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GB Community TV/Movie Night , March 14th

So I had this idea while watching a horrible show called WCG, on Sci-fi channel, and ranting about it
"Mystery Science Theater 3000"-Style, with someone else on IRC.

So basically the idea is every week we find out what is playing on TV on Saturday and decide/vote on what to watch.
When it airs on tV that Saturday night we all talk about it either on IRC or a Thread for it made on General chat, where we can just talk about it, and if it's god-awful we mock it, and if by chance we chose a serious/good  show or movie, then we talk about it seriously, but that's less likely.
 So go to

to decide.


Link of the Day/Week/Bi-week

Hey guys, after the overwhelming response to my short last blog, which thankfully was not "TL;DR" by a lot of people, I've actually decided to do more blogging regardless of reaction,

Anyways, I'm going to just make a list of links of interesting crap I find on the web, and the first will ALWAYS, be the most important, well at least to me, and hopefully you guys, so let's get started .

TL;DR Version: A list of the links will be made in order at the end.

Ryan Higgins's house burnt down not too long ago, in case you didn't know he's a pod-caster on Geekbox Radio.
So, the link here is to the post about his house burning down and how, You can help!! Yes you, right there, eating snack food and/or reading this blog.
There is a paypal button on the site and for now all the proceeds go to the guy, I've donated a few bucks and every bit counts, so If you feel like donating,
yes even in this recession/depression we're in, It'd probably be a great help to the guy and the podcast.

Anyways, now on a lighter note, for you D&D Dm's out there like me that use 4.0 there are two nice java based sites that make creating characters easier, here and here they are both fantastic sites that I have used to make boatloads of characters, good links for any D&D DM or player.

Next, I found a pretty sweet form of external online, it's called the Drobo I won't go into to much detail, but basically you can easily customize how much memory you want inside of it, meaning you can buy more/bigger Hard drive discs to put inside and carry more memory.

Lastly, in good old Stamford, CT a Monkey, not the one that ate a womans face, it bit a womans hand off before being stabbed by it's owner and then gunned down by the police, very King-Kong-esque

Anyways, now my friends I am afraid this blog post is at an end, sorry about the lack of funny. There will be more fun next time.

 (Leave a comment if you have the time)

Now a list of the links
Donate to Ryan Higgins of Geekbox Radio whose house burned down.
Dungeons & Dragons Character Builder      &
Awesome Expandable External
Monkey Attack: Hand Edition


S-S-Story?!? What You Say?

The typical mainstream fan reaction.
The typical mainstream fan reaction.
So It's that time again bad old Cogito is about to blog up an *explicit word for excrement*-storm.

So recently I have been thinking about story, what with coming out recently Fallout 3, Fable 2, Gears of War 2, and also with the advent of such horrible monstrosities as Harry Potter, Twilight, and Eragon.

Now many of you may not know this but I am a hard-core fantasy reader, I've read fantasy and sci-fi books for a long ass time, if I put my mind to it I can finish books in a day. So I know a good story when I see one (Check out Dresden Files by Jim Butcher or Shadowfall by James Clemens, good shit).

Now Story doesn't substitue for gameplay, and, I agree, Portal and Left4Dead are great examples of games that have story and ARENT SUPPOSED
The reaction of hard-core gamers/readers to the mainstream.
The reaction of hard-core gamers/readers to the mainstream.
Nonetheless they do have a story in terms of subtle clues in thebackground and things talked about by the charcters, I have even seen this in books and movies where evetns happen to the chracters but the person observing the media is to figure out the story, these are extremely inventive ways to tell story and while not placed on the same pedestals of story as Deus Ex, Bioshock, or System Shock, still deserve praise for this form of story in their own right.

But now, similar to gaming in the fact that you have the mainstream buying games, most of which are considered crap by those that know the industry and encouraging more crap to be made, Books too now are having that problem, now I can't walk through an isle without seeing crap like Harry Potter or Twilight clones, most of which only desevre to be posted as fanfics on a website. I even know books now that came out before either of those horrible series that look simillar on cover but are amazing and different, such as So You Want to Be a Wizard (A mid/lower class girl in modern day becomes a wizard, but the main differenc is the magic itself, it's long involves algebra and math, is complicated, involves physics and biology and all in all takes twists you wouldn't expect and paints a realistic picture of magic if it were to exist, somewhat like Terry Pratchett.)

