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On Platonic Relationships

I will preface this short (probably not) blog post with a couple of disclaimers. I am not gay. No sir, I enjoy the company of women, very much so. Actually looking back, this is similar to how I prefaced my only other blog post 2 years ago, but I digress.

This is also not a relationship advice type of post, but I insist on someone posting the xtreme advice picture, cause its RAD. Onwards then? I think so!

So I met one of my friends (who happens to be a girl) through work. We hit it off early on, hanging out, texting frequently, all that. In fact, I think shes the only girl I've been "friends" with, and nothing else. And I can't help but feel guilty lately. Why you ask? Read on!

See, recently, she's been going out of her way to tell me how close I am to her. (Sidebar: She's dating someone and I'm recently single now.) Saying things like "you've always been there for me, and I'll always be there for you". And here's the problem: I just don't feel the same way. Like I like her as a friend don't get me wrong, but I don't feel that strongly about this platonic whatever it is you wanna call it.

It's just been bothering me, and I'd appreciate any input, especially if any of you duders have been in similar situations.