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Lets try and remember video games are supposed to be fun, huh?

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Best of 2010

ClaritySam: Best of 2010

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  • There's not a lot to choose between this and my number 2 title, I put Red Dead at number 1 simply for THAT moment when the Jose Gonzalez track kicks in. Very possibly my favourite gaming moment thus far.

  • Probably this years most improved sequel, which is impressive considering the first in the series was so good to begin with. Very excited about ME3, especially after the awesome ending to this one.

  • David Cage hasn't quite managed to fully realise his vision yet, but even with its many flaws there is still more inventiveness and originality in five minutes of this than an entire iteration of one of gamings mega franchises. Also I shelled out £300 on a ps3 to play it on, which is a fairly good indication of my opinion on it.

  • I know it's seven years old, but it's new to me this year. And it truly is the most incredible, absorbing MMO I have ever experienced, once you get past the learning curve (read "cliff")

  • Expanding on the magnificent setting created in AC2, this was yet another stone classic. Less Desmond next time please......

  • Even with the almost criminally bad AI, this is still the finest turned based strategy ever created. A brilliant "Hey when did it get light outside?" game.

  • I didn't endure any of the crippling technical problems that apparently plagued this title, but it certainly lacked any kind of polish or graphical flair. However in my opinion it more than made up for it just by feeling like a real Fallout game. As much as loved Fallout 3, it just didn't.

  • I knew there was a reason I kept my Wii!

  • Well it could never live up to the hype could it? I found it to be a solid and enjoyable survival horror (of sorts), which was a welcome thing in a time when Silent Hill games are terrible and the Resident Evil franchise has overdosed on testosterone.

  • I will spend more time on this than on the other nine games put together. Even I think It's too boring to be at the top of the list though.