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Never-ending controversy surrounding video games (Homicide!!!)

It seems linking violent behaviors to video gaming has become really popular these days !!!

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We used to hear everything from aggression and sexual assault to riots and alcoholism being directly related to video games and now we can add homicide as well !!!

Breibart posted this moments ago :

(AP) - A judge Monday rejected the defense that a teenage boy opened fire on his family because he was addicted to video games, convicting him of wounding his clergyman father and killing his mother after they fought over a game. Lawyers for Daniel Petric, 17, didn't contest that the boy shot his parents in October 2007, but insisted his youth and video game addiction made him less responsible.

Common Pleas Judge James Burge disagreed and pointed to evidence the boy plotted the crime for weeks.

Daniel Petric , Left , 17 , faces a maximum possible penalty of life
Daniel Petric , Left , 17 , faces a maximum possible penalty of life

Petric was convicted of aggravated murder, attempted aggravated murder and other charges. He faces a maximum possible penalty of life in prison without parole. The judge didn't set a sentencing date.

Prosecutors said Petric planned to kill his parents because he was angry that his father would not allow him to play the video game "Halo 3," in which players shoot alien monsters that have taken over the Earth.

During the trial, deputy prosecuting attorney Anthony Cillo described Petric as a cold, calculating killer who plotted to murder his parents, Mark and Susan Petric, and make it appear to be a murder-suicide by putting the gun in his father's hand.

Defense Attorney James Kersey has said that Petric was obsessed with the "Halo" series of video games, which he played 18 hours a day when he had the chance. Petric used his father's key to open a lockbox and remove a 9 mm handgun and the game.

Mark Petric, who is a minister at New Life Assembly of God in , testified that his son came into the room and asked: "Would you guys close your eyes? I have a surprise for you."

The father testified that he expected a pleasant surprise. Then his head went numb from a gunshot and he survived. His wife, Susan, 43, died of gunshot wound to the head.

Kersey said during the trial that when the teenager fled the grisly scene, he only took one item with him: the "Halo 3" game. "

There you have it , a perfect opportunity for all the politicians to blame video games instead of their policies . after announcing the news co­n­g­re­s­s­ma­n­ Jo­e­ Ba­ca­ immediately in­tro­duce­d the le­g­is­la­tio­n bellow :

“We mus­t ho­­l­d the v­i­deo­­ ga­me i­ndus­tr­y­ a­cco­­unta­bl­e a­nd do­­ ev­er­y­thi­ng i­n o­­ur­ po­­wer­ to­­ ens­ur­e pa­r­ents­ a­r­e a­wa­r­e o­­f­ the detr­i­menta­l­ ef­f­ects­ tha­t v­i­o­­l­ent ga­mes­ ca­n ha­v­e bef­o­­r­e ma­ki­ng deci­s­i­o­­ns­ o­­n whi­ch ga­mes­ a­r­e a­ppr­o­­pr­i­a­te f­o­­r­ thei­r­ chi­l­dr­en to­­ pl­a­y­, I b­eliev­e­ that the Cons­um­­er Prod­uct S­afety­ Com­­m­­is­s­ion need­s­ to ins­titute a rule that all g­am­­es­ rated­ T or hig­her b­e lab­eled­ with the following­: “WARNING­: Exces­s­iv­e expos­ure to v­iolent v­id­eo g­am­­es­ and­ other v­iolent m­­ed­ia has­ b­een linked­ to ag­g­res­s­iv­e b­ehav­ior

I am speechless !!!


Blu-ray's DOUBTFUL future !!!

T his is somehow complicated for me because I am a huge fan of HD entertainment and found Blu-ray movies one of the best out there but What is Blu-ray ‘s future  ?

What is Blu-ray's future ? !!!
What is Blu-ray's future ? !!!










Blu-ray officially won the HD optical disk war to become the only HD-format available on the market . but can this format compete with online services  that provide downloadable HD movies or even the Good ol’ DVD  ?