Honestly this encourages me more and more to one day pursues the path of "Punch in The Face Man", He leaps from place to place looking for people full of ignorance and stupidity to give a good punch to the face and knock that crap out of them; rowdy rednecks being racist , people being fanboys/girls over something that is crap and overshadows better products and encourages more bad product, and ignorance in general.(Note: this entire piece of the bolg here about the superhero is a joke, but still, when I see this stuff and worse I just feel they need a good punch in the face)

Now while you can't compare books, to movies, to games, that doesn't ignore the fact that you can in terms of extracting the concept of each medium and examining it and determining it's worth. Twilight is supposed to be a revolutionary book in terms of romance, contrived, check, unoriginal, check, Mary Sue Main Charcter, proof it's worth is zero.

Anyways I'm sure this devolved into rant dribble somewhere but for the most part the point of this blog is to....well...educate.
Next time you see a mom or girl or little boy buying a bad piece of literature or game, direct them to Bioshock, or even Boom Blox or Braid, you'll be glad you did by helping Artistic Integrity.
-"If knowledge is power, and the government controls power, and man's greatest strength is knowledge, then the government controls man"

Games I thought of that I would like to see made #1.

Ok, well some of these will be elaborate Ideas I've had and others will be very basic.

Sometimes I just feel like thinking about random stuff and I come up with these Ideas.

#1 Psychopath: Stealth/Action/Rpg Elements/ Horror?/Comedy? Game (Genre? means possible themes that could be mixed in or left out depending on how it should go)

Basic Concept: a stealth action game where You, play the horror villain. Too many times have we played horror games attacked by psychopaths or monsters, how come no one has figured a good role reversal, a good example of this is the Destroy All Humans series, instead of defending the earth as a human, you destroy it as the aliens, and it's because of this series that I think it could be either serious or it could be kind of tongue and cheek like that series.
You would play a movie-stereotype psycho path, and each monster would be a different class. It could be open world and take place in a town and your missions will be rated in the form of a newspaper detailing the mission as if it was an incident.

Some Sub-concepts, terror bar, as you terrorize the victims in each mission in subtle or obvious ways, they become more panicked and do random or worse decisions, on the other hand if you aren't terrifying enough, they become braver and smarter and will go out to attack you. A lot of this game will rely on AI so a major factor would be good AI.
You could also have victims AI and characteristics based off of horror movie victim stereotypes a few are, coward that turns on friends when powerful enough, dumb jock, bad-ass hero, obviously the last choice would be in only the hardest missions and their could be liberties taken. But the Terror bar would be a major concept.

Each Class that you choose form has attribute sit can level up and abilities you gain by spending exp after mission, and each class is based off of a horror movie villain. But obviously early on in the game to mid game their combat abilities would have to be toned down to discourage going in and just killing everyone at once, thats also why either enemies may have to scale or on each level get progressively harder enemies, more enemies, and environments : Jason-

melee and acquires ranged, All around stats, combat is weapon focused and with a wide range of makeshift weaponry, Upgradeable armor and weapons, a bit more exp, and certain extra traits as choices, Enhanced int/str/mobility(dex)/Fear/stealth, good beginner class, very clever.

He could also take off his mask/costume and blend into the crowd.

Alien Broodmother-  ranged and melee, average int, average dex, bad strength, good stealth, good fear, controls a certain number of smaller alien minions that increase as levels go up starting at one minion, eventually increasing, can spit acid, give birth or hide in people, terror noises, very good at hiding and surprise attacking, upgradeable carapace below average clever

Then maybe Vampire, Werewolf, Zombie, Alien Predator, Robot, Demon, Ghost of course on the other hand you could use a normal human psychopath who has a wide variety of skill trees and make it more realistic in that aspect.

Anyways next Idea.

#2     7-Eyes

First Person/ Puzzle

Basic Concept: Think Portal, but instead of using portals as a concept that the game revolves around, the main chracter uses camera angles via multiple floating eyes

The main character would be a blind demon with 7 floating eye minions that see for him, and using these and the different abilities each eye has you solve puzzles t oescape the tomb you were sealed in, and maybe defeat enemies. It would be very important to make the camera angles impressive and hard puzzles.

#3 Rpg Tennis Game

Rpg/ Sports

Basic Concept: Updated version of mario tennis for the GBC, with better graphics

I remember loving Mario Tennis for GBC more then any other sports game, it was sports sure, but an rpg as well.

 You had stats that affected distance of the ball, response time, speed of the chracter, ability to stop after running, power, accuracy, and equipment that affected this as well.

Having some form of this as well as maybe some new concepts and better graphic would be amazing.

#4 Transform

Open World/ Third Person/ Rpg?

Basic Concept: Continuing open world superhero games, you are a super hero who gains the properties of what he touches and can absorb energy.

