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it's been a while...

I haven't had much time lately to blog. i've been kinda busy with a life and haven't had a new game to play with the exception of rag doll kung fu. this was a freebee from sony and i have to say it was well worth the price lol. it's fun to play and the way the charicters yell and move makes me laff. the AI cheats horribly and the sixaxis moves are off from time to time and there is no online vs mode. but my son in law and I have had a few laffs playing the dodge ball mode. i would recomend it to anyone.

I've also gotten back into playing Wipeout HD. (yes, thats how hard up and bored I am with my other games) they need a way to keep the hard core guys or newbies out of a room. seems like there is always a few 8 to 10 level guys in my room and one 30 level guy who just dominates. yeah, we get it guy! you get to play all day everyday now will you piss off and let us have a shot at victory?! go play with the other hardcore-no girlfriend having-jackoffs.  then i go back to single player race box. *sigh*

on the future front, man I am stoked for infamous. this game looks and plays awesome! the city looks better than GTA4! now this is a game i can deffently sink my teeth into! I DL the demo and I love the Karma aspect. I'll be a good guy round one then a bad guy BWAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! i love the wall crawling stuff, just like spiderman but without the webslinging. simply awesome game.