Roger L. Kay, president of Endpoint Technologies Associates said."The Blu-ray format is in jeopardy simply because the advent of downloadable HD movies is so close,"

a research and consulting company told the New York Times. "Streaming video from the Internet and other means of direct digital delivery are going to put optical formats including Blu-ray out of business entirely over the next few years."

The current economical crisis does not make it any better  (according to CNN’s business report 2009 will be the worst  year for Americans in terms of finance )  .  consumers will be spending more and more of their money on basic necessities if the recession continues and fuel prices ever rise again . Many consumers may find that while they like entertainment, the older DVD format is enjoyable, costs much less and could be played on any TVs .

Currently the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) is predicting that North American consumers will spend $1.3 billion on Blu-ray players in 2009. Americans are still expected to purchase more standard DVD players next year than Blu-ray players. This is due to lack of knowledge and education on the new device, said the CEA.

Though the companies are still trying to establish this format as the best one by supporting it through debuting products and support for the BD Live feature , price cuts and so forth .

But is that enough ?

Considering the instant gratification from video on-demand and more cost-effective alternatives, Blu-ray may soon be singing the blues.


Grand Theft Auto teaches 6-year-old to steal a car and to drive

I have found an interesting news that may interest you as well

" After missing his school bus, the boy was so determined to get to school on time that he took the wheel of the family Ford and drove almost six miles towards school whilst his mother was still asleep.

they tell us that the event occurred on Monday morning 61 miles east of .

In his journey he passed several other vehicles, making 90-degree turns, passing two intersections and veering off the road numerous times at great speed.

At about a mile and a half from his school he decided to pass another intersection before noticing a tractor coming towards him. He quickly veered the car back into his lane, causing it to swerve out of control and hit the verge. The vehicle was severely damaged.

Grand Theft Auto = Controversy
Grand Theft Auto = Controversy

"He was very intent on getting to school," said Northumberland County Sheriff Chuck Wilkins. "When he got out of the car, he started walking to school. He did not want to miss breakfast and PE."


 Washington Post explains that Deputy Roger Briney arrived at the scene first. "He was crying, hysterical, not from any pain; he was just adrenalined up on fright," said Briney. The boy then began to walk away. Briney continues; "I said, 'Where are you going?' He said, 'My school's right over there. I'm late!'"

After being evaluated at a local hospital, the boy was taken to school and arrived shortly after lunch with only minor injuries.

When asked where he had learnt to drive, the boy said that playing Grand Theft Auto and Monster Jam video games had given him the necessary hands-on skills.

His parents were both charged with child endangerment. The father was released on a $5,000 bond, whereas the mother is still being held. The boy and his four-year-old brother were placed in protective custody.

"This really is a story of miracles," Sheriff Wilkins said. "The Lord was with him, along with everybody else on the highway."

What else did this child learn from Grand Theft Auto? "


biggest selling game of all-time

According to VG Chartz, who claim it has the most "accurate, up to date and comprehensive videogame charts in the world," Super Mario Bros. has lost its crown as the biggest selling game of all-time.

That plaudit has now been given to Nintendo's Wii Sports, which has now sold a staggering 40.52 million units since its release in 2006, creeping past the figure set by the mustached plumber.

Now that is how you capture the market !
Now that is how you capture the market !

the best selling game of all time list :
1- Wii Sports (Wii) - 40.52 m
2- Super Mario Bros (NES) - 40.24m
3- Pokemon Red / Green / Blue (Game Boy) - 31.38m
4- Tetris (Game Boy) - 30.26m
5- Duck Hunt (NES) - 28.31m
6-Pokemon Gold / Silver, (Game Boy) - 23.11m
7- Nintendogs (DS) - 21.37m
8- Super Mario World (SNES) - 20.61m
9- Wii Play (Wii) - 19.68m
10- Super Mario Land (Game Boy) - 18.14m
11- New Super Mario Bros (DS) - 18.14m
12 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) - 17.61m

2008 's Console sales-Nintendo rules, Microsoft wins, Sony tries-

2008 console sales were quite predictable .

world wide console sales up until now
world wide console sales up until now

As we already know Nintendo's Wii remains the runaway leader in the market, with more than 45 million units sold .