Basically I got this idea after seeing trailers for Prototype (I have such high hopes, I hope to god I'm not let down) like becoming water after touching water, fire after touching fire, when you are water you take damage from electricity and maybe have an attack that conducts it to an enemy but you take damage, when your on fire it affects your entire environment, burning grass, posters and the ground, melting things, touching metal makes you have a harder time jumping and slower but you do more damage and take less

And rubber stretching, gas will make you invincible and able to travel through non airtight surfaces, but you can't do damage, just an idea, needs more elaboration.

So those are some of my ideas, tell me which ones suck, or are good, or whatever, I'll probably have more in the future.


This Tape Will Self-Destruct


Fable 2 Impressions.

Ok, well I've had it since release now and played it about 3/4 or more through the game which is good enough to give my impressions of it so here goes.

First off, the graphics are pretty decent, not particularly amazing, but they have a unique art style, sort of a cross between typical fantasy and parody. It really encaptures typical fantasy very well while parrying it to a degree, like some peasants wearing boots on their heads, or metal kitchen implements. The  voice acting was fairly decent and sometimes hilariously Monty Python esque.

Next off The combat system was very smooth and not overly teachy. It took awhile to get use to the style with each button being different abilities as I would hit multiple ones, but it was easy to pull off attacks, the targeting/ sliding up to enemies worked well, and the new moves aren't overly tutorialized allowing you to figure it out for yourself.
And, with each level put into the abilities it definately adds some variety and more complicated combat strategies to implement which you will need. The auto targeting for the ranged weapons works very well and they aren't too over powered. The melee is smooth and easy once you get used to the strange style of blocking. And all the magic spells are usefull in different situations and work well in combination with each other. However I did think some times it took too long even for high leveled speels to charge, as enemies attacks takeo ut good portions of health, and it was easier just to attack or shoot an enemy then cast a spell. The next problem is enemies sometimes block so much that it's easier to just shoot them to death then to break their guard, I don't know if this is part of the game mechanic but it troubled me that t=enemies later on would guard so much.

Story/ Mechanics: Through out the game you really did control what happened, not to an amazing rreality defying degree, but enough to make noticable differences in each stage of the world. For example, before leaving for a certain part of the game that took many years story-wise, I donated a large amount of money to the Temple of Light, after I came back I saw it renovated and without my donations it would have faded into memory. Another example is later on in another town you have the option to either invest 5000 gold in a project or not, if you do when you come back the town has turned from a town of thugs into a bright, cheery town. The story itself is fairly average and not too brethtaking, it's more what you do and how things affect each other that is breathtaking. Now be warned (spoilers) I haven't gotten to the end of the story and I have heard rumors there is a big plot twist that involves characters from the original Fable and could set up for a Fable 3 so take my opinion on the story with a grain of salt.

Now most of my major problems with the game are a compilement of minor to middle problems. Firstly, sometimes the game is very laggy and slows down or stops, and I know this isn't my 360 because A. it's not an original model, B. It has not had any problems with any other games I have played on it, I don't know if this was just me or the disc but soemthing could have been done to smooth it out. Next, often the menus can slow down or stop to a frustrating degree and the inventory searching takes a long time to go through and could have easily been more organized. This game is also very glitchy so save often, sometimes you can run through walls, events won't trigger, you might get stuck, etc, now they could fix this with a patch but nonetheless be warned. Finally the enemies seem to scale with you somewhat, not just that you find harder enemies with harder abilities, but weaker ones scale up as well, having done medium difficulty it seems if sometimes I'm playing hard with creatures I was having trouble with early on being just as difficult towards the end of the game, now while it's good to give a challenge, I like plowing through enemies dammit! . Lastly (I know before I said Finally) the AI is sometimes frustrating, most of the time it's fine with a few faults, other times the npc's will have a hard time walking up stairs and opening doors, like retarded alien babies, it's annoying when to complete a quest I need to go inside an npc's house with them, and the npc won't go inside because he's stuck on a step.

But aside from the faults and glitches (which can be fixed but for those of you like me who don't currently have an xbox live connection are screwed.) it's a fairly rousing, exciting, and (as my roomate would say) epic experience. If I was to rate it out of stars I would say 4 out of 5,  just like Vinny, I think the game has some great things inside of it, and for most peopel this game is going to be great, but sometimes the glitches and oversights in the system are excedingly frustrating.

So I guess this turned into a review, if you think it's review quality comment and tell me if it is, or what I would need to do to make it that way.
Anyways, for now


Commentary on "Casual" and "Hardcore"

Welcome back to this fun-filled knicker-knack of a thing-a-majig I call my blog.
Now that the silliness is out of the way, (Or at least the funny word kind), on to the meat.

