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The Weak in Revue

As far as weeks go in which I remain unemployed, this one just gone has been pretty interesting. I finally got round to making my new (yet feeble) laptop something more than an email and Final Draft device.

But before that I’ll wade in the PC. There’s Child of Eden which I quickly finished (joke alert), I would have liked to have spent more time with it but it was a rental so needs must. I dabbled with a controller and Kinect. The controller is definitely the way to go with that game but even in the menus using Kinect, the increased fidelity (over other Kinect games) is immediately apparent. Hell it did, at times, make me feel like I was composing/conducting/like I WAS THE BLUE/PURPLE RETICULE. The final level and credits sequence moved me somewhat. It was a really poignant moment that reminded me that games aren’t all about saying ‘fuck’ and delivering one shot to centre mass.

Then there are the PC games I dove into. This is a segment I’m calling ‘Games that a GB Quick Look sold me on because I’m a sheep and buy things on a whim’. Last night I persevered and blasted through the last hour of VVVVVV. I’m not a fan of those types of sadistic games but coupled with the music and cutesy charm that game oozes I found it hard to stop playing and again the ending felt like something really special.

Magicka next. My laptop can just about handle it, it chugs in places but it’s completely playable for the most part. Again, charm is something I adore in games and between the music, the ‘simlish’ dialogue and Vlad (who, although has vampiric traits, isn’t a vampire!), Magicka just had me gripped. Weirdly enough the comedy reminded me of Borderlands, I don’t know why.

Spiral Knights is free to play, I freely played it for about five minutes, its okay I guess. Team Fortress 2 is a game that I don’t like, as sacrilegious as that sounds, it’s just not for me.

And finally, Gemini Rue is awesome. I love point and click games with style, not a fan of the shooting and the voice acting is suspect in places but it’s cool.

Outside of games (and let’s face it, there isn’t much). I finally got round to writing the first draft of a comedy pilot. A few weeks ago, an up and coming (but who isn’t?) producer had heard (through the grape or hoevine) that I liked to write comedy. He pitched me something and it instantly grabbed me. I don’t want to say too much about it in case it totally backfires and the pilot never gets shot but it’s going to be like The Thick of It meets Studio 60 (my favourite ever TV show). It’ll be a mix of those two only nowhere near as funny because I’m not marginally talented

Well that’s it. Ramble over, ramble on, ramble away! To the skies!

Oh and I need to save up for a ‘gaming’ PC, it’s about time.