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Desire wakes up late longing to go back to sleep

where there is dreamless nights of black nothingness.

With the start of a new day Desire plans.

He plans for things he is going to say or do,

but he remains silent and does nothing.

Desire wants what might not happen.

He fears that She is to mature or old for him.

Desire is growing up, maturing, understanding.

He knows now what hes done

and asks for friends help to make him

who he wants to be.

Those friends are Loyalty, Determination, and Intuition.

Desire fears he is going a little insane.

With all this silence and needs to "explode"

Desire wants things to go back to

how they where, before we knew better

or what was good for us.

Desire sees the truth behind old heroes turned fakers

in the eyes of a now warped mind of normal activities

of the corrupt civilization's grasp on what is just and fair.

DesireĀ is lost and refuses to look for the path.

He will make his own and believes we need to

make due with what we have for it will never

be the same

But above all

Desire is




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Edited By d20bandit

Desire wakes up late longing to go back to sleep

where there is dreamless nights of black nothingness.

With the start of a new day Desire plans.

He plans for things he is going to say or do,

but he remains silent and does nothing.

Desire wants what might not happen.

He fears that She is to mature or old for him.

Desire is growing up, maturing, understanding.

He knows now what hes done

and asks for friends help to make him

who he wants to be.

Those friends are Loyalty, Determination, and Intuition.

Desire fears he is going a little insane.

With all this silence and needs to "explode"

Desire wants things to go back to

how they where, before we knew better

or what was good for us.

Desire sees the truth behind old heroes turned fakers

in the eyes of a now warped mind of normal activities

of the corrupt civilization's grasp on what is just and fair.

DesireĀ is lost and refuses to look for the path.

He will make his own and believes we need to

make due with what we have for it will never

be the same

But above all

Desire is