Microsoft sold 28 million units worldwide of its Xbox 360 video game console through the end of 2008, expanding the Xbox's lead over rival Sony's  PlayStation 3 console in worldwide unit sales, the company said on Monday.

Xbox 360 product management director Aaron Greenberg said 2008 "was our biggest year ever in Xbox history" despite a sluggish global economy that's battered retailers this past holiday season.

Rising unemployment and tighter credit have dented consumers' purchasing power and most retailers have posted dismal sales results in recent months.

Despite problems by some publishers, the video game industry overall has bucked the trend as market researcher NPD said video games sales rose 10 percent and totaled $2.91 billion in November, proving consumers were still spending on video games at the beginning of the holiday season despite the sour economy.    

Microsoft said global unit sales of the Xbox 360, which was launched about a year before the PS3, outpaced its rival by over 8 million units at the close of 2008.

Online consumer spending on Microsoft's Xbox Live online service increased 84 percent year-over-year and members of the Xbox Live community rose to over 17 million members at the end of 2008, the company said. Consumers have spent over $1 billion on Microsoft's Xbox Live online service since its launch for the 360 in 2005, according to Microsoft.

Greenberg noted "the $199 price point (of the Xbox 360) was really critical to our success this holiday." Microsoft cut the price of its entry-level console in September to $199, or $50 below Nintendo Co Ltd's Wii console.

Sony 's fiscal graph
Sony 's fiscal graph

PlayStation 3  could not  compete with the other current generation consoles though .

higher-priced PlayStation 3 struggled during the holiday season. But the growth seen by Nintendo and the Xbox 360 also seem to confirm the theory that video games, overall, are well-positioned to weather the global economic turmoil.

" We've had a solid holiday season and have delivered consistent growth throughout this year. 2008 was a pivotal year for PlayStation with the best software line up in the industry, a dramatic expansion of PlayStation Network including the launches of the video delivery service and the beta of the PlayStation Home, as well as extended hardware offerings with the PSP 3000 and Uncharted 160GB PS3 bundle. Early internal data points to an increase of more than 130 percent of PS3 hardware sales for the holiday season (since Black Friday) and we're also seeing a growth of nearly 40 percent in total PS3 hardware sales for the calendar year. We remain confident this momentum will continue into the new year." Said Ian Jackson, VP of Sales, Sony Computer Entertainment .


Tomb Raider's Lara Croft received SEVEN marriage proposals !!!

Alison Carroll
Alison Carroll















The newest Lara Croft model, Alison Carroll is starting to get famous , she has already received SEVEN marriage proposals from smitten fans around the world.

the scene is really smoking !
the scene is really smoking !

She told The sun : "I've had about seven marriage proposals.
I get handed all these little notes. In my holsters are these little pockets so I put them in there.
"People have given me things in French, German, all sorts of languages, but what they need to do is leave me a little photo. I see so many people, so with a photo I could remember them. I keep getting fan mail which is quite surreal.
"All the attention is strange but totally cool. It is really good fun."

Alison has travelled the globe in a whirlwind few months promoting the latest Tomb Raider: Underworld title. Although after these stunning shots, perhaps they should rename it Tomb Raider: Underwear. The adventure features Lara Croft swimming, which gave the developers the perfect excuse to get her into a bikini.

She said: "The bikini shoots were what I needed to get used to. I hadn't done those before becoming Lara so that was quite surreal. But now I am enjoying it."

