, I might as well compile my own list of games that should be made, for the sake of humanity. Or at least for me.

Dark Cloud 3

Dark Cloud 2 (known as Dark Chronicle in some regions) was one of my favourite games ever for the PS2. It had everything I wanted in a game; platforming, some RPG elements, resource-gathering and building up settlements, timetraveling, you name it. Awesome voiceacting and impressive graphics (for its time) just made me cherish this title even more, and I think I've played through it at least four times front to back. Then...nothing. Level5, the company behind the game, seems to have no intention whatsoever to make a sequel. Ever. Some debate that their White Knight Chronicles was their intended sequel to the now dead Dark Cloud series, but that's bullshit in my eyes. Just give me a true sequel worthy to be called Dark Cloud 3, and don't ride the popular "Hey let's ignore Microsoft"-horse so many Japanese companies seem to do.

Chrono Trigger 2

Chrono Trigger to the SNES was another game I could play over and over again. Yes I know, Chrono Cross was more or less the direct followup to Chrono Trigger, but I'm not satisfied! I want the same people who worked on the first game to return and deliver a true Chrono Trigger 2 in all its glory to the next-gen consoles!

X-Com: UFO Defense 2

The first X-Com along with the second one, Terror From the Deep, were the only ones in the long-running serie to be remotely good. Apocalypse, the third game, was passable, but since then it has only gone downhill fast. I heard they're even releasing a new X-Com game this year...and it's a FPS?! Christ, someone should just install the first game again, play it through, and realize what made it so freaking awesome. Give me a true sequel to that one. Please.
Enough ranting. Get to work!