I've noticed how in the past year or so, casual gamers have become more and more common, now before I continue I would like to clarify.
I consider casual gamers a few different things, feel free to disagree, 1. Stereotypical parents or kids with Wii, Ds, and generally Pokemon, 2. Flash game (only this type) players, 3. People that have only played an MMO (WoW) and not many or no other games, 4. The stereotypical testosterone hyped sports player or early teenage (10-13) kid that plays only the biggest of FPS's and only so they can "Ownz" other people. Now I know this is a wide range, and there are many exceptions to the rules before that would take too long to list, but basically in my opinion the main requirement for being a hard-core gamer is playing video games and having an interest in the industry. (I know some people count hardcore gamers as those that games take priority over friends and everything else but that's aside the point.)

Anyways, I have nothing against casual gamers (Except slightly #4, but not for being gamers, more so for the trash they tend to talk on voice chat). Casual gamers bring more money to the video game industry and help get rid of that time old cliche of  "Gamers sit alone in the dark and play all night and are pimply faced weirdos" or such and such like that. Gaming is gradually becoming one of the biggest forms of media, or so I believe, I remember one year (This year or last year) games made more money then the highest grossing movie, or something similar to that, my memory is foggy (Or corrupted, better defragment my brain!).

The only problems I have with this are A. people try to make games that specifically target that crowd, B. This encourages such things as Carnival Games, it's not bad I know, but it encourages lazy developing and shovel ware (Imagine thousands of horrible movie-based games made for casual audiences, like in the days of gamecube and ps2) . Now, I believe games shouldn't be made to specifically target that audience, How about *gasp* games that appeal to everyone, or things like Fable 2 that try to bring hardcore gaming but in such a way that casual gamers understand or get into it.

But now that I think about it more it's like art, (without bringing up the video games are art argument), You have Picasso's and Banksy's and other niche, impressive works that are hard for people not into art to understand, then you have your carnival caricatures, advertisements, and etc that appeal to people not into art that can enjoy it, even if it has little or no depth.

Well, I guess as movies can attest to, the success of such bad movies as Meet The Spartans and Epic Movie, the uneducated mass will enjoy anything with cheap giggles, but hopefully in gaming the mass can get to a level where they can appreciate hardcore games, and still enjoy casual games that are innovative, like Mushroom Men, Katamari Damacy (even though obscure I consider it casual for it's simplicity), Boom Blox, and De Blob.

Before I leave the subject, the difference for me between casual and hardcore games are, Hardcore (good ones at least) tend to be either violent, deep, innovative, fantastical, creative, and mostly a combination of those or other aspects, Casual games tend to be very simple, easy to understand, kid friendly, heavily marketed, and this isn't what they have to be this is just what those two types of games seem to be now.

Well I decided to cut my blog post off here, new one later, possibly about Fable 2, men falling off bridges, Burger patties, and other such things (disregard the last)
If you feel like commenting or posting your views, please do so in the comments box and I'll read them, and If I feel they are good enough or need responding, I will respond to them in the next blog,
Well, for now it's Sayonara,
If you eat them, they are chum.



Waste of Money, unless a download game for the DS is extremely- amazingly good, absolutely not.


Perfect World, Review?

So It's vacation for me, woohoo, I've been trying Perfect World on the PC, good eastern mmo, supposedly the Chinese equivalent of WOW, I've heard mixed things about it, some say it's a horrible game that appeals to furry, some say it's a lot of fun, and I've been looking for a good f2p mmo after kicking WOW. So I might write a review for it after I play it a bit more.

On another note, Fable II anyone? After all of the hype I have seen for this game I can't be more excited, especially to make one account of pure evil and one that is the ultimate good guy. I might write a review for that too, but I have 3-5 tests and a paper that week so we shall see.

You all probably won't see much of me on til Saturday next week, but I will at elast check out news and such, so for now.


10 Days Already Ehhh.....

So it's been about 10 days already and I have, Made a few friends, made my first big wiki additions, made nearly 30 posts (1more at time of writing), and that's about it so far.
Things I plan to do in the future

  • Make a list (Once I figure out where the button or link to do that is)
  • Hit 1000 points, I'll get to it when I have motivation, I want my edits to be good ones.
  • Hit 100 posts, takes time
  • Make a Game Review
And that's about it, if anyone has any other suggestions on things someone like me that's new to the site should do just leave a comment.

Lastly, things with a girl I like are progressing, slowly albeit, but she's a wonderful person and I hope things end up well in the end.
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