Never imagined Lara Croft in this posture
Never imagined Lara Croft in this posture

For further information and an interview visit here

2009 preview (a quick look at upcoming titles )

Happy new year . today is officially the first day of the year 2009 .  after all been said and done during 2008 we are stepping into a year that is going to be as splendid as the year before . Wii will be there to make your grandpa play  video game for the first time as always , Xbox 360 and PS3 are now 3 and 2 year old consoles and that means the developers have tremendous amount of acquaintance with both consoles . 360s and PS3s will work at their extremity to deliver games at their finest .

Consoles , developing and technology

Each year bring with itself…….wait for it …….. a newer technology !!! and unlike many other entertainment medias , technology  has a direct impact on video games .

Now developers have gotten the hang of the so called hard to program PS3 and games on that system are starting to look and run as good as X360 games (if not better ) . also developers know that officially all of the X360 consumers are using NXE and specially the copy game to HDD functionality  and that means unofficial and unstated improved quality not only in loading times but also stability for X360 games with the HDD in mind .

PC gamers enjoy a new year more than anyone else since  high-end devices get cheaper and cheaper throughout time . nVidia Geforce 9800 GTX and 9800

nVidia Geforce 9800 GTX
nVidia Geforce 9800 GTX
GX2  that are now the top GPUs will provide true next-gen gaming with astonishing qualities . suffice to say that these cards let you run Crysis on maximum quality and maximum resolution with stable 60 FPS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .

2009 is going to be a better year for all three giant companies (Nintendo , Microsoft and Sony )  along with members of Giant Bomb !!!!!

Exclusive titles

Now lets take a look at the top exclusive titles for various consoles due in 2009 :

PlayStation 3 

In 2009 Sony 's PlayStaion 3 will satisfy the console owners with multiple superb exclusive titles.  With all these games , PS3 owners will find enough reason not to be hungry for more . believe it or not 2009 is PS3's year (at least in terms of exclusive titles ) . the year is filled with great games that attract anyone's attention ranging from the sequel to one of the best PS3 games “Uncharted  “ to Quantic Dream ‘s Heavy Rain the studio that brought you Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy) back in 2005 .    

Heavy Rain , exclusively on PS3
Heavy Rain , exclusively on PS3

Top 2009 exclusive titles

-Uncharted 2 : among thieves

-Killzone 2

-God of war 3


-Ratchet & Clank

-Heavy Rain

-White Knight Chronicles

-Yakuza 3




Xbox 360

Judging by the confirmed titles Xbox 360 will see less amount of exclusive titles compare to 2008 and 2007 .  though titles like GTAIV :Lost and damned are strong enough to compete with PS3 .

The biggest exclusive episode ?!!!
The biggest exclusive episode ?!!!

Top 2009 exclusive titles

-GTAIV :Lost and damned

-Halo Wars

-Ninja Blade

-Halo 3: ODST

-Ninety Nine Nights II

-Fallout 3 DLC

-Fable 2 DLC 

-: The Last Hope

-Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction

 although there are so many titles that are very likely to be released for X360 during 2009 but have not been confirmed yet   

Unconfirmed 2009 exclusive titles

-Alan Wake

will we see this game ?
will we see this game ?

-Forza 3

- 4

-Mass Effect 2

-All Points Bulletin


-Blue Dragon 2

-Prey 2

-Naruto 3

-Halo: Chronicles


we all know that Wii will be the winner of this year as well the next year as well as the year after the next year ………………..  so why should I explain anything ?!!!

Top  games ?

Do you really care about them being top or not ? you/your grandma / your girl friend / your 3 year old sister / your daddy …………   just pick one and play since they are all great right ? :P there is a list of all Wii games due in 2009 bellow :

Complete game list 


Another tool created by Nintendo (ah!!!! Nintendo ) to make your wallet empty . 2009 is going to be an spectacular year for DS considering the sheer number of games coming on this divine  handheld console !

I love Chinatown
I love Chinatown

Top 2009 games

-Grand Theft Auto: Wars

-Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time

-Pokemon Platinum

-Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon


-Suikoden Tierkreis

-Avalon Code

-Flower, Sun, and Rain: The Endless Park


Seeing DS as an undisputed rival , PSP will bring many great games that use the full 333 MHz clocked CPU power of the console . undoubtedly  Resistance:

Now that is a handheld game
Now that is a handheld game
Retribution will be the biggest PSP title of 2009 showing the ultimate  power of PSP  (something that DS lacks ) which will bring a qualified experience specially when you are in a crowded train playing this game proudly while someone else is picking your pocket .

Top 2009 titles 

-Resistance: Retribution

-Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero?

-Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

-Phantasy Star Portable

-Patapon 2

iPhone / iPod  !!! 

Now we should officially consider these devices some type of  video gaming console as well , their considerable quality and the relentless gaming industry is enough to make Apple slightly greedy . Apple would not mind earning some money by releasing attractive titles like Metal Gear Solid Touch on its !!!!platforms !!!!!  .   

Snake is now IN TOUCH with reality
Snake is now IN TOUCH with reality







There is a complete 2009 PC games preview that leaves nothing untold ( make sure to read the second part of the article as well )


Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII



Fortunately most of the 2009's titles are multi-platform and everyone could enjoy them . there are tons of  games to be named but I'd only name a few

Top Multi-platform 2009 games

- Final Fantasy XIII

Will this game become as popular as its predecessor ?
Will this game become as popular as its predecessor ?

- Resident Evil 5

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

- Wolfenstein

-BioShock 2

- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

-Mafia 2

- the Godfather II


-F.E.A.R 2 : Project origin

- Alpha Protocol

-Prince of 2 -unconfirmed -

- NHL 2010

Finally an original game !
Finally an original game !






So Bombers ,  get ready and save some money Cuz we are gonna have lots of fun !!!


Buy first think later (after Christmas sales)

Constant fall of DOW industrial average , various bailouts , job loss , terrible auto industry ,oil’s price drop ……. surprise , surprise …….America is in recession !!!!!!! (who knew ?!!!! )  but even recession sometimes could be beneficial  .

let's buy
let's buy

due to the current economical crisis the sales (specially Christmas sales ) were significantly lower than previous years and based on a report from CNN the shopping lists were noticeably shorter during Christmas sales . 

oh really ?!!
oh really ?!!









                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the aforementioned story has contributed to a very heavy discount for all merchandise .

 so you should consider the after Christmas sales as an opportunity to buy goods including video games (specially the older games)  for cheap .

I wish it was 100 % off
I wish it was 100 % off


Braid on PC ( February – March 2009)

Moments ago N4G posted an article saying that the critically acclaimed XBLA  Braid will be published for PC around February – March of 2009 .

"Braid will be coming to PC hopefully February or March 2009.I am also  looking into making a Mac version of the game and possibly a PS3 version". Said the game’s creator Jonathan Blow   

Ryan Davis : Braid asks that you forget everything you know about time .
Ryan Davis : Braid asks that you forget everything you know about time .


800 Xbox Live Point Cards

According to gamertell you can now purchase 800 Xbox Live Point Cards for $9.99 from various retailers

800 Xbox Live point card
800 Xbox Live point card

Ever want to buy something on Xbox Live Arcade that costs only 800 Microsoft points but you lack a credit card to get more points directly and dreaded spending the extra dough on a 1600 Microsoft point card that’s just 800 points too many? Never fear little precise friend.

Microsoft is beginning to roll out 800 Point cards to retailers at a reasonable (depending on what you consider the value of virtual “point” to be) cost of just $9.99.

So now you have your brick-and-mortar options between a $19.99 1600 point card and a $9.99 800 Point card.

In these trying times, it’s nice to know that the big guys are watching out for my thinning wallet. Sure they are still taking my money but at least I have the option to save a little, especially if I’m just buying a stocking stuffer (hint, hint) for a bratty nephew.