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Gaming Nostalgia

Nostalgia.... What can you say about it... Some people love it, others hate it. Obviously that can be said about almost anything on the planet (strippers, booze, cat gifs, etc...) but this one always comes up now and then for me, especially when it comes to video games. I have decent collection of games and a huge backlog of games to play thanks to PS+ and PC games from Steam, Amazon, etc... but the thing is, I buy these games and probably will never play them. For example, I recently bought FF7 and FF8 on Steam and I was super pumped for it. So I go to play FF7 the other day and I'm struggling to play. There is no doubt that FF7 (and FF8) are great games and were loved as a kid but the feeling isn't the same anymore. Why is this? Why was this game good 15(ish) years ago, but not today.

I like to blame my lack of nostalgia love to me already experiencing these games. The fact that I know what's going to happen is probably the biggest turn off for me. I often think about this for games and movies but if I were able to forget about certain games or movies that I've consumed, well, that'd be great. However, that eliminates all nostalgia.

Anyways, I don't have much more to say on this. I just felt like typing something I guess. To whoever reads this (probably no one, or probably someone busting me for doing this at work), what are your feelings on nostalgia? Have you had similar experiences?