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Music and games

I've listened to music whilst playing games for as long as I can remember - especially on reruns. It goes back to when I played FFX for the second time many years ago, I knew what was happening so I thought some background noise would help. Stuck on a bit of Evanescence and Linkin Park (...come on, I was about 13 at the time) and it was a different experience. Although the major downside was missing out on the awesome FFX soundtrack, I have long since compensated for having it all on my iPod.

Now I know for you Xbox owners, you have the luxury of putting your music into your games, which is awesome and I still wonder why Sony didn't give us PS3 owners that little option. But when I play games on my PC such as Left 4 Dead, or late night plays of Pokemon, I'll stick my iPod on or blast it out on my speakers, and zone out as I play.

It's a nice experience. Gaming and music have both been described as ways to escape real life at times - mixing them together works very well. The reason I'm writing this is because I've just bought Evanescence's new album (...okay, I'm 21 now. They're a good band! Don't judge!) and I know over the next few days I'll be listening to it as I run through Golden Sun - I'm about half-way through already, it's insane. And I just wanted to know everybody else's experiences with music and games. Do you listen to your own music when you play? What type of music? Do you have different genres of music for different genres